Storming the Capitol

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Why do you have a Nazi tank as your avatar?
Because I love you queue boy. 💋 And to crush liberals with it.
I think it’s because you like Nazis.
Why are you so obsessed with Trump he’s your avatar?
I cannot change anything on my profile.

Were you once a Trump fan, @Sportello ? You must have liked him if he's your avatar.


Well-Known Member
He’s hot for Trump.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
checks notes

I think Allied forces crushed those Nazi tanks, buddy.

You are such a shallow person. Sad and pathetic. Everyone you know, especially your SJW friends that drive a BMW must be Nazis since they produced aircraft engines for the Nazis in WW2. Check those notes, queue boy.
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Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
checks notes

I think Allied forces crushed those Nazi tanks, buddy.
Porsche was a major producer of tanks during the war, Daimler Benz produced armored cars and Hugo Boss designed the uniforms for the SS. All the goodies your left wing friends love. Hypocrites. Keep checking your notes. Maybe you’ll actually learn something.