Storming the Capitol


Legio patria nostra
Failed is correct. It was not bloodless.
I knew someone would not know what I was talking about.
The phrase has nothing to do with innocent people being murdered, rather it is the method by which the government is seized...
I'm sure your USAF experience washing GPU's exposed you to many of them in where....Nebraska?


Strength through joy
Almost one year later and the FBI still is waiting for your help.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Jim Jones didn't pull the trigger on Rep. Ryan and his party and didn't die by drinking the Kool-aid, but he is forever linked to the event. Some say he was even responsible.


Strength through joy
In their :censored2:ing dreams.
Do your public service, look at all the photos and then compare them to known democratic operatives.
Then contact the FBI ( anonymously ) and suggest that they are the ones in the photos.
Nothing upsets a democratic operative more than finding out the FBI is watching them.


Inordinately Right
As traitors should be. Lol