If Obama had done what Trump did some of you would be having orgasms. But Trump can't win with you. You had a President who told us all is well in the Middle East, then lied about Benghazi to cover up before the election that all wasn't well. Drew a red line that no one respected in Syria. Said they no longer had nerve gas, then they demonstrated the other day that they did. Said we no longer had to worry about Iran and nukes, but Iran's actions since signing the deal says we have plenty to worry about. Got caught on an open microphone saying tell Putin to be patient and wait until after he got re-elected and yet you accuse Trump of colluding with the Russians(with no evidence according to former Obama security officials). And it appears they played fast and loose with the law to spy on their political opponents. And yet you defend them because you so hate Republicans. Trump gave a proportional response to warn Assad not to go further with the chemical weapons, and you crow that he didn't leave the airbase in a giant crater. What would Obama have done? Based on his track record probably not much.