

Well-Known Member
Trump hit the Syrian air field with $70 million dollars of US munitions and it was operational 24 hours later. He sure showed them.

it was 83 million and he wiped out twenty planes , fuel depots and numerous hardened bunkers. If you're going to sneer at least represent the facts correctly.

10 Pt

Actually they have. Look at the long history of border incidents and firing on South Korean navy vessels.
A nuke in the hands of a nutcase is a far cry from a few chemical shells.
And before you think our crap doesn't stink, why does the US still posess chemical weapon stockpiles?
Because the Russians have them that's why.
When we were stockpiling Anthrax we maxed out at 150,000 tons. The Russians allegedly maxed out during the same period with 265,000 tons and counting.
We've got more toys that make Anthrax look like a nonissue.

10 Pt

And yet Drumpf "knew" there was a stockpile at that airfield and did nothing to dispose of them.
He doesn't have any responsibility to "dispose" of their alleged stockpile until they deploy them.
We lost 50,000 soldiers on D-Day. We could've saved alot of American lives had we had tomahawk missiles then. What were we doing over there anyway? Just doing what people with compassion do. Lay down their live for people being murdered, tortured, and raped by lawless, wicked people.
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10 Pt

it was 83 million and he wiped out twenty planes , fuel depots and numerous hardened bunkers. If you're going to sneer at least represent the facts correctly.
At least he did something...Took a stand.
Gaddafi didn't want anything to do with the 9-11 backlash for some odd reason. Hmmm. Wondering what changed his attitude.


Staff member
He doesn't have any responsibility to "dispose" of their alleged stockpile until they deploy them.
We lost 50,000 soldiers on D-Day. We could've saved alot of American lives had we had tomahawk missiles then. What were we doing over there anyway? Just doing what people with compassion do. Lay down their live for people being murdered, tortured, and raped by lawless, wicked people.
wait, what?

10 Pt

wait, what?
Oops. That battle cost 29,000 lives. Between 1900-2500 on the Normandy beach invasion.

The point remains: why were we there (?) and disagreeindisagreeout (driveindriveout), the master of the red x says nothing, believes in doing nothing... Ever... To help people being murdered and raped.

What goes around comes around.
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Staff member
Oops. That battle cost 29,000 lives. Between 1900-2500 on the Normandy beach invasion.

The point remains: why were we there (?) and disagreeindisagreeout (driveindriveout), the master of the red x says nothing, believes in doing nothing... Ever... To help people being murdered and raped.

What goes around comes around.
I support taking military action against Syria to prevent the use of chemical weapons. I would support a pre-emptive strike against North Korea to destroy their nuclear weapons program. The problem with Trump is that he's completely unpredictable and no, that's not a good thing. Is this just a one off with Syria? Who knows? Will he really do something about North Korea? Who knows? I would feel a lot better if he would actually lay out a policy and stick to it.

10 Pt

I support taking military action against Syria to prevent the use of chemical weapons. I would support a pre-emptive strike against North Korea to destroy their nuclear weapons program. The problem with Trump is that he's completely unpredictable and no, that's not a good thing. Is this just a one off with Syria? Who knows? Will he really do something about North Korea? Who knows? I would feel a lot better if he would actually lay out a policy and stick to it.
I agree but he's only been potus for a few months. His track record will speak for itself as time goes on. Assad needed a good punch in the mouth for some time now. Consistent responsible actions like this seems more radical because of the lameness of the last potus. Time will tell. He's not acting alone and that's a good thing.


Inordinately Right
I agree but he's only been potus for a few months. His track record will speak for itself as time goes on. Assad needed a good punch in the mouth for some time now. Consistent responsible actions like this seems more radical because of the lameness of the last potus. Time will tell. He's not acting alone and that's a good thing.

10 Pt

Your mentality then condemns all foreign wars or conflicts we've been involved with as irresponsible?
Very telling.
Armchair quarterbacking is lame.
The USA has always been a compassionate country. Typically the first to run to aid and to protect because we've been blessed and have conviction. Watching innocent people be slaughtered and doing nothing is being a responsible global partner? Is being a brave country with morals? I hope the attitude you portray isn't what we're becoming.


