Storming the Capitol


Strength through joy
I question how the gov't complied their intelligence.
The accused were using Signal message encryption protocol the gold standard of privacy.
And they all had coded ids.

Not mentioned in the indictment were the coded ids each person used, instead the gov't just inserted the accused names.
This could hamper the gov't's case.
Many can claim that the gov't identified the wrong person.


Well-Known Member
I haven’t seen the evidence against the men and I know the feds have a lot of nasty habits when it comes to getting their convictions like trying to have these men plea out and turn on each other.
I just don’t know enough about this group or their ideology to just instantly hop to their defense because we agree on the 2020 election being a sham process rigged by democrats.
I believe some charged were probably legitimately so. I saw the guys dressed in military gear entering the capital using military tactics. the feds are saying they were part of the oath keepers group.
at the same time we know of at least one federal agent that was dressed as a trump supporter trying to rouse the rabble.


Well-Known Member
I haven’t seen the evidence against the men and I know the feds have a lot of nasty habits when it comes to getting their convictions like trying to have these men plea out and turn on each other.
I just don’t know enough about this group or their ideology to just instantly hop to their defense because we agree on the 2020 election being a sham process rigged by democrats.
u live in an alt reality

show me any election where a recession started and the president was re-elected...


Well-Known Member
patriot act was sold on the promise that this technology would not be used to spy on americans. Now any transaction over 600 is reported to the IRS. If you're not nervous you should be.
right wing didnt stop it.

left wing very weak.

snowden warned you again. many right wingers wanted to shoot the messenger.