

Staff member
You have a resolution in 2014 specifically to the Syrian conflict. Bush went into Iraq with Hussein in direct violation of 17 U.N. resolutions and was raked over the coals for doing so. Nerve agents have been illegal under international treaties since WWI. What it comes down to is do we ever enforce anything or do we turn our heads and ignore it? It was thought Hitler could be appeased, look what that got us. The Middle East respects strength and it's time they understand we're willing to demonstrate our superior strength to get them to comply with international law. And if that includes attacking over barrel bombs good. What I don't get is attacking Trump over barrel bombs when that's been going on for some time. Is it just looking for something to attack him over or do you wish the previous administration had done something about it?
I'm not attacking Trump. I'm saying that he was visibly shaken by babies being killed by chemical weapons and his attitude changed toward Assad and Syria. So if chemical weapons are not acceptable when they kill babies, why would barrel bombs be?


Inordinately Right
I'm not attacking Trump. I'm saying that he was visibly shaken by babies being killed by chemical weapons and his attitude changed toward Assad and Syria. So if chemical weapons are not acceptable when they kill babies, why would barrel bombs be?
You're assuming he actually cares about the "beautiful babies", the whole speech seemed like a bunch of bs to me. He wanted to bomb something and he did. Babies, give me a break.


Staff member
You're assuming he actually cares about the "beautiful babies", the whole speech seemed like a bunch of bs to me. He wanted to bomb something and he did. Babies, give me a break.
He didn't need a chemical weapons attack to justify bombing a worthless air strip.

10 Pt

Riiiiighht, we don't have a choice, we have to do something right?
Even if it's the wrong thing to do, we at least have to unzip and wave our dick around a little bit to show how big and "moral" we are.....

First you say his consistent responsible actions are a change from the previous administration, then you say he's only been in office a few weeks and we can't judge him on it.

Which is it? Is he consistent, or is he new in office and can't be judged yet?
If I tell you it won't matter because you don't want to hear it and if you do hear it you'll twist it to your liking.

In that, you are consistent.
Wave your dick? I guess arguing with a fool produces those kind of statements.
I hope the first terrorist attack here is on your block so we can see the evidence of your spine that's I'm sure as big as your organ...In your own mind.


Inordinately Right
If I tell you it won't matter because you don't want to hear it and if you do hear it you'll twist it to your liking.

In that, you are consistent.
Wave your dick? I guess arguing with a fool produces those kind of statements.
I hope the first terrorist attack here is on your block so we can see the evidence of your spine that's I'm sure as big as your organ...In your own mind.
You hope there is a terrorist attack on me? So much anger in you man, you need to seek professional help.

10 Pt

You hope there is a terrorist attack on me? So much anger in you man, you need to seek professional help.
Talk is cheap.
In your case cheap and ignorant.
WHEN it comes (not if) I will watch to see the big bad attitudes of uncaring onlookers like yourself with all of their great wisdom and bs fluff then relate to what innocent people who were in the same situation dealt with..
while seeing people's plights but denied them justice and support as you portray.

Don't be fooled, what you sow you will truly reap and/or be held accountable for.
End of story.

10 Pt

This coming from a guy who just said he hopes there is a terrorist attack on his fellow Americans....
Maybe hooked on phonics will help your comprehension and reading skills.

I'm not hoping for any attack Einstein but when it comes, and it will come (again) those like you will have your attitude adjusted.
Your pompous attitude will be less cocky and conviction will abound.

10 Pt

Let me help you out.

I don't want you to get behind when you don't have answers and need to respond so I got it done for you.
I'm not debating you on this because it is redundant and neverending.


Well-Known Member
I'm not attacking Trump. I'm saying that he was visibly shaken by babies being killed by chemical weapons and his attitude changed toward Assad and Syria. So if chemical weapons are not acceptable when they kill babies, why would barrel bombs be?
Ask the previous president if he cared. This president says he cares.

