Storming the Capitol

OK, but the question was what did he promise that he only delivered 5% on?

Building a wall on the southern border. Didn’t do it and it wouldn’t have mattered anyway could’ve used our troops to defend our borders. Didn’t do that either.

Talked like he wanted to shrink the size of government and drain the swamp he definitely didn’t do any of that they got 7 times more corrupt

He had 3 supreme appointments and one looks like a solid guy who will stand for the constitution that’s Neil gorsuch

Didn’t cut spending in any meaningful way. Best you can say is there was peace and prosperity and people were employed and gas was cheap. But that came to a screeching halt with covid-con hysteria.

He was a solid president until 2020 when he did basically everything wrong and wrecked it. Had he shown real leadership and fought against the lockdowns and the experimental vaccines and for the constitution like a lot of private citizens were doing we could’ve nipped this new world order in the bud. Now we’re in for probably at least 8-10 years of hell

Trumps downfall can be summed up by him caring more about doing the popular thing than the right thing
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Well-Known Member
Building a wall on the southern border. Didn’t do it and it wouldn’t have mattered anyway could’ve used our troops to defend our borders. Didn’t do that either.

Talked like he wanted to shrink the size of government and drain the swamp he definitely didn’t do any of that they got 7 times more corrupt

He had 3 supreme appointments and one looks like a solid guy who will stand for the constitution that’s Neil gorsuch

Didn’t cut spending in any meaningful way. Best you can say is there was peace and prosperity and people were employed and gas was cheap. But that came to a screeching halt with covid-con hysteria.

He was a solid president until 2020 when he did basically everything wrong and wrecked it. Had he shown real leadership and fought against the lockdowns and the experimental vaccines and for the constitution like a lot of private citizens were doing we could’ve nipped this new world order in the bud. Now we’re in for probably at least 8-10 years of hell

Trumps downfall can be summed up by him caring more about doing the popular thing than the right thing
It was never in Trump's power to fight the lockdowns. That was a local issue. He did get these vaccines rushed to market. That's looking more and more like a colossal mistake. He was fought every step of the way on the wall. By the time he got the funding and clearance it was too late in his term to finish it. And it looks like the Swamp is much harder to drain than he anticipated. They never stopped coming after him.
It was never in Trump's power to fight the lockdowns. That was a local issue. He did get these vaccines rushed to market. That's looking more and more like a colossal mistake. He was fought every step of the way on the wall. By the time he got the funding and clearance it was too late in his term to finish it. And it looks like the Swamp is much harder to drain than he anticipated. They never stopped coming after him.
He could’ve used the bully pulpit to stop the lockdown and say let’s keep calm and carry on. And it was made possible by the federal emergency which he rubbed stamped and it’s still ongoing even now


Well-Known Member
He could’ve used the bully pulpit to stop the lockdown and say let’s keep calm and carry on. And it was made possible by the federal emergency which he rubbed stamped and it’s still ongoing even now
Hindsight is 20/20. The bully pulpit can only go so far. At the start of the pandemic no one knew exactly how bad it was going to be but people were dying. The leaders I can point to who were the closest to what you want were governors DeSantis and Noem. South Dakota never shut down but then it has a small population. Once it was realized who was most at risk DeSantis opened Florida back up. It was within their power to do so but not Trump's.
Hindsight is 20/20. The bully pulpit can only go so far. At the start of the pandemic no one knew exactly how bad it was going to be but people were dying. The leaders I can point to who were the closest to what you want were governors DeSantis and Noem. South Dakota never shut down but then it has a small population. Once it was realized who was most at risk DeSantis opened Florida back up. It was within their power to do so but not Trump's.
I knew exactly what the agenda was immediately and so did many people I know. If trump didn’t know about the great reset he’s a fool if he did know then he’s a fellow traveler. Nobody died of covid. They died with covid and of medical malpractice and fraud


Well-Known Member
I knew exactly what the agenda was immediately and so did many people I know. If trump didn’t know about the great reset he’s a fool if he did know then he’s a fellow traveler. Nobody died of covid. They died with covid and of medical malpractice and fraud
Nobody died of covid? When they put all those infected seniors in nursing homes in New York that wasn't Covid that killed them? Covid was very lethal to those already weakened by old age as well as underlying conditions. You'd rather believe a conspiracy theory.
Nobody died of covid? When they put all those infected seniors in nursing homes in New York that wasn't Covid that killed them? Covid was very lethal to those already weakened by old age as well as underlying conditions. You'd rather believe a conspiracy theory.
Of course they did that on purpose. I told you democrats don’t care about murder.

And anything the governors did in terms of lockdown was made possible with federal money from an emergency that still continues today trump paved the way for the entire thing
Whoops another conspiracy theory proven true vaccines causing heart issues left and right almost like the people who produced it want to reduce the population. Newsflash they do


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
Nobody died of covid? When they put all those infected seniors in nursing homes in New York that wasn't Covid that killed them? Covid was very lethal to those already weakened by old age as well as underlying conditions. You'd rather believe a conspiracy theory.
They died of Cuomo NOT covid.
Damn if that fool ain't a reincarnated celebrity!


Well-Known Member
Whoops another conspiracy theory proven true vaccines causing heart issues left and right almost like the people who produced it want to reduce the population. Newsflash they do
Except when they put the vaccines out they didn't know beyond a few cases that the vaccines would cause heart problems in large numbers. Where they went wrong was not conducting lengthy trials. The general population became guinea pigs. It's not some scheme to reduce the population. What happened is a combination of a government trying to look competent and please the public and a pharmaceutical industry who saw the profit potential of getting vaccines to billions of people before the virus ran its course. But to be clear as of right now the number of people with vaccine related health problems are still a fraction of the number who've been vaccinated. Enough for a typical vaccine to be pulled off the market though.


Strength through joy
Gov. Baker did the same thing here.

And after all the deaths and playing the blame game, everyone was cleared of any wrong doings.
Except when they put the vaccines out they didn't know beyond a few cases that the vaccines would cause heart problems in large numbers. Where they went wrong was not conducting lengthy trials. The general population became guinea pigs. It's not some scheme to reduce the population. What happened is a combination of a government trying to look competent and please the public and a pharmaceutical industry who saw the profit potential of getting vaccines to billions of people before the virus ran its course. But to be clear as of right now the number of people with vaccine related health problems are still a fraction of the number who've been vaccinated. Enough for a typical vaccine to be pulled off the market though.
Yeah but it wasn’t necessary and provided almost zero benefit so even one person being killed is terrible

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Nobody died of covid? When they put all those infected seniors in nursing homes in New York that wasn't Covid that killed them? Covid was very lethal to those already weakened by old age as well as underlying conditions. You'd rather believe a conspiracy theory.
Did you read the last sentence of his comment?
Did you read the last sentence of his comment?
No. The idiots can’t understand people die every day. They just created a new category called covid for all those other causes of death and moved them from column A to column B. Christ I even had hospital workers admit to me that’s what they were doing