Syracuse, NY is now a 6 day work week for all drivers


Package Center Manager
Maybe if you honored the contract and properly staffed your operation, we wouldn’t have to file 9 5 grievances. But nope. The company has sat idle until the free period. The TCDs will save the day. Not gonna happen. And no I will not be working a Saturday until Christmas. The company’s stance that people order to much is a joke. This is a delivery company. Delivery the packages. Don’t roll them...

The argument about staffing is old..


Well-Known Member
The argument about staffing is old..

We agree... now you're paying for it with 9.5 and supervisor working grievances.

Like I told my center manager when he said "are you going to keep filing. There is nothing I can do?"

Ok, give me the name of who's fault it is and I'll put their name on the grievance instead of yours.

We are owed over 100 FT drivers in my local. The company decided they didn't want to give them to us over a year ago. So it was going to go to arbitration this year... now it's "it's not are fault... we don't have the drivers."

I am deeply saddened that we are losing your respect though.. seriously crushed.. it keeps me up at night. SMH


Why does everyone think management is doing this just to punish the drivers and inside employees?

We are in unprecedented territory over the last couple of months in regards to package volume, we are trying not to roll packages but it is happening as you know due to Covid 19, working from home, quarantined, kids home, there are some things you can only get on line no stores in the area have it, period.

We cannot hire people fast enough even if we are hiring in your area. A lot of people are not even applying because they are making so much more money on unemployment.

I am only seeing 3-5 people on the initial HR interview vs 10-15 as in the past.

We are not lowering our standards and I am totally on board with that, we have had to DQ a couple of insiders because the created even more work while on road. New pre-loaders and local sorters just walking out.

We get that you are exhausted, guess what, so are we.

As far as the contract with Req 8's and 9.5's... who are we going to give the work too? Most are working until 8 or later every night with everyone working.

Last thing, if you are one of the drivers filing for 9.5 violation and you are doing less work then before (smaller area cause every route is in and you have 20 more stops...not 75 more!) then you better look in the mirror before you talk about being an essential worker/hero. A lot of you are just doing it to get paid (Hero Pay..ya right, greedy more like it) cause everyone else is doing it. I have lost respect for more than a few of my drivers and believe you me, I will not forget it and I am sure there are many other management people that feel the same way.

You more than likely don't care, but there it is........

Your story might be believable if you hadn’t been trying to twist and turn the contract into whatever you want it to be that day for years upon years

So now that you have a “reason” to abuse it everyone should just bend over and take it with a smile

Good luck with that


Well-Known Member
Your story might be believable if you hadn’t been trying to twist and turn the contract into whatever you want it to be that day for years upon years

So now that you have a “reason” to abuse it everyone should just bend over and take it with a smile

Good luck with that

I think it's also funny how he's upset people are filing 9.5. Like it comes out of his pocket or something.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
We agree... now you're paying for it with 9.5 and supervisor working grievances.

Like I told my center manager when he said "are you going to keep filing. There is nothing I can do?"

Ok, give me the name of who's fault it is and I'll put their name on the grievance instead of yours.

We are owed over 100 FT drivers in my local. The company decided they didn't want to give them to us over a year ago. So it was going to go to arbitration this year... now it's "it's not are fault... we don't have the drivers."

I am deeply saddened that we are losing your respect though.. seriously crushed.. it keeps me up at night. SMH
I love how there’s people lined up dying to take our job any other time.

Now they need drivers with 40 million unemployed and well gosh darn guys give us a break. We are hiring as fast as we can

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Why does everyone think management is doing this just to punish the drivers and inside employees?

We are in unprecedented territory over the last couple of months in regards to package volume, we are trying not to roll packages but it is happening as you know due to Covid 19, working from home, quarantined, kids home, there are some things you can only get on line no stores in the area have it, period.

We cannot hire people fast enough even if we are hiring in your area. A lot of people are not even applying because they are making so much more money on unemployment.

I am only seeing 3-5 people on the initial HR interview vs 10-15 as in the past.

We are not lowering our standards and I am totally on board with that, we have had to DQ a couple of insiders because the created even more work while on road. New pre-loaders and local sorters just walking out.

We get that you are exhausted, guess what, so are we.

As far as the contract with Req 8's and 9.5's... who are we going to give the work too? Most are working until 8 or later every night with everyone working.

Last thing, if you are one of the drivers filing for 9.5 violation and you are doing less work then before (smaller area cause every route is in and you have 20 more stops...not 75 more!) then you better look in the mirror before you talk about being an essential worker/hero. A lot of you are just doing it to get paid (Hero Pay..ya right, greedy more like it) cause everyone else is doing it. I have lost respect for more than a few of my drivers and believe you me, I will not forget it and I am sure there are many other management people that feel the same way.

You more than likely don't care, but there it is........
Yeah, sitting in an air conditioned office all day is so exhausting!
Meantime, the drivers are sweating their guts out so you can get a big fat bonus!
I bet you would change your tune if YOU had to work 12 hour days running routes!


Well-Known Member
This is what you get when you tell them you can’t work Saturday . “The next step in discipline” and 4 hours more work than everyone else . Thanks managers that are reading this .
This is what you get when you tell them you can’t work Saturday . “The next step in discipline” and 4 hours more work than everyone else . Thanks managers that are reading this .

That looks good compared to mine. I don’t care anymore. Deliver what you can and bring back the rest. Great business plan 👍🏻👍🏻👍. When all your customers tell you to go screw because your boning them delivering there stuff days behind, you’ll blame the union...


Well-Known Member
Heck yes I'm filing my 9.5's! UPS is making unprecedented profits in what is usually the slowest quarter of the year and I'm certainly going to get my share of that profit. If you want to call me "Greedy" I'm more than fine with that as I come to work to make as much money as I can,by whatever means necessary ( Supe Working grievances are sweet too!!!). You guys should have Expected the Unexpected.You need to Figure it out and Make it Happen !! I have no respect whatsoever for my 'Management Team" so if you have no respect for me and my coworkers .....well we will call it even .
Now that’s a response. 9.5 $ is a duty/mission.
Now that’s a response. 9.5 $ is a duty/mission.

Your right.Trying to get a 9 5 grievance paid before the virus hit was like trying to impeach the president. Now it’s ok?? Paying out grievances and It’s ok to roll 100 stops per route every day? Will we see any hires after the second quarter ends?? We are in trouble in my building. At least 25 trailers behind and they keep stacking up