Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
No. The idiots can’t understand people die every day. They just created a new category called covid for all those other causes of death and moved them from column A to column B. Christ I even had hospital workers admit to me that’s what they were doing
So when Cuomo put infected people into nursing homes all those thousands who died suddenly died from other causes. They all just up and died because they all had terminal illnesses of some sort. Statistically impossible.


Strength through joy
No. The idiots can’t understand people die every day. They just created a new category called covid for all those other causes of death and moved them from column A to column B. Christ I even had hospital workers admit to me that’s what they were doing
I have reported on this several times.
A man who died in a car accident by decapitation was listed as dying from covid, just because he had earlier tested positive.

But many young & healthy people having been dying suddenly soon after receiving the vaccines.
So when Cuomo put infected people into nursing homes all those thousands who died suddenly died from other causes. They all just up and died because they all had terminal illnesses of some sort. Statistically impossible.
No more people died in 2020 than any other year just changed the reason


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Was Cuomo smothering old people with pillows? He made a very stupid decision, but that was Covid that actually killed them.
No it wasn't Covid that was the COD in many cases. It was the medical mismanagement that caused MANY deaths. Im speaking from personal experience in that I had a close relative, who was 67 yo but cycled 100 miles several times/mo and was more fit than 99% of the lazy :censored2: public, who died after contracting covid and was placed on a respirator. Mismanaged medical care ran the hospitals in the blue stated.
Cuomo hoped that all those people would die?
Of course not. Well, maybe 😁
No it wasn't Covid that was the COD in many cases. It was the medical mismanagement that caused MANY deaths. Im speaking from personal experience in that I had a close relative, who was 67 yo but cycled 100 miles several times/mo and was more fit than 99% of the lazy :censored2: public, who died after contracting covid and was placed on a respirator. Mismanaged medical care ran the hospitals in the blue stated.

Of course not. Well, maybe 😁
Ask anyone who works at a hospital they’ll tell you the real truth. There’s also videos that some people did undercover they’re completely empty
No it wasn't Covid that was the COD in many cases. It was the medical mismanagement that caused MANY deaths. Im speaking from personal experience in that I had a close relative, who was 67 yo but cycled 100 miles several times/mo and was more fit than 99% of the lazy :censored2: public, who died after contracting covid and was placed on a respirator. Mismanaged medical care ran the hospitals in the blue stated.

Of course not. Well, maybe 😁
You’d never put someone with a respiratory infection on a ventilator unless you were wanting to kill them lmao


All Trash No Trailer


Well-Known Member
No it’s not it was just normal deaths you’d have anyway called something different. There was no excess deaths in 2020 but since the genetic code shots have rolled out there has been. The pandemic is the shots people took destroying their immune system for life
No, forget the final toll, but in those nursing homes over 10,000 if I remember right very quickly died. Covid is a real virus, probably created through experimentation in a lab, that kills people already weakened by old age or other factors. You've bought into online silliness about lies, made up numbers, grand schemes, etc. And you seem to forget that it wasn't just in this country. Millions died worldwide. Are still dying in China which just put over 100 cities in lockdown. You do yourself a disservice buying into these fantasies.


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How is it that NOBODY recalls the FACT the Fauci, aka, "I AM the science", FUNDED GAIN OF FUNCTION IN WUHAN FOR THIS VIRUS?

No, forget the final toll, but in those nursing homes over 10,000 if I remember right very quickly died. Covid is a real virus, probably created through experimentation in a lab, that kills people already weakened by old age or other factors. You've bought into online silliness about lies, made up numbers, grand schemes, etc. And you seem to forget that it wasn't just in this country. Millions died worldwide. Are still dying in China which just put over 100 cities in lockdown. You do yourself a disservice buying into these fantasies.
Oh millions died worldwide? You saw them? You do yourself a disservice to believe anything and everything you see on the idiot box. I don’t believe any of it

No crap it’s not just this country. It’s a global agenda decades in the making now coming to fruition.
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