Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
Look at all your exclamation points. And you call me the emotional one? And to speak of any political leader with such awe and adoration the way you do really does lend credence to the suggestion that the Republican Party has become an unhinged cult.
he speaks of trumps accomplishments and the fact Biden is screwing the pooch on everything.
generally when you respond to that comment you could either argue why you think Trump did not do as well or biden is doing better than he thinks.
Instead you chose to talk about exclamation points?


Staff member
he speaks of trumps accomplishments and the fact Biden is screwing the pooch on everything.
generally when you respond to that comment you could either argue why you think Trump did not do as well or biden is doing better than he thinks.
Instead you chose to talk about exclamation points?
Actually I think I addressed both those things in a reply to @Thebrownblob soon after that because he approached the topic in a more rational manner.

And yes, he accused me of being irrational and emotional about Biden when it’s clear that he was overly excited about the former president and his “greatness”.


Well-Known Member
I’m sure that’s his goofy rationale. But just like Trump policies didn’t cause the pandemic and world economic slowdown, Biden policies didn’t cause inflation and $5 per gallon gas. But one would need to be objective and paying attention to global interconnectedness to understand that.

Or less of a hyper partisan.
the counter argument to that would be that Biden has restricted gas /oil exploration. He increased regulatory restrictions to increasing oil production and stopped pipelines.
Trump was an ass and this is where he was best. We would have the pipeline, we wouldnt have the added restrictions on development and trump would be beating on the oil companies to produce more.
Trump also has his relationships with the oil barons and would have been able to get OPEC to produce more.
Did i mention that Trump was right when he told europe they were beholden to Russian oil?

I actually agree that post pandemic trump would still have had some inflation. market conditions dictate that but you cant deny that Trump would be doing a hell of a lot more about it and would have better results.

Biden is talking about raising taxes on the rich and not talking about increasing oil production. the dems answer to someone that cant afford 5 dollar a gallon gas is to buy a 50000 dollar electric car.

I'm shocked you cant see that.


Well-Known Member
I don’t really get that. Unless Biden were somehow able to have federal takeover of oil companies (the way Russia and Saudi Arabia do) there little he can do to influence simple supply and demand of that economy. Inflation? That’s a global phenomena right now also.

And I always cringe when those on the right disparage the “left wing media”. President Trump had entire networks trumpeting his praise whenever and wherever he wanted. I believe one of them even boasts as being “the most watched news channel”.
biden restrictions on development

Trump deregulate .

Oil prices are at an all time profitable level. every Oil company wants to cash in on those prices. Biden is strangling them with regulations and road blocks.


Staff member
biden restrictions on development

Trump deregulate .

Oil prices are at an all time profitable level. every Oil company wants to cash in on those prices. Biden is strangling them with regulations and road blocks.
I don’t think a pipeline or lease halt has anything to do with oil prices whatsoever. Those restrictions are a complete nothing for years down the road.


One does not need to be an ass named Trump to put pressure on OPEC. Seems almost as if they simply realize it’s in their own best interest.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think a pipeline or lease halt has anything to do with oil prices whatsoever. Those restrictions are a complete nothing for years down the road.


One does not need to be an ass named Trump to put pressure on OPEC. Seems almost as if they simply realize it’s in their own best interest.
not true the pipeline would have been in place by now. restrictions are stopping the development of existing oil permits that would be producing by now.

Biden cant even get OPEC to return his call. Trump got them to produce more every time he asked.

US was producing 1.5 million more barrels a day under Trump.
you're trying to defend Biden incompetence here.


Inordinately Right
But just like Trump policies didn’t cause the pandemic and world economic slowdown, Biden policies didn’t cause inflation and $5 per gallon gas.
Of course not.

Joe Biden has dementia, he's not running his administration. It's left wing policies that are responsible.

But one would need to be objective and paying attention to history and basic economics to understand that.

Or less of a hyper partisan.


Well-Known Member
I don’t really get that. Unless Biden were somehow able to have federal takeover of oil companies (the way Russia and Saudi Arabia do) there little he can do to influence simple supply and demand of that economy. Inflation? That’s a global phenomena right now also.

And I always cringe when those on the right disparage the “left wing media”. President Trump had entire networks trumpeting his praise whenever and wherever he wanted. I believe one of them even boasts as being “the most watched news channel”.
How about Biden escalating a war instead of pushing for peace agreement. Ukrainians fighting to the death only guaranteed their death. And the world in turmoil. Whether we like it or not Russia is not leaving Ukraine. Everyone knew it the answer was peace negotiations. But Biden has never seen a war he did not love, or at least say he did it first and then lied later. And I assume you mean Fox which I find humorous. They have a couple shows that are not news but opinion shows that could be considered conservative right leaning. So you just told me about her one news channel with 25 to 30% of their programming. Probably accounts for about 5% of all news outlets. What about the other 95%. The fact that it’s the most watched both irrelevant and enlightening to the fact that people are sick of the one-sided News media.



