Supreme Court

El Correcto

god is dead
Or if you’re a little girl accusing Hillary’s client of molestation.


The Nim
Do you have daughters?

Seemingly you’d be okay with the ‘boys will be boys’ horseplay.

I don’t have a daughter, but if I did, and some teenage boy messed with her in the way that’s alleged, I’d end the kid and the parents.

Why do you have a gun again?

I agree with your sentiment, but would you be doing it if she told you it happened over 30 years ago. I'd give it a few years at most before I'd be saying I'm sure something happened but are you sure this is who it was.


Well-Known Member
Why is Avennati in the picture now? What's laughable about him is when he stated he wanted to run to be the President. He needs to realize that his fifteen minutes of fame are up.


Strength through joy
What he never mentions is that there are many court cases on going directed at him. The future looks bleak about him keeping his law license.