Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member

It was all planned and a hoax just like Covid for all the suckers. This was a CIA mission and they have all the video evidence for it.


Well-Known Member
Can you explain why all of the left wing mainstream media has stopped calling it an insurrection?
The video of the Federal agent Mike Epps tells the entire story. They literally started chanting “FED FED FED” when he was instigating a riot and trying to get everyone to go into the capital.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member

I’ll keep posting this. This is the same government that assassinated Lincoln, JFK, MLK JR, Malcolm X…….on and on and on. This won’t end well for the nazis.


Well-Known Member
Ya think the media will mention when his lawsuit gets bounced out of the courts ?
Some media won’t even cover the whistleblowers of Hunter Biden. The rich white kid that’s had everything given to him. How are poor working people ok with that? Twilight zone