Storming the Capitol

Next Day Error

X - Other
Porsche was a major producer of tanks during the war, Daimler Benz produced armored cars and Hugo Boss designed the uniforms for the SS. All the goodies your left wing friends love. Hypocrites. Keep checking your notes. Maybe you’ll actually learn something.
Completely irrelevant. Practically all major corporations from both sides participated in profiteering in the war.

Next Day Error

X - Other
Hope our lefties aren't NASA fans. Operation Paperclip brought in a lot of their early talent from Germany. Wernher von Braun included.

Operation Paperclip - Wikipedia

So smart Nazis and profiteering corporations and other companies benefited from their position so it makes it reasonable to glorify the German war machine and boast that I will use it to ‘crush liberals’

It’s childish, but ok.

(Referring to Union Strong, of course)


Well-Known Member

So smart Nazis and profiteering corporations and other companies benefited from their position so it makes it reasonable to glorify the German war machine and boast that I will use it to ‘crush liberals’

It’s childish, but ok.

(Referring to Union Strong, of course)
Y'all call us Nazis and fascists all the time but heaven forbid we have a little fun with it.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I hope that the sentencing of the Proud boys teaches us all a couple lessons. Lesson 1 if you are not working with the government’s agenda you will be punished to the most extreme measures but if you are doing the work of the government you can burn, rob and steel and nothing will happen. Lesson 2 if you come anywhere near a government official or their office you will be punished to the extreme but if you rob, burn down and riot towards the ordinary people you will be protected as long as you are doing it and it goes along with the government’s agenda.