Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member

And what happened to them?

It’s almost as if you didn’t bother to read beyond the headlines of the stories you posted.


Inordinately Right
Democrat hypocrites loved when they rioted on Trump's inauguration day. Then they made sure they all got away with it.

They also stormed state capitols and tried to burn down courthouses. Democrats loved it. Dumb bitch pelosi praised them for it.



Staff member
Well bbsam already admitted he is perfectly fine with violent criminal riots as long as it's to push his own radical extremist ideologies.
I did? Odd. I don’t think I ever suggested that the violent criminals shouldn’t be prosecuted. Never suggested that since they were allowed on property then all criminal behavior was allowed.

I don’t know if anything more radical or extremist than refusing the outcome of an election and forcefully attempting to keep the winning candidate from taking office.


Staff member

And what happened to them?

Look at that. They were arrested. They had trials. And when the government kept losing, they dropped all the other charges.

Maybe the problem for the J6 folks was that they went around bragging on social media. Much like a certain orange defendant, they couldn’t keep their damn mouths shut.

You see, that’s how a prosecution works. The government has to prove the individual did what they said in violation of law at the time and place they sway they did. Much easier when the defendant is confessing to whomever will listen.


nowhere special
Look at that. They were arrested. They had trials. And when the government kept losing, they dropped all the other charges.

Maybe the problem for the J6 folks was that they went around bragging on social media. Much like a certain orange defendant, they couldn’t keep their damn mouths shut.

You see, that’s how a prosecution works. The government has to prove the individual did what they said in violation of law at the time and place they sway they did. Much easier when the defendant is confessing to whomever will listen.
What trials? Some were arrested but then quickly set free after the charges were dropped.


Well-Known Member
Look at that. They were arrested. They had trials. And when the government kept losing, they dropped all the other charges.

Maybe the problem for the J6 folks was that they went around bragging on social media. Much like a certain orange defendant, they couldn’t keep their damn mouths shut.

You see, that’s how a prosecution works. The government has to prove the individual did what they said in violation of law at the time and place they sway they did. Much easier when the defendant is confessing to whomever will listen.
Yah, that's why the most prominent J6 rioter, the QAnon Shaman, is rotting away in prison.

Oh, wait, turns out that the security footage, the footage the J6 Commission didn't want us to see, shows him escorted by two Capitol Policemen as he casually strolled through the Capitol Building. The J6 Commission was willing to smear him, imprison him for years, ruin his life to push their agenda. And once the truth came out he was scheduled for release. Why isn't the J6 Commission being held accountable?


Inordinately Right
Well bbsam already admitted he is perfectly fine with violent criminal riots as long as it's to push his own radical extremist ideologies.
I did? Odd. I don’t think I ever suggested that
You did:
Hey, if it takes more rioting and looting and burning to get to the point where people have a life in America where it makes a difference whether they riot or not, I’m all for it.


Inordinately Right
Look at that. They were arrested. They had trials. And when the government kept losing, they dropped all the other charges.
Guess you didn't read it.
Oh yes you're right, the government just couldn't prove their case because they were wearing masks. Totally different than January 6. Makes perfect sense, lol.

You know it's hypocrisy you just don't care.

Next Day Error

X - Other
Guess you didn't read it.
Oh yes you're right, the government just couldn't prove their case because they were wearing masks. Totally different than January 6. Makes perfect sense, lol.

You know it's hypocrisy you just don't care.
Gotta remember that the Capitol attack was in broad daylight with cameras everywhere and idiots posting all over social media. Plenty of evidence.

The riots over race and policing were at night and not literally at one of the most well-documented locations on Earth. Big sweeps of arrest are fine and dandy but harder to prove which individuals did what. Not impossible, just harder.


Inordinately Right
The riots over race and policing were at night and not literally at one of the most well-documented locations on Earth. Big sweeps of arrest are fine and dandy but harder to prove which individuals did what. Not impossible, just harder.
We're talking about the hundreds of violent Democrat rioters arrested at Trump's inauguration. It was during the day.

Try to keep up buddy.


Well-Known Member
Gotta remember that the Capitol attack was in broad daylight with cameras everywhere and idiots posting all over social media. Plenty of evidence.

The riots over race and policing were at night and not literally at one of the most well-documented locations on Earth. Big sweeps of arrest are fine and dandy but harder to prove which individuals did what. Not impossible, just harder.
So cops weren't able to observe individuals burning and looting? Even if your argument held up, what stopped the cops from moving in and stopping the riots? Liberal politicians.

Next Day Error

X - Other
So cops weren't able to observe individuals burning and looting? Even if your argument held up, what stopped the cops from moving in and stopping the riots? Liberal politicians.
I hadn’t read this before in all honesty. Was this a big problem? Liberal mayors and governors stopping local law enforcement?


Staff member
Guess you didn't read it.
Oh yes you're right, the government just couldn't prove their case because they were wearing masks. Totally different than January 6. Makes perfect sense, lol.

You know it's hypocrisy you just don't care.
Proud Boys and KKK goons have been prosecuted. Not that hard.


Staff member
It absolutely was. Democrat mayors were telling their police to stand down.
Tho police were told to stand down by liberal politicians and yet thousands were arrested? How does this happen?
