Storming the Capitol


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
January 6th...
A disciplined militia of schizophrenics, vagrants, idiots, and loons staged a well planned attack on the Capital in order to carry out their well laid plans to run around aimlessly inside for several hours. Oh the humanity!
After months and months of inciting racial violence, distorting and lying about isolated incidents that represented nothing, the Democrats finally discovered a riot they didn't like. It is such a crock of s:censored2:t.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
LOL. Nice.

"The House select committee investigating January 6 has stood down on its requests for some documents from the Trump White House, after the Biden administration convinced the panel to scale back its pursuits."

"It's the first time the Biden administration appears to have pushed back significantly against the House select committee"


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
LOL. Nice.

"The House select committee investigating January 6 has stood down on its requests for some documents from the Trump White House, after the Biden administration convinced the panel to scale back its pursuits."

"It's the first time the Biden administration appears to have pushed back significantly against the House select committee"
Because they know when the house flips, they’ll be the ones getting subpoena’s


Well-Known Member
Traitors don't have rights. They have an appointment with the hangman.
Tell me something...if a president says the military won't leave until every American is out then proceeds to leave, return, then ultimately leave hundreds of Americans stranded, not to mention thousands of allies we promised to protect, is he a traitor? Seriously, did he betray his fellow citizens? What price should he pay for doing so? With all the ragging you do on Trump are you willing to go after your Democratic president for turning his back on fellow Americans? If not then all your opinions don't matter at all.


Strength through joy
  • Ray Epps, a Marine veteran, was seen in video urging a group of Trump supporters in Washington DC to 'go into the Capitol' on January 5 and 6
  • located Epps, 60, who is at the center of a conspiracy theory alleging he was an FBI plant sent to help incite the deadly riot
  • Epps is the former president of the largest chapter of the far-right anti- government militia group the Oath Keepers
  • His alleged involvement in the deadly insurrection was highlighted in the DOJ's House Judiciary Committee oversight hearing in October
  • U.S Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) showed video clips of Epps repeatedly encouraging protestors on the streets of DC to 'go into' the Capitol
  • Epps was seen addressing supporters on the street on January 5 saying: 'I'm probably going to go to jail for it, OK? Tomorrow, we need to go into the Capitol'
  • There is no evidence that Epps, a sergeant in the military, ever entered the building himself and he was never arrested in connection to the siege
  • He was also spotted in footage at the first barrier to fall to rioters as it was breached at 12:50pm
  • And he was named Suspect 16 when the FBI published images in its Capitol Violence Most Wanted list of people to identify two days after the insurrection


I'm a star


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Donald Trump is holding a press conference on Thursday, the one-year anniversary of the Capitol riot.
The media is salivating over the prospect he will justify the criminal action in some way. Get ready.


Legio patria nostra
Meanwhile, the democrats are preparing for the celebration of the failed bloodless coup in a few days.
The “news” is filled with embellished reminders of just how close the country was to a takeover by a few hundred people armed with flags, water bottles, backpacks….
It’s sad that there will probably be more time spent on this nonsense than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor combined.
The enemy is definitely within…

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Meanwhile, the democrats are preparing for the celebration of the failed bloodless coup in a few days.
The “news” is filled with embellished reminders of just how close the country was to a takeover by a few hundred people armed with flags, water bottles, backpacks….
It’s sad that there will probably be more time spent on this nonsense than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor combined.
The enemy is definitely within…
Failed is correct. It was not bloodless.