Supreme Court strikes down public union dues, any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
The union is supposed to protect us from big business but the union is a big business in itself who will stop them from pushing bad contracts on us telling the shepole it's a good contract


Well-Known Member
So who do the people who haven’t gotten raises in 10 years blame?
Your co-workers. If that union hasn't got them raises in ten years either your area is economically depressed or you guys need to decertify the union and vote one in that will. If the membership continually votes on contracts with no raises they really have no one to blame but themselves.


Your co-workers. If that union hasn't got them raises in ten years either your area is economically depressed or you guys need to decertify the union and vote one in that will. If the membership continually votes on contracts with no raises they really have no one to blame but themselves.

I have not voted on any contracts here in my short time, So I don’t know the full story. But apparently they get voted down and magically they just get enforced. Like I said I don’t know the FULL story.