Agent of Change
Sorry to hear you feel this way, don't see how documenting use of UPS Freight or other contractors to steal our feeder work would put you on the radar if done discretely. You don't need to make noise about it at work just be observe of what is happening and make mental notes of violations, and you could send a typed letter with no return address to the hall if you are so worried about managements wrath. If we don't protect these premium jobs then more fellow employees will be destined to performing lower paying more physically demanding jobs longer were injuries and permanent damage are of higher probability, even using proper methods, just the nature of repetitive motion. "United we stand, divided we fall."
Yeah, right...documenting use of sub-contractors is done by every person in the hub! NOT!! Management ain't stupid, they'd figure out who reported them. I observe plenty of

Protecting premium jobs? OK, I have no problem with that. But, we don't have enough drivers interested in driving feeders in the first place!! At least, that's my understanding. I spoke to a feeder driver right after I started and he said UPS couldn't fill 35+ spots on the board internally, so they were going to the street to do so. If I hadn't been told this by a union driver, I might have doubted it. But, he's there, he knows what's going on. I DON'T!! The union might nail UPS for sub-contracting but I'll leave the reporting to those with knowledge of feeder operations. -Rocky