Storming the Capitol


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The Constitutional Amendments Protecting Privacy​

US Supreme Court precedent has held that the right to privacy comes from the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. The First Amendment protects the right to speak freely, assemble peacefully, and worship according to individual choice. The Third Amendment prohibits the government from forcing individuals to quarter, house, or feed soldiers. The Fourth Amendment prevents the government from unreasonably searching or seizing an individual or an individual’s property. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments provide due process of law before the government can deprive an individual of life, liberty, or property. The Ninth Amendment states that rights not explicitly set forth in the Constitution may still exist. Taken together, these amendments indicate that the Constitution was written to erect a barrier between individuals and an overly intrusiveand regulatory government

It’s true is not explicitly mentioned. But your right to privacy is littered throughout the constitution.
And is what's used as justification for abortion. But I was directly responding to someone who said it's in the Constitution explicitly. As for the Patriot Act apparently your implicit right to privacy doesn't preclude it.


Well-Known Member
And is what's used as justification for abortion. But I was directly responding to someone who said it's in the Constitution explicitly. As for the Patriot Act apparently your implicit right to privacy doesn't preclude it
So you site one bad interpretation for another? Contrary to popular belief the Supreme Court is not the law of the land they don’t make law they only do give decisions. Many presidents have ignored supreme court because they have no power. It was never a secret that Roe v. Wade would be overturned eventually because it’s a bad opinion. Definitely not constitutional or law.
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I'm a star

The Constitutional Amendments Protecting Privacy​

US Supreme Court precedent has held that the right to privacy comes from the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. The First Amendment protects the right to speak freely, assemble peacefully, and worship according to individual choice. The Third Amendment prohibits the government from forcing individuals to quarter, house, or feed soldiers. The Fourth Amendment prevents the government from unreasonably searching or seizing an individual or an individual’s property. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments provide due process of law before the government can deprive an individual of life, liberty, or property. The Ninth Amendment states that rights not explicitly set forth in the Constitution may still exist. Taken together, these amendments indicate that the Constitution was written to erect a barrier between individuals and an overly intrusiveand regulatory government

It’s true is not explicitly mentioned. But your right to privacy is littered throughout the constitution.

The constitution was never meant to enumerate all our rights. The drafters never envisioned anyone ever suggesting something as absurd as the idea that we have no right to privacy. It literally went without saying that we do.


Well-Known Member
So you site one bad interpretation for another? Contrary to popular belief the Supreme Court is not the law of the land they don’t make law they only do give decisions. Many presidents have ignored supreme court because they have no power. It was never a secret that Roe v. Wade would be overturned eventually because it’s a bad opinion. Definitely not constitutional or law.
Nope, just saying that the Constitution doesn't explicitly give a right to privacy and when we delve into what it implies all kinds of things crop up. And that it's being said you have a right to privacy where the Patriot Act is concerned but to date no court, Supreme or otherwise, has struck it down. And Roe was never a secret? Almost 50 years later we're getting it struck down because we finally have enough conservative justices with a spine. It was bad law for all that time but there's more to it than being a bad law. It takes political will and courage.


Well-Known Member
Nope, just saying that the Constitution doesn't explicitly give a right to privacy and when we delve into what it implies all kinds of things crop up. And that it's being said you have a right to privacy where the Patriot Act is concerned but to date no court, Supreme or otherwise, has struck it down. And Roe was never a secret? Almost 50 years later we're getting it struck down because we finally have enough conservative justices with a spine. It was bad law for all that time but there's more to it than being a bad law. It takes political will and courage.
It’s not a law it was a ruling, a bad one. Even if it goes away it does not outlaw abortion unfortunately. It’s a state‘s rights issue.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
This idiot thinks we're all as stupid as he is.
I'm sure there are plenty of people that have backtracked on all the changes maroon-in-Chief has made that got us into this :censored2:ing situation.

Of course there's nothing he can do.! This is what he's always done. NOTHING!

To be honest, if you’re asking me if I prefer him over Trump, I’m going to respond in the affirmative.

Well that's not a surprise. You would SERIOUSLY choose Hitler over trump. You're an emotional thinker and a person that would never engage in a debate. You are a weak willy Democrat that wouldn't vote for a non Democrat if your entire family depended on it!
Tell me where Biden has done better than Trump? Trump was the MOST outstanding POTUS in decades and has the record to prove it. There is absolutely no LOGICAL reasoning that anyone can use to show that Biden could lick the bottom of Trump's shoes! Hes, by far and away, the absolute worst excuse for a POTUS EVER! His entire career has been based on taking from America! He is a total scum dwelling toucher of females and sniffer of hair! How in God's name can you put an atom worth of support behind this evil cheating scum wad! I don't get it even a tiny bit!