Inordinately Right
Your mentality then condemns all foreign wars or conflicts we've been involved with as irresponsible?
Very telling.
Armchair quarterbacking is lame.
The USA has always been a compassionate country. Typically the first to run to aid and to protect because we've been blessed and have conviction. Watching innocent people be slaughtered and doing nothing is being a responsible global partner? Is being a brave country with morals? I hope the attitude you portray isn't what we're becoming.
I was laughing at you saying Trump is "consistent" and/or "responsible". He is anything but consistent, and responsible..... lol.

In regards to armchair quarterbacking, you're wrong. I'm not trying to quarterback, I'm suggesting we stay out of the game all together. There are no winners.

Responsible global partner? Who is our partner exactly? Sure does seem like it's all on us doesn't it? That's how you neocons like it though, team america world police.

10 Pt

I was laughing at you saying Trump is "consistent" and/or "responsible". He is anything but consistent, and responsible..... lol.

In regards to armchair quarterbacking, you're wrong. I'm not trying to quarterback, I'm suggesting we stay out of the game all together. There are no winners.
He's been in office for a few weeks and you're judging his foreign policy to respond to deployment of weapons of mass destruction?
Your statement doesn't show anything except a preparedness to defame. Stay out of the game? We're all in the game whether we close our eyes to what's going on or not. Good luck with that.


Inordinately Right
Stay out of the game? We're all in the game whether we close our eyes to what's going on or not. Good luck with that.
Riiiiighht, we don't have a choice, we have to do something right?
Even if it's the wrong thing to do, we at least have to unzip and wave our dick around a little bit to show how big and "moral" we are.....
He's been in office for a few weeks and you're judging his foreign policy to respond to deployment of weapons of mass destruction?
First you say his consistent responsible actions are a change from the previous administration, then you say he's only been in office a few weeks and we can't judge him on it.

Which is it? Is he consistent, or is he new in office and can't be judged yet?


Well-Known Member
If Obama had done what Trump did some of you would be having orgasms. But Trump can't win with you. You had a President who told us all is well in the Middle East, then lied about Benghazi to cover up before the election that all wasn't well. Drew a red line that no one respected in Syria. Said they no longer had nerve gas, then they demonstrated the other day that they did. Said we no longer had to worry about Iran and nukes, but Iran's actions since signing the deal says we have plenty to worry about. Got caught on an open microphone saying tell Putin to be patient and wait until after he got re-elected and yet you accuse Trump of colluding with the Russians(with no evidence according to former Obama security officials). And it appears they played fast and loose with the law to spy on their political opponents. And yet you defend them because you so hate Republicans. Trump gave a proportional response to warn Assad not to go further with the chemical weapons, and you crow that he didn't leave the airbase in a giant crater. What would Obama have done? Based on his track record probably not much.


Inordinately Right
If Obama had done what Trump did some of you would be having orgasms. But Trump can't win with you. You had a President who told us all is well in the Middle East, then lied about Benghazi to cover up before the election that all wasn't well. Drew a red line that no one respected in Syria. Said they no longer had nerve gas, then they demonstrated the other day that they did. Said we no longer had to worry about Iran and nukes, but Iran's actions since signing the deal says we have plenty to worry about. Got caught on an open microphone saying tell Putin to be patient and wait until after he got re-elected and yet you accuse Trump of colluding with the Russians(with no evidence according to former Obama security officials). And it appears they played fast and loose with the law to spy on their political opponents. And yet you defend them because you so hate Republicans. Trump gave a proportional response to warn Assad not to go further with the chemical weapons, and you crow that he didn't leave the airbase in a giant crater. What would Obama have done. Based on his track record probably not much.
There you go blabbering on about Obama again.....
Move on man.


Inordinately Right
It's a fair question. You belittle Trump all the time when he doesn't have the time in office necessary to make a decent assessment. I can see why you don't want to look to closely at Obama's record.
What was the question?
All I saw was a wall of text written by someone who is obsessed with Barack Obama.