Surepost violations already started.


Active Member
I'm sure dispatch would give you more if you asked for more, have you?

Couldn't find the quality temps that they have now, you want more that you have to go help?

Not most places. Read somewhere on here that a temp delivered 30 stops in six hours, in city. I'm not saying that is representative of all seasonals, but they are no where near as good as a regular driver.

Rest of year, sure, but training new drivers during peak, most can't handle that amount of work and expectations in a short amount of time.
This abuse didn't just start this peak. It's just violated more right now.
Our temps are phenomenal this year. The best I've ever seen.
No, dispatch is cutting us off at 10.5 hrs. No joke.
Many of us would take the work and we know that they'll be laying off at least a third of the drivers after the second week of Jan so we're watching to see how much volume there will be continued to be sent to the post office that keeps UPSers from driving after peak.
This isn't a one time thing but it's more visible during peak season.


Well-Known Member
This abuse didn't just start this peak. It's just violated more right now.
Our temps are phenomenal this year. The best I've ever seen.
No, dispatch is cutting us off at 10.5 hrs. No joke.
Many of us would take the work and we know that they'll be laying off at least a third of the drivers after the second week of Jan so we're watching to see how much volume there will be continued to be sent to the post office that keeps UPSers from driving after peak.
By your thread title, implies differently, but that should have been grieved earlier, then.

Ours are terrible, from what I understand.

Probably want to keep hours for Sat.


Active Member
By your thread title, implies differently, but that should have been grieved earlier, then.

Ours are terrible, from what I understand.

Probably want to keep hours for Sat.
It has been grieved. The company said they'd fix it. The violations are harder to catch with more packages being bagged (we were told no one may open a bag to audit the contents) but the increased volume and the statements made by two postmasters the issue is easier to see. This has been addressed across the board in the last two years from what we were told and it's been hit and miss but the blatant violations are easily noticed now. It's especially telling since they said an upgrade in software fixed it.


Well-Known Member
It has been grieved. The company said they'd fix it. The violations are harder to catch with more packages being bagged (we were told no one may open a bag to audit the contents) but the increased volume and the statements made by two postmasters the issue is easier to see. This has been addressed across the board in the last two years from what we were told and it's been hit and miss but the blatant violations are easily noticed now. It's especially telling since they said an upgrade in software fixed it.
The "blatant violations" should be grieved.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that the post office is unionized, right?
Yeah they have like 10 different unions up in that bitch... Even my local postmaster can't keep them all correct...and the way she makes it sound those posties can be a REAL pita... Be lucky you aren't mgt over there...start calling you pistol Pete....


Well-Known Member
During this time of year, most drivers do not want the extra work. At other times, sure, but not now.

Technically, we probably shouldn't be giving any of it to the PO, because they'd all be in close proximity of other stops. That would give everyone an extra hour a day? People don't want what they have.
The language needs to be looked at again and get some feedback from the employees....hear that Hof ...and I don't mean the guy who drives knight rider or bangs sexy lifeguards ......


Well-Known Member
Some don't want the extra work. Some do. And surepost is generally small, light pkgs.
Of course, if the system was implemented and rectified as the language says the company would have to plan for the CORRECT amount of volume and this being maintained throughout the rest of the year would add jobs. We have seasonal drivers just running misloads and shuttling things who are very capable of delivering a whole route. They'd take the extra hours since many are between jobs.

The amount of "bagged" volume has been increased. There's a lot going on behind the scenes. If they aren't going to honor the language then either take it out or enforce it in the next contract. This is wrong.
The union has no idea how much is going to the post office....absolutely no idea....what do you think would happen if the post office gave some of their work to fedex or ups to deliver.....their unions would shut that place down ....