Well-Known Member
Now that it peak has wrapped up and the focus of management has returned to production numbers. my full time super has been doing nothing but trying to cut hours. Today at the end of the day there were pakages all over the box line that needed to be loaded onto trucks and my immediate supe told me I had to go home I preceeded to ask him who is going to finish up? And he responded "I'll have a driver load it" which I knew was bs. So I punched out and then went back and walked the box line and who is in a truck loaing freight? You got it the supervisor. Now I am going to file a grivence in the am my question is when they are trying to send people home how exactly does that processe work?
Have the most trusted steward witness this. I would try and find a driver that is a steward not a part time steward. Get a grievance sheet and both of you have to sign it.