Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
I hope that the sentencing of the Proud boys teaches us all a couple lessons. Lesson 1 if you are not working with the government’s agenda you will be punished to the most extreme measures but if you are doing the work of the government you can burn, rob and steel and nothing will happen. Lesson 2 if you come anywhere near a government official or their office you will be punished to the extreme but if you rob, burn down and riot towards the ordinary people you will be protected as long as you are doing it and it goes along with the government’s agenda.
Really the lesson I get is….don’t get involved with the government.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Really the lesson I get is….don’t get involved with the government.

I don‘t get involved with the government either. And the reason I wouldn’t is because they have shown us how criminal they are if you don’t go along with them. I would trust the mafia before them. but the problem is the government gets involved in our lives more and more.


Well-Known Member
I don‘t get involved with the government either. And the reason I wouldn’t is because they have shown us how criminal they are if you don’t go along with them. I would trust the mafia before them. but the problem is the government gets involved in our lives more and more.
I’m afraid that will only get worse


Well-Known Member
When is Ray Epps trial? On video inciting a riot. Has he been sentenced yet?
Who knows, maybe Donald Trump will actually pay for his defense out of the Trump defense fund since he didn’t do it for anyone else? I do not hate Trump, but this is a bad look no matter how you slice it. People who give money to his stop the steel campaign were mostly unaware They were giving to his defense fund first many thousands of dollars before anything went to his campaign. It’s very slimy.. it’s also very slimy. If he feels none of this was real, and it’s made up to not lift a finger to help any of these people who are being put in jail for decades.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
When is Ray Epps trial? On video inciting a riot. Has he been sentenced yet?

This goes back to the lessons I have learned during the trials of the Proud Boys. Ray Epps was evidently doing the work for the government’s agenda so he will not be touched. It’s pretty easy to see who was on their side. If you wasn’t on their side you don’t even have to be at the capital and you get 22 yrs in prison but if you are working for them you can be caught on camera directing people to incite an insurrection and you are never touched. This is so obvious that even Stevie Wonder can see it.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
One of Jan 6th MVP's


Well-Known Member
What happened on January 6 was unacceptable. There should’ve been tens of millions of people there and everyone come with at least one firearm and other weapons. Problem solved