Well-Known Member
Saw this morning where GM announced major cutbacks in production and workforce. The obvious is they are not moving product but along with that are retirement and healthcare costs which are huge. One figure I saw several months ago that there was more healthcare cost built into a single car than the total cost of the steel to make it and there's about $1700 of steel in the average car last figure I saw. Analyst also speculated as they idle workforce and production plants that major whitecollar cuts are also coming soon. Does make sense that all the whitecollar staffing from closed plants can't be grafted back in somewhere else. Also plant closures could effect UPS in those areas as this will have economic impacts that will trickle down into other segments.
As a national employer, GM is a huge lynchpin in the national economy so I would think this could have a cascade effect in many areas. We would do wise to watch this closely as GM was reported several years ago to back some type of nationalized healthcare plan in order to save it's bottomline and avoid the very scenario we're seeing now or worse. One report I saw used GM as an example of what would happen to the bottomline if the federal gov't took over healthcare and the profits increase was in the billions. This same report however didn't mention any taxes paid out to fund such a plan so who know's how that would washout but the point was for the corporation, federal control of healthcare would in one sense be a dream come true for a major corp. like GM.
As for some type of nationalized plan I'm not convinced the current administration is beyond taking something like the Clinton idea for healthcare, making it their own and pushing it forward. I believe even Newt Gringrich over the last year was hanging with Sen. Clinton and even expressed some glowing comments about her earlier ideas with healthcare. I'd not be surprised to see it come to the surface again but as a GOP idea instead of someone else. One could argue the GOP co-oped the democrats with the prescription drug benefit as I myself believe that to be the case.
Some may think GM and UPS are apples and oranges and in one sense that's true but there is more in common than we realize too. As for the UAW, reports are that they were in the boat all along and will offer no resistance. That I don't know but we would do well keeping our ears to the ground going into 08'. The nationalizing of healthcare may be a "just of matter of time" as I believe that's the case no matter who controls Washington. GM's situation is just another brick in that wall but as UPSers and with our own situation it does bare watching not only from the standpoint of healthcare but also pension. Who knows, someone may just suggest nationalizing all pension systems too. Besides, if it's good enough for healthcare why not? Great way to save Social Security too.
Hey wait a minute! You know the more I think about that maybe that is what they/we should do, take our healthcare and CS plans and fold them into a federal system. Neither the company nor the union would have any say which answers many concerns from both sides here. We get the backing of the American taxpayer so no matter what happens to UPS or the Teamsters we're protected. You know the more I think about this I'm starting to like it because we could get the Congress to set loopholes in place allowing us to retire early, work where we want or for that matter I'm sure there's room for graft and corruption where we can abuse the system and make out like bandits. You know, now I'm starting to understand some of you better and I gotta admit you may be right and onto something afterall! You are smarter than the average bear!
Cool! OK what's the plan?
As a national employer, GM is a huge lynchpin in the national economy so I would think this could have a cascade effect in many areas. We would do wise to watch this closely as GM was reported several years ago to back some type of nationalized healthcare plan in order to save it's bottomline and avoid the very scenario we're seeing now or worse. One report I saw used GM as an example of what would happen to the bottomline if the federal gov't took over healthcare and the profits increase was in the billions. This same report however didn't mention any taxes paid out to fund such a plan so who know's how that would washout but the point was for the corporation, federal control of healthcare would in one sense be a dream come true for a major corp. like GM.
As for some type of nationalized plan I'm not convinced the current administration is beyond taking something like the Clinton idea for healthcare, making it their own and pushing it forward. I believe even Newt Gringrich over the last year was hanging with Sen. Clinton and even expressed some glowing comments about her earlier ideas with healthcare. I'd not be surprised to see it come to the surface again but as a GOP idea instead of someone else. One could argue the GOP co-oped the democrats with the prescription drug benefit as I myself believe that to be the case.
Some may think GM and UPS are apples and oranges and in one sense that's true but there is more in common than we realize too. As for the UAW, reports are that they were in the boat all along and will offer no resistance. That I don't know but we would do well keeping our ears to the ground going into 08'. The nationalizing of healthcare may be a "just of matter of time" as I believe that's the case no matter who controls Washington. GM's situation is just another brick in that wall but as UPSers and with our own situation it does bare watching not only from the standpoint of healthcare but also pension. Who knows, someone may just suggest nationalizing all pension systems too. Besides, if it's good enough for healthcare why not? Great way to save Social Security too.
Hey wait a minute! You know the more I think about that maybe that is what they/we should do, take our healthcare and CS plans and fold them into a federal system. Neither the company nor the union would have any say which answers many concerns from both sides here. We get the backing of the American taxpayer so no matter what happens to UPS or the Teamsters we're protected. You know the more I think about this I'm starting to like it because we could get the Congress to set loopholes in place allowing us to retire early, work where we want or for that matter I'm sure there's room for graft and corruption where we can abuse the system and make out like bandits. You know, now I'm starting to understand some of you better and I gotta admit you may be right and onto something afterall! You are smarter than the average bear!
Cool! OK what's the plan?