Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
I’m sure that’s his goofy rationale. But just like Trump policies didn’t cause the pandemic and world economic slowdown, Biden policies didn’t cause inflation and $5 per gallon gas. But one would need to be objective and paying attention to global interconnectedness to understand that.

Or less of a hyper partisan.
Then Biden should reverse his policies and see if it truly doesn't help or if it'll bring prices down.


Well-Known Member
How come Trump never accomplished doubling of the gas prices while in office.
Old Joe has done it.

On the week that Joe Biden was sworn in as president, the average price of gas was $2.38 per gallon. That price has doubled over Biden’s tenure, shooting up Friday to an all-time record high of $4.76.
I can just hear Biden cackling with glee as he turns the knob on his desk and raises prices just to make us miserable.


Well-Known Member
I can just hear Biden cackling with glee as he turns the knob on his desk and raises prices just to make us miserable.
thats a silly argument but typical of liberal hysteria.

It wasn't a knob it was an ink pen that he used to severly restrict oil production on day one.
and yes I'm sure he laughed with glee along with his eco nazi's that support him.
most presidents with a lick of sense would at least meet with domestic oil producers and try to do something to show that he cares that people are paying too much for gas.
instead he refuses to do so. his representatives laugh when asked what they can do to make it better.

you can try to dismiss that concern with nonsense but the voters get a constant reminder everytime they fill up.


I'm a star
thats a silly argument but typical of liberal hysteria.

It wasn't a knob it was an ink pen that he used to severly restrict oil production on day one.
and yes I'm sure he laughed with glee along with his eco nazi's that support him.
most presidents with a lick of sense would at least meet with domestic oil producers and try to do something to show that he cares that people are paying too much for gas.
instead he refuses to do so. his representatives laugh when asked what they can do to make it better.

you can try to dismiss that concern with nonsense but the voters get a constant reminder everytime they fill up.

Remember, it's corporate greed that drives oil prices, and apparently they only get greedy when democrats enact anti-working class policies. Odd how that works.


Well-Known Member
thats a silly argument but typical of liberal hysteria.

It wasn't a knob it was an ink pen that he used to severly restrict oil production on day one.
and yes I'm sure he laughed with glee along with his eco nazi's that support him.
most presidents with a lick of sense would at least meet with domestic oil producers and try to do something to show that he cares that people are paying too much for gas.
instead he refuses to do so. his representatives laugh when asked what they can do to make it better.

you can try to dismiss that concern with nonsense but the voters get a constant reminder everytime they fill up.
Are you talking Keystone?


Well-Known Member
Are you talking Keystone?
among other phases of his oil policy Including the freezing of oil exploration, increase regulatory hurdles , freeze drilling on federal lands as well as Alaska.

I don't know if you live in a bubble but Biden has taken direct action to slow drilling in this country. The fed has the power to do so.

Instead of meeting with domestic oil developers as Trump did often Biden will now fly to Saudi Arabia and beg them to produce more.


Well-Known Member
among other phases of his oil policy Including the freezing of oil exploration, increase regulatory hurdles , freeze drilling on federal lands as well as Alaska.

I don't know if you live in a bubble but Biden has taken direct action to slow drilling in this country. The fed has the power to do so.

Instead of meeting with domestic oil developers as Trump did often Biden will now fly to Saudi Arabia and beg them to produce more.
I don't think Biden is great and that he has bungled segments of our energy policy.

But again: are you blaming some of this price increase on the Keystone XL shutdown?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I don't think Biden is great and that he has bungled segments of our energy policy.

But again: are you blaming some of this price increase on the Keystone XL shutdown?
Any shutdown, or restrictions on the production of oil results in increased costs for energy, regardless of where that production was intended to end up.

It’s called the Law of Supply and Demand.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
‘Miranda’ Rights?

What ‘Rights’ did not exist prior to Miranda?

The Miranda ‘Warning’ is a court ordered requirement to advise someone being arrested of their rights under the U.S. Constitution.

It does not convey any additional rights, it only informs.

Good job, @BlackFriday .

Much better said. I am far from any sort of intellectual. I rely on correction from those better informed. I'm only someone that loves my country and anyone that does not I'm pleased to engage with. I try my best and I'm fairly confident that I know right from wrong.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Biden is great and that he has bungled segments of our energy policy.

But again: are you blaming some of this price increase on the Keystone XL shutdown?
I blame Joe's anti oil policy which includes the keystone pipeline as symptoms and indicators of that policy.


Well-Known Member
Will you PLEASE stop with all your logical thinking!
Its strange to see people try to feign ignorance.

bidens anti oil policy has been loudly pronounced by him. His anti oil actions are there for everyone to see.
His solutions do not include any recommendations or efforts to increase domestic oil production.

yet some pretend or argue that he has no liability.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.

The Constitutional Amendments Protecting Privacy​

US Supreme Court precedent has held that the right to privacy comes from the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. The First Amendment protects the right to speak freely, assemble peacefully, and worship according to individual choice. The Third Amendment prohibits the government from forcing individuals to quarter, house, or feed soldiers. The Fourth Amendment prevents the government from unreasonably searching or seizing an individual or an individual’s property. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments provide due process of law before the government can deprive an individual of life, liberty, or property. The Ninth Amendment states that rights not explicitly set forth in the Constitution may still exist. Taken together, these amendments indicate that the Constitution was written to erect a barrier between individuals and an overly intrusiveand regulatory government

It’s true is not explicitly mentioned. But your right to privacy is littered throughout the constitution.
I was just trying to get him to read it.


Well-Known Member
The cancelled Keystone XL wouldn't have been done for a couple of years. And it wouldn't have added any capacity/put more oil on the market and lowered prices. The oil is already getting moved by other Keystone phases, by truck or by train.

Plus the oil from the Keystone XL was going to get put on tankers and set overseas to other refineries as the refineries in Texas don't handle the cruddy oil very well. It wasn't going to end up in our cars,


I'm a star
The cancelled Keystone XL wouldn't have been done for a couple of years. And it wouldn't have added any capacity/put more oil on the market and lowered prices. The oil is already getting moved by other Keystone phases, by truck or by train.

Plus the oil from the Keystone XL was going to get put on tankers and set overseas to other refineries as the refineries in Texas don't handle the cruddy oil very well. It wasn't going to end up in our cars,

Not sending it via pipelines increases the cost of production, which means OPEC can raise their rates. They clearly aren't afraid of Biden, so they will charge whatever they want, as long as we are sanctioning Russia and Venezuela told us to take a hike. It's all connected.