Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
Oh millions died worldwide? You saw them? You do yourself a disservice to believe anything and everything you see on the idiot box. I don’t believe any of it

No crap it’s not just this country. It’s a global agenda decades in the making now coming to fruition.
You're paranoid. If it was all some grand plan then why aren't people still dying from it in large numbers? After all it's the plan to kill us off with the virus and the vaccines. Not talking about the relative few affected by the vaccines. If Covid was all a lie why then aren't we still locked down everywhere? Where's the mask mandates? Please explain. Coming to fruition? Apparently it reached fruition. Why aren't people dying from Covid at the same rate as in 2020? 2021?
You're paranoid. If it was all some grand plan then why aren't people still dying from it in large numbers? After all it's the plan to kill us off with the virus and the vaccines. Not talking about the relative few affected by the vaccines. If Covid was all a lie why then aren't we still locked down everywhere? Where's the mask mandates? Please explain. Coming to fruition? Apparently it reached fruition. Why aren't people dying from Covid at the same rate as in 2020? 2021?
We’re not out of jail we’re on parole for good behavior. it’ll be back. The precedents that were set are permanent
Yah, it's always in the future. They made their move for control of the world but are now letting us off the hook. Uh-huh.
They’re already onto the next phase: bringing in a digital social credit system and a global ID. The damage is already done forcing people out of their jobs and shutting down Main Street business
Just follow what China is doing if you want to know where the entire west is heading. If you think you’re still in the same world as 10-20 years ago and you don’t prepare you’re just gonna be left behind


Well-Known Member
Say...has Trump himself happened to express any thoughts on Putin since the start of his invasion of Ukraine?
from his speech in Arizona , google is your friend

"How bad is it? Where does it stop? Where does it end? And it probably doesn’t stop because despite the great outside dangers that we have, and we do, we could end up in World War III over what’s happening with Russia and Ukraine because our people don’t have a clue what they’re doing."

We are a nation that surrendered in Afghanistan, leaving behind dead soldiers, American citizens, and $85 billion worth of the finest brand new military equipment anywhere in the world. And we are a nation that allowed Russia to devastate a country, Ukraine, killing hundreds of thousands of people and you know it will only get worse. There’s nobody to talk to anybody. It would never have happened with me as your commander in chief and for four long years, it didn’t.

Even the other side said Russia would never have happened if Trump were there.

We had a Russia, Russia, Russia investigation that was covered religiously by the fake news media, even though they knew it was a false story. It turned out to be a concocted fairytale made up by crooked Hillary Clinton, the Democrats, and a sleazeball writer named Christopher Steele, and in coordination with of all things, Russia? Can you imagine? They were the ones that were coordinating with Russia.

Would’ve never happened, but all of those lives, those precious lives and those incredible cities and buildings that are 1,000 years old with the gold domes, they’re all gone. What a shame. Would’ve never, ever happened. Now it’s hard to stop it, because I guess it looks like Putin is sort of just bombing places and people are fleeing and he’s taking over. It makes it much tougher to negotiate. We could have made something. I wouldn’t have even had to negotiate. We wouldn’t have had it done, he would’ve never done it. He would’ve never done it.
from his speech in Arizona , google is your friend

"How bad is it? Where does it stop? Where does it end? And it probably doesn’t stop because despite the great outside dangers that we have, and we do, we could end up in World War III over what’s happening with Russia and Ukraine because our people don’t have a clue what they’re doing."

We are a nation that surrendered in Afghanistan, leaving behind dead soldiers, American citizens, and $85 billion worth of the finest brand new military equipment anywhere in the world. And we are a nation that allowed Russia to devastate a country, Ukraine, killing hundreds of thousands of people and you know it will only get worse. There’s nobody to talk to anybody. It would never have happened with me as your commander in chief and for four long years, it didn’t.

Even the other side said Russia would never have happened if Trump were there.

We had a Russia, Russia, Russia investigation that was covered religiously by the fake news media, even though they knew it was a false story. It turned out to be a concocted fairytale made up by crooked Hillary Clinton, the Democrats, and a sleazeball writer named Christopher Steele, and in coordination with of all things, Russia? Can you imagine? They were the ones that were coordinating with Russia.
Man he sounds as dumb as ever.


Well-Known Member
Man he sounds as dumb as ever.
and using your standard you sound as dumb as ever. what part of what he said did you disagree with.

Putin didnt invade the ukraine while Trump was in office even though he was clearly making inroads in that direction prior to Trumps election.

the idiot we have in charge now just admitted he is clueless when he warned of Armageddon and ordered Nuclear protective materials.

we continue to fight a proxy war against a nucleaur power that is run by an increasingly desperate dictator who is in danger of losing his job and life.

and yet your assessment of intelligence is a generic statement on a president who through his somewhat unorthodox method of real face to face diplomacy actually had calmed down much of this world.

is there some elitist victory your side will claim about sounding intelligent that you will cling to when this country gets fried by nukes?
but the fact is he didnt get what he wants with Donald in charge. step away from your cult zombie
1. worked to diminish the influence of NATO even planning a US withdrawal in 2nd term
2. broke with bipartisan support of Ukraine.
3. did his best to cast doubt on the legitimacy of American elections and encourage civil unrest


Well-Known Member
With donald in charge, Putin was already getting what he wanted.
Trump in charge for 4 years.

Biden in positions of power for 40+ years

n 2011, Biden strongly supported Russia's bid to join WTO

Biden stands by Obama on 'hot mic' controversy

“He (Romney) thinks the Cold War is still on. Russia is still our major adversary. I don't know where he has been. I mean, we have disagreements with Russia, but they're united with us on Iran. The only way we're getting one of only two ways we're getting material into Afghanistan to our troops is through Russia. They're working closely with us. They have just said to Europe, if there is an oil shutdown in any way in the Gulf, they'll consider increasing oil supplies to Europe. That's not-- this is not 1956.”
Trump in charge for 4 years.

Biden in positions of power for 40+ years

n 2011, Biden strongly supported Russia's bid to join WTO

Biden stands by Obama on 'hot mic' controversy

“He (Romney) thinks the Cold War is still on. Russia is still our major adversary. I don't know where he has been. I mean, we have disagreements with Russia, but they're united with us on Iran. The only way we're getting one of only two ways we're getting material into Afghanistan to our troops is through Russia. They're working closely with us. They have just said to Europe, if there is an oil shutdown in any way in the Gulf, they'll consider increasing oil supplies to Europe. That's not-- this is not 1956.”
"... they're united with us on Iran" ?