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
Amendment IV
(Privacy of the Person and Possessions)
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

This is yet another CA that's been trampled upon. One FISA warrant gives the government the power to look into privacy of anyone who's name appears in the history of the person the warrant was originally issued against. Unbelievable. Might as well take the constitution and shove it up camel toes penis.


nowhere special
Amendment IV
(Privacy of the Person and Possessions)
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

This is yet another CA that's been trampled upon. One FISA warrant gives the government the power to look into privacy of anyone who's name appears in the history of the person the warrant was originally issued against. Unbelievable. Might as well take the constitution and shove it up camel toes penis.
Orange Man Bad

Say no more


Staff member
Of course there's nothing he can do.! This is what he's always done. NOTHING!

Well that's not a surprise. You would SERIOUSLY choose Hitler over trump. You're an emotional thinker and a person that would never engage in a debate. You are a weak willy Democrat that wouldn't vote for a non Democrat if your entire family depended on it!
Tell me where Biden has done better than Trump? Trump was the MOST outstanding POTUS in decades and has the record to prove it. There is absolutely no LOGICAL reasoning that anyone can use to show that Biden could lick the bottom of Trump's shoes! Hes, by far and away, the absolute worst excuse for a POTUS EVER! His entire career has been based on taking from America! He is a total scum dwelling toucher of females and sniffer of hair! How in God's name can you put an atom worth of support behind this evil cheating scum wad! I don't get it even a tiny bit!
Look at all your exclamation points. And you call me the emotional one? And to speak of any political leader with such awe and adoration the way you do really does lend credence to the suggestion that the Republican Party has become an unhinged cult.


Staff member
Amendment IV
(Privacy of the Person and Possessions)
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

This is yet another CA that's been trampled upon. One FISA warrant gives the government the power to look into privacy of anyone who's name appears in the history of the person the warrant was originally issued against. Unbelievable. Might as well take the constitution and shove it up camel toes penis.
Did you cheer the passage of the Patriot Act?


Staff member
The constitution was never meant to enumerate all our rights. The drafters never envisioned anyone ever suggesting something as absurd as the idea that we have no right to privacy. It literally went without saying that we do.
That’s an interesting idea but history doesn’t really back it up does it? Miranda rights are relatively new. Not sure how easy or difficult it would have been to get a warrant in 1900 or if it would have been a big deal.


Well-Known Member
Look at all your exclamation points. And you call me the emotional one? And to speak of any political leader with such awe and adoration the way you do really does lend credence to the suggestion that the Republican Party has become an unhinged cult.
Maybe his exuberance is enhanced by the breathtaking, if not completely predictable decline the policies of the current White House occupant has brought us.


Staff member
Maybe he’s exuberance is enhanced by the breathtaking, if not completely predictable decline the policies of the current White House occupant test brought us.
I’m sure that’s his goofy rationale. But just like Trump policies didn’t cause the pandemic and world economic slowdown, Biden policies didn’t cause inflation and $5 per gallon gas. But one would need to be objective and paying attention to global interconnectedness to understand that.

Or less of a hyper partisan.


Well-Known Member
I’m sure that’s his goofy rationale. But just like Trump policies didn’t cause the pandemic and world economic slowdown, Biden policies didn’t cause inflation and $5 per gallon gas. But one would need to be objective and paying attention to global interconnectedness to understand that.

Or less of a hyper partisan.
I agree. But both of their policies exacerbated both situations. The difference here is the mainstream media claimed Trump did everything to cause everything. If he ate two scoops of ice cream he caused world hunger. It was nauseating. You can accuse me of anything you want but I am not hyper Partisan. I’m reasonable and give thoughtful analysis. I’ve never seen a train wreck like this in my lifetime. Biden wanted the job. He’s awful at it.


Well-Known Member

I remember watching this, at first laughing and then feeling uneasy, as if I was watching Jerry Springer, but it was a presidential debate. Or sort of like on the movie grumpy old men when one of the old Codgers threw a raw fish in the backseat of the others truck. Funny but unhelpful.


Staff member
I agree. But both of their policies exacerbated both situations. The difference here is the mainstream media claimed Trump did everything to cause everything. If he ate two scoops of ice cream he caused world hunger. It was nauseating. You can accuse me of anything you want but I am not hyper Partisan. I’m reasonable and give thoughtful analysis. I’ve never seen a train wreck like this in my lifetime. Biden wanted the job. He’s awful at it.
I don’t really get that. Unless Biden were somehow able to have federal takeover of oil companies (the way Russia and Saudi Arabia do) there little he can do to influence simple supply and demand of that economy. Inflation? That’s a global phenomena right now also.

And I always cringe when those on the right disparage the “left wing media”. President Trump had entire networks trumpeting his praise whenever and wherever he wanted. I believe one of them even boasts as being “the most watched news channel”.