I was told upfront that there are a couple full time openings and a couple seasonal, and it looks like all 4 of the guys I interviewed with are getting jobs as cover drivers.
You're most likely seasonal. Show up everyday and work hard. Don't kill yourself but be reliable and willing to eat that sandwich and ask for seconds. A good reputation among management will go a long way in getting you kept past peak or at least at the front of the list for summer hiring. Not guaranteed but it helps.
Yeah because you're that dude...underm69. Now I know all your secrets. We went through this with another ex-con.
If it's not drugs, guns, or violence, it's a property crime, financial crime, sex crime, or alcohol crime. Whats left we have worse working in management.
If you cant pass the driving, then WTF would they background check you. Cmon
You're going to be a seasonal. It takes time to get everything back. Tell us what you did and we can give a better answer if they really will hire you. We don't need names or dates, just the crime(s).