Storming the Capitol


Strength through joy
pardon me officially it was 15% but in reality it was much higher bc of the way reagan and clinton manipulated the numbers.
What recession ?
Those years were some of my best work times, lots of hours.
And everywhere I had to travel, the roads were constantly filled with other vehicles.


Strength through joy
The word insurrection is a legal term.
Under federal law it’s a crime to incite or engage in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the U.S. or its laws. Black’s Law Dictionary defines insurrection as “a violent revolt against oppressive authority.” It is to be distinguished from a mob or riot based on organization of an armed uprising. Mobs and riots can involve unlawful and violent acts, but they aren’t necessarily insurrections. A revolt is an act to overthrow the government. Insurrection, therefore, requires an organized group that plans an attack to overthrow the government.

Historically, Shays’ Rebellion (1786-1787), the Whiskey Rebellion (1790), and Fries Rebellion (1799) were actual acts of insurrection.
Post-Civil War, the Wilmington Insurrection (1898) is by far worse than Jan. 6. Another one, the Battle of Athens, TN (1946), involved local armed WWII GIs taking over the town, forcing the corrupt sheriff to hide in the jail clinging to the election ballot boxes, until he finally surrendered and the GIs’ candidate won the election. There were the L.A. riots of 1992.

And the BLM riots during the summer of 2020 caused 18 deaths, over $1 billion dollars in damage, including federal and state buildings, and in some cities sovereign nations were declared.


Strength through joy
The last successful convictions for seditious conspiracy stemmed from the storming of the Capitol in 1954 when four Puerto Rican nationalists opened fire on the House floor, wounding five representatives.
The last sedition case was filed in 2010 against members of a Michigan militia.
Two years later, they were acquitted by a judge who said their hateful diatribes didn’t prove they ever had detailed plans for a rebellion.


Well-Known Member
That's interesting. How is it that a full year went by without this coming out and only minor charges were given? If the above is true and not fabricated then how is it only a handful were charged with sedition? And do you believe that a handful of middle aged and elderly men, armed or not, could overthrow the government? Pardon my skepticism but we're talking about a government that showed up at an old man's house armed to the teeth and had coordinated with CNN to be there with cameras rolling. Same government that repeatedly lied to the FISA court to get warrants to illegally spy on a presidential campaign and then on a duly elected president. That concocted a false narrative about that president that greatly divided the country. Those guys didn't show up on January 6th out of the blue. They were driven to it by people like you who portrayed them for years as nutjobs who didn't have a clue about how a country is properly run. People like you who are actively seeking to turn this country into a one party state and shut them out of the political process. Fortunately we have a system of checks and balances put in by the Founding Fathers you despise that keeps that sort of thing from happening. That and your own party's ineptitude at actually running the country will insure that eventually things will be righted, no pun intended. But in the meantime how badly will this country be damaged by your party's avarice? Keep clinging to this insurrection narrative instead of actually doing something that will help the middle class. You're digging your own grave and are too arrogant to realize it.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
And the BLM riots during the summer of 2020 caused 18 deaths, over $1 billion dollars in damage, including federal and state buildings, and in some cities sovereign nations were declared.

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines treason as “the betrayal of allegiance toward one’s own country…

From a layman’s perspective, those who declared sovereignty committed treason.

Where’s the prosecution?


Legio patria nostra
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language defines treason as “the betrayal of allegiance toward one’s own country…

From a layman’s perspective, those who declared sovereignty committed treason.

Where’s the prosecution?
Just like Big Game Fishing….
You don’t let out too much line at first.

How else can they drag this out until Nov 2024?

Besides their TDS, what else do they actually have….

Oh wait! They make :censored2: up!


I'm a star

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Crenshaw is unlikely to do well in a national election.

View attachment 368017

What will it take for Trump to finally be declared a RINO?

"Trump, who was booed last month by supporters after revealing he had gotten a booster shot, has become increasingly vocal in calling out those who have questioned the vaccines’ efficacy and safety. It’s a change in posture for Trump as he eyes another run for the White House and faces potential competition from a long list of possible Republican challengers.

Even though the vaccines were developed during the Trump administration, they remain deeply unpopular with large segments of the Republican base, fueled in part by rampant disinformation. Trump, while in office, consistently downplayed the risk posed by COVID-19 and he received his vaccine privately, even as other members of his administration were inoculated in public to help boost confidence in the shots."


I'm a star
What will it take for Trump to finally be declared a RINO?

"Trump, who was booed last month by supporters after revealing he had gotten a booster shot, has become increasingly vocal in calling out those who have questioned the vaccines’ efficacy and safety. It’s a change in posture for Trump as he eyes another run for the White House and faces potential competition from a long list of possible Republican challengers.

Even though the vaccines were developed during the Trump administration, they remain deeply unpopular with large segments of the Republican base, fueled in part by rampant disinformation. Trump, while in office, consistently downplayed the risk posed by COVID-19 and he received his vaccine privately, even as other members of his administration were inoculated in public to help boost confidence in the shots."

The rampant disinformation is that the vaccines are safe and effective. Trump will likely lose his base if he doesn't give up trying to take credit for a crappy gene therapy. The word is that he's actually set his ego aside, and didn't talk about the vaccine at his rally today, but did pat himself on the back for pushing for treatments. I'm sure he's pandering, but it creates a bit of a paradox. I think he truly believed he was playing his base like a fiddle, and he could play any song he wanted. I didn't think it was possible that he could admit a mistake, and the mistake he is admitting to by pandering is not about the vaccine, but that his beliefs of his relationship to his base was flawed. We'll see if he gets the nomination, or if someone more appealing runs.


Staff member
that is the dnc spin

again if that is a legitimate claim than why was no one charged with insurrection?
I think what’s more interesting is that the definition of insurrection doesn’t mention being armed. If that’s the case, could there be such a thing as cyber insurrection? Or is that what the Cyber Ninjas were looking for?


Well-Known Member
I think what’s more interesting is that the definition of insurrection doesn’t mention being armed. If that’s the case, could there be such a thing as cyber insurrection? Or is that what the Cyber Ninjas were looking for?
if this is insurrection then where are the charges of insurrection? clearly its impossible to insurrect without weapons. anything cyber would be conspiracy. Without an organized effort to insurrect its nothing more than a bunch of loud mouths talking crap.
so now after a year of many investigations they have taken some of the oath keepers and a few others and charged them with a lesser form of conspiracy.

take it down to a lesser level. I think I've seen every controversial public figure claim to have their life threatened online yet few if any of those who post those threats have ever been charged.

the fact remains that the concept of insurrection on january 6th is a political term and not a legal definition.


Well-Known Member
I think what’s more interesting is that the definition of insurrection doesn’t mention being armed. If that’s the case, could there be such a thing as cyber insurrection? Or is that what the Cyber Ninjas were looking for?
She was willing but I had an insurrection.