Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
Americans are just thrilled that Biden isn't writing love letters to foreign dictators or greasing up old Vladimir for a hotel deal in Moscow.
Yes, ask around everyone seems very happy right now about pretty much everything…🙄
Those are some very nice rose colored glasses you have by the way.


Well-Known Member
They’re already onto the next phase: bringing in a digital social credit system and a global ID. The damage is already done forcing people out of their jobs and shutting down Main Street business
Business has mostly recovered. And what you're saying is not even on the radar. Being pushed by those who tout conspiracy theories. The closest we have to that is ESG.


Well-Known Member
1. worked to diminish the influence of NATO even planning a US withdrawal in 2nd term
pointed out that nato was too dependent on Russian oil. pointed out that members of Nato were not paying their fair share. Nato is no good if everyone does not pull their weight. he was right.
2. broke with bipartisan support of Ukraine.
he sent the Ukraine weapons where obama/biden sent them pillows. those weapons saved the Ukraine when they were invaded under biden.
3. did his best to cast doubt on the legitimacy of American elections
started with gore, hillary and Stacey
and encourage civil unrest
one protest does not civil unrest make. Civil unrest would be burning down our cities as your side did.

did you really think this Cult nonsense of yours would fly here? are you that brainwashed?


Well-Known Member
Yeah they’ve mostly recovered from shutting down. Market in the toilet. Idk what planet you live on
If you had been paying attention at all you would know that I've been relaying information I've been reading about the markets for sometime now. There are a lot of reasons why the markets are tanking. World domination by global elites isn't one of them.


Staff member
Also can somebody explain why there’s a north Korea level of censorship on this board
Wait, what?

We’re censoring you?

You made a post inferring that the people running the world are responsible for infanticide, and it got deleted. It got deleted because you decided to blame the Jews.

Do you see why that might have caused a red flag to go up somewhere?
Wait, what?

We’re censoring you?

You made a post inferring that the people running the world are responsible for infanticide, and it got deleted. It got deleted because you decided to blame the Jews.

Do you see why that might have caused a red flag to go up somewhere?
Because it’s the truth dummy whos in power everywhere ? It ain’t Buddhists. You wanna know who rules you look at who you’re not allowed to criticize. I’m guessing you wouldn’t delete a post if I was complaining about Christians would you
Wait, what?

We’re censoring you?

You made a post inferring that the people running the world are responsible for infanticide, and it got deleted. It got deleted because you decided to blame the Jews.

Do you see why that might have caused a red flag to go up somewhere?
Yes I do see why Jews are immune from criticism despite having a ton of power thanks for proving my point lmao


Well-Known Member
americans wish they had a president writing love letters instead of one planning for an armageddon
All powers plan for it, it's just one jackass feels the need to talk about it to portray himself as the tuff guy.

The kinda guy that has to let everyone know how he straightened out Ole CornPop and how no one speaks bad of a Biden.

The kinda guy that can barely put one foot in front of the other and walk yet talks about his physical prowess.

One pathetic "Leader" lead by a clown show made up of drag queen enablers and people that promote transgenderism over the purity and innocence of little boys and girls by reprobates (teachers) that choose to defile their minds for the sole reason of transforming a country they "Love."

Makes no sense to me.


Well-Known Member
pointed out that nato was too dependent on Russian oil. pointed out that members of Nato were not paying their fair share. Nato is no good if everyone does not pull their weight. he was right.

he sent the Ukraine weapons where obama/biden sent them pillows. those weapons saved the Ukraine when they were invaded under biden.

started with gore, hillary and Stacey

one protest does not civil unrest make. Civil unrest would be burning down our cities as your side did.

did you really think this Cult nonsense of yours would fly here? are you that brainwashed?
Excellent responses :thumbup1: