I wish it would get addressed BEFORE the next contract. Surepost has more than doubled from 2012, and has gotten even heavier the past month. Yet, the pkgs we hold for UPS del the next day has not increased. Lots of pkgs are for gated subdivisions, apt's, and addresses one block apart. Many for someone that is having their personal packages delivered to their place of business. Some of the addresses aren't being caught by the system. I had 2 going into SP bag for the same address, but shipper was slick and had one going to "Mary Jones" and the other pkg going to "Jones, Mary". I redirected them both. Rare that I can catch something like that with the volume processed.
Quite a few go directly from the feeder, to the PC for del to the post office, so I never see them. If some funny business is going on, most drivers don't bother to raise concerns about it.