Yea, I feel like some people take this "us versus them" thing waaaay too seriously. It seems like it's much more a big hub thing than small center though. Half of the posts I see here seem like people working for an entirely different company. Our entire pre-load, union and mgmt, just wants to get it done asap and go home. We only miss getting OT ~2 days a month though, so it isn't like we're hurting for hours, and I guess that is part of what drives the divide at other centers. But man...I'm perfectly content to let non-union do union work on days where people call in so that I'm not completely
ed for 8 or 9 hours and the drivers for 11+. Who has time for that nonsense?
Edit: And for what it's worth, I absolutely believe that some centers are just plain
to work at. And that management can be absurdly overbearing to downright hostile at those places. It's just so odd to see posts from what is almost a different world compared to my experiences. I had a choice between a major hub or a smaller center when I was applying since I live pretty much equidistant to them both, and there is
zero doubt in my mind that I chose correctly. Nothing beats rolling up at 2:59 for a 3:00 start and still making it with time to spare.