Sturgis Is A Cesspool


Well-Known Member
Sturgis is now seeing the after effects of hosting the biker drug runners rally. 7 Coronavirus cases in Nebraska can be traced to Sturgis. A tattoo artist in Sturgis has tested positive for Covid19, as well as a person who visited One Eye Jacks saloon.
Again, over 200,000 attended and you're counting cases on both hands.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Sturgis is hosting a biker rally. These clowns who are not the most hygienic people to begin with, are gathering without masks. Packing bars and sweating all over each other. Hairy, toothless, overweight men, smoking cigarettes and pot just to go on a bike ride. Of course Sturgis will be a hotspot as well as the entire state in 3 weeks. Just in time to introduce influenza season. It’s going to be a long deadly winter in SD. Not to mention 84 of these bikers were arrested. There have been over 18 crashes.
The main stream media protects the criminals on bikes in Sturgis. These bikers are white. When white people get arrested in large amounts it’s not as news worthy. 84 arrests so far. I’m sure all are just misunderstandings. Nothing violent, you know alcohol is involved.
The women who attend Sturgis are cute if you’re into sagging chests and fupas. Strippers aren’t great looking women. That’s why they perform in the dark on stage. The ratio of men to women at a Sturgis rally is 29 men to 1 women. Most of you are sleeping with something other than women when attending.
These dirty, unkept bikers really know how to have a good time, they love Smash Mouth. These bikers have no value for human life. 41 DUIs and 30 crashes. These right wing dopes will be the reason for Sturgis becoming a hot spot. 39 felony arrests so far.
Two idiots on bikes crashed into each other in Sturgis both dead, a third rider is sitting in a hospital. It’s nice that police resources are being wasted on drunks.
Two drunks on bikes are a danger to ALL Americans. But your point about Trump losing two voters is valid.
Sturgis doesn’t have a population of 250,000.
I know exactly what goes on at these criminal bike gang rallies. Trump should be sending in the military to clean up the mess in Sturgis. It’s disgusting.
52 felony arrests now at Sturgis! Cops have better things to do than deal with drunk, drugged motorcyclists. What a waste of tax dollars! Trump send in the military!
Maybe you can explain how two bikers riding in opposite sides of the road collide? Is it the roads aren’t wide enough, cars seem to handle it. Or do these bikers hug the yellow line?
Over 200 arrested for drug possession in Sturgis, 71 of those arrested are felony arrests. Police have better things to do than watch over idiots using and abusing drugs. Trump send in the military, get these punks out of Sturgis. 3 weeks from now Sturgis will be a hotspot.
The Deep South states lead the nation in murder per capita, year, after year, after year. Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama are first, second, and third. All 3 red states.
Why don’t you do the same with the KKK, Hell’s Angels, and Proud Boyz.
Anyone with a brain knows Governors have more power than a mayor.
The KKK has jumped ship and become Republican. They’ve supported right wing philosophies for decades. David Duke supports Trump.
Do you know if they had an election in 2020 for Sturgis bike rally? Answer NO!
I repeat a Governor has more power than a mayor.
Yes the idiots who were elected went against their voters. I just supplied you proof. The last election for Sturgis was April 2019. Long before Coronavirus.
It’s a huge amount of crime for 1 week. The police are overworked. The DPW is picking up trash daily, that these trashy bikers leave behind. Trump send in the military!
Just another hottie at SturgisView attachment 305770
Trump needs to step in at Sturgis. This festival has turned into a crime rally. Another death today, a woman ran into a calf. 112 felony drug arrests, 117 DUIs. Sturgis Rally: 55-year-old woman killed in motorcycle vs. calf crash
Those are outdated numbers, here are the latest as of yesterday. It’s been nothing but a drug party.View attachment 306162
That’s the point, it’s nothing but criminals! See all the arrests for drugs. It’s not just marijuana, these are felony arrest. Crystal meth and heroin are the bikers drug of choice to mix with booze.
A Republican tradition...deflect!
I mentioned a bike rally, nothing about festivals. TTKY.
All police in the state of S.D. have stated drugs and guns are up. We know the right love their guns. They claim they love police. But one thing a policeman has never said, “we need more citizens with guns”. Drug arrests at rally higher than 2019 for city, county, state law enforcement
Well, this didn’t take long. We have our first positive Covid19 test tied to the Sturgis biker drug rally. DOH reports three COVID-19 cases at BHSU, one from Sturgis so far
Way to jump to conclusions. It seems now that the facts are coming out, that the bike gang bangers, were picking on the locals protesting. They were not Antifa. Sturgis PD: Protesters at 2020 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally not affiliated with ANTIFA - KNBN NewsCenter1
Yes and he wasn’t Antifa, unless you are saying the cops are liars?
Go lay down
A dive bar in Sturgis had a biker with Covic19 attend there for hours spreading the virus. One-eyed Jacks is a drug bar.
It’s always best to follow a news story after-the-fact. Here‘s a nice biker gang story. These rallies are nothing but criminal activities! These child predators rode into town looking for children. Eight men arrested in sex trafficking operation during 2020 Rally - KNBN NewsCenter1
Sturgis is now seeing the after effects of hosting the biker drug runners rally. 7 Coronavirus cases in Nebraska can be traced to Sturgis. A tattoo artist in Sturgis has tested positive for Covid19, as well as a person who visited One Eye Jacks saloon.



Retired 23 years
Sturgis is now seeing the after effects of hosting the biker drug runners rally. 7 Coronavirus cases in Nebraska can be traced to Sturgis. A tattoo artist in Sturgis has tested positive for Covid19, as well as a person who visited One Eye Jacks saloon.
250,000 people--7 cases--? Get back to us when you actually have some news. You have any figures on how many caught a VD or had a nasty hangover?


Well-Known Member
You ever been to Sturgis? Bikers are spread out all over the Black Hills area. Not a motel room to be had from Spearfish to Wall Drug and beyond.
I was just there in Rapid City for two weeks. If I had known I would have gone elsewhere. Dozens of Harley's driving by all day long isn't exactly peaceful. But I can see the attraction. The Black Hills are beautiful.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
You ever been to Sturgis? Bikers are spread out all over the Black Hills area. Not a motel room to be had from Spearfish to Wall Drug and beyond.

Hey, at least they're paying to stay at them rather than trying to burn them down or loot them before heading back to mommy's house for the 80th straight night.
The numbers are rising. Another 7 in Minnesota tied to Sturgis have tested positive. That’s now 22 in Minnesota, 7 in Nebraska. Two who worked at Sturgis. The numbers of course will continue to rise from this drug rally.

El Correcto

god is dead
The numbers are rising. Another 7 in Minnesota tied to Sturgis have tested positive. That’s now 22 in Minnesota, 7 in Nebraska. Two who worked at Sturgis. The numbers of course will continue to rise from this drug rally.