Staff member
not true the pipeline would have been in place by now. restrictions are stopping the development of existing oil permits that would be producing by now.

Biden cant even get OPEC to return his call. Trump got them to produce more every time he asked.

US was producing 1.5 million more barrels a day under Trump.
you're trying to defend Biden incompetence here.
Incorrect and should you look into the context of everything you’ve said you’ll know it to be incorrect.


Staff member
How about Biden escalating a war instead of pushing for peace agreement. Ukrainians fighting to the death only guaranteed their death. And the world and turmoil. Whether we like it or not Russia is not leaving Ukraine. Everyone knew it the answer was peace negotiations. But Biden has never seen a war he did not love, or at least say he did it first and then lied later. And I assume you mean Fox which I find humorous. They have a couple shows that are not news but opinion shows that could be considered conservative right leaning. So you just told me about her one news channel with 25 to 30% of their programming. Probably accounts for about 5% of all news outlets. What about the other 95%. The fact that it’s the most watched both irrelevant and enlightening to the fact that people are sick of the one-sided News media.

I actually do like what Biden has done with Russia. And I like it mostly because it’s a concerted western effort.

And you think Russia is winning in Ukraine? Really? I wonder if Putin believes that.


Well-Known Member
I actually do like what Biden has done with Russia. And I like it mostly because it’s a concerted western effort.

And you think Russia is winning in Ukraine? Really? I wonder if Putin believes that.
Russia had a lot of setbacks and losses initially. most western media sources are now reporting that Russia is slowly making progress in this phase of the war. Russia being able to solidify their land bridge recently has helped them in their resupply efforts which was an issue initially.


Well-Known Member
I actually do like what Biden has done with Russia. And I like it mostly because it’s a concerted western effort.

And you think Russia is winning in Ukraine? Really? I wonder if Putin believes that.

Lol winning? I guess it would be what you define winning. A destroyed Ukraine is hardly winning. For either side but they’re going to get what they want because they have what the world needs. Putin doesn’t care if he hurt his own people, or other people around the world. Apparently neither does Biden.


Staff member

Lol winning? I guess it would be what you define winning. A destroyed Ukraine is hardly winning. For either side but they’re going to get what they want because they have what the world needs. Putin doesn’t care if he hurt his own people, or other people around the world. Apparently neither does Biden.
Sweden and Finland want to join NATO. Putin was already the richest man in the world. Now he’s putting his neck in a geopolitical noose.


Well-Known Member
Sweden and Finland want to join NATO. Putin was already the richest man in the world. Now he’s putting his neck in a geopolitical noose.
Turks dont seem to want them in Nato.

Russia is still a member of everything important. The elites will welcome them back with open arms and grovel at their feet when this little distraction is done.


Strength through joy
How come Trump never accomplished doubling of the gas prices while in office.
Old Joe has done it.

On the week that Joe Biden was sworn in as president, the average price of gas was $2.38 per gallon. That price has doubled over Biden’s tenure, shooting up Friday to an all-time record high of $4.76.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
Sweden and Finland want to join NATO. Putin was already the richest man in the world. Now he’s putting his neck in a geopolitical noose.
Dude! Get out while you can still stand up! Your arguments are pitiful! You haven't delivered a single substantive argument in this thread. In reality your arguments have sunk your battleship!
"I actually like what Biden's done in Russia"
Holy cow!


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
That’s an interesting idea but history doesn’t really back it up does it? Miranda rights are relatively new. Not sure how easy or difficult it would have been to get a warrant in 1900 or if it would have been a big deal.

There is no such thing as Miranda "rights".
Why do you continually prove your own incompatibility with clear thought.
Take a break and come back better. Continually being owned has to weigh on you greatly. Don't be a middle school girl. Move on/up PLEASE!

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
There is no such thing as Miranda "rights".
Why do you continually prove your own incompatibility with clear thought.
Take a break and come back better. Continually being owned has to weigh on you greatly. Don't be a middle school girl. Move on/up PLEASE!
‘Miranda’ Rights?

What ‘Rights’ did not exist prior to Miranda?

The Miranda ‘Warning’ is a court ordered requirement to advise someone being arrested of their rights under the U.S. Constitution.

It does not convey any additional rights, it only informs.

Good job, @BlackFriday .