10 Pt

Edit all you want. My statement is clear.
It's coming. We have opened the doors wide for the jihadis. The ones who destroy and rape innocent people who you flippantly discard as not quite worth our time and support.


Well-Known Member
Edit all you want. My statement is clear.
It's coming. We have opened the doors wide for the jihadis. The ones who destroy and rape innocent people who you flippantly discard as not quite worth our time and support.
Do you watch "Homeland"? Last year Carrie stopped Muslim fanatics from gassing hundreds in Berlin. Just as exciting, thought provoking, and well written as in previous years when it received numerous awards. But last season wasn't nominated for any Emmys. It may have been for something obscure but nothing major. Same thing happened to "Zero Dark Thirty" at the Oscars. Was critical of Obama's handling of terrorists. Same director got best director for "The Hurt Locker." And then there was "American Sniper." Looked to me the best movie that year. Lost to "Birdman"!!!! The Left is trying very hard to downplay any problems with the Muslim world, and anyone who points anything out pays a price. Which ultimately will lead to what you're saying if they get back in power. And Trump will be torn apart by the media to achieve that.

10 Pt

Do you watch "Homeland"? Last year Carrie stopped Muslim fanatics from gassing hundreds in Berlin. Just as exciting, thought provoking, and well written as in previous years when it received numerous awards. But last season wasn't nominated for any Emmys. It may have been for something obscure but nothing major. Same thing happened to "Zero Dark Thirty" at the Oscars. Was critical of Obama's handling of terrorists. Same director got best director for "The Hurt Locker." And then there was "American Sniper." Looked to me the best movie that year. Lost to "Birdman"!!!! The Left is trying very hard to downplay any problems with the Muslim world, and anyone who points anything out pays a price. Which ultimately will lead to what you're saying if they get back in power. And Trump will be torn apart by the media to achieve that.
The light shines brightest in the dark and darkness hates light.
The contrast has never been more pronounced than it is today.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
So now Trump is saying that Assad has to go. Is there a country in the Middle East where in recent history a strongman leader has been forcefully removed from power and the country is better off?


Well-Known Member
I often hear the claim about terrorist groups getting their hands on WMD and then deploy such in a terrorist action. Any scenario is possible but I remain skeptical that such is plausible. For one, in the case of extreme islamic terrorism, this has been a threat over the last 3 decades and we've yet to see such an action here in the US. If such were going to occur, I would think the opportunity to acquire such weapons over the last 3 decades with all the chaos in the Middle East would have presented itself.

In the case of the recent events in Syria concerning Sarin, I got curious about the shelf life. Sarin was created in 1938' by IG Farben intended as a pesticide but obviously that was not what they got in the end. Often pesticides (we're way beyond household bug spray here) have a very limited shelf life. Thus the question arises, what is the shelf life of Sarin gas? Reading the article on Sarin gas in Wikipedia, this is what was said concerning the shelf life of Sarin Gas.

"The most important chemical reactions of phosphoryl halides is the hydrolysis of the bond between phosphorus and the fluoride. This P-friend bond is easily broken by nucleophilic agents, such as water and hydroxide. At high pH, sarin decomposes rapidly to nontoxic phosphonic acid derivatives.[23][24] The initial breakdown of sarin is into isopropyl methylphosphonic acid (IMPA), a chemical that is not commonly found in nature except as a breakdown product of sarin (this is useful for detecting the recent deployment of sarin as a weapon). IMPA then degrades into methylphosphonic acid (MPA), which can also be produced by other organophosphates.[25]

Sarin without the residual acid removed degrades after a period of several weeks to several months. The shelf life can be shortened by impurities in precursor materials. According to the CIA, some Iraqi sarin had a shelf life of only a few weeks, owing mostly to impure precursors.[26]

Along with nerve agents such as tabun and VX, sarin can have a short shelf life. Therefore, it is usually stored as two separate precursors that produce sarin when combined.[27] Sarin's shelf life can be extended by increasing the purity of the precursor and intermediates and incorporating stabilizers such as tributylamine. In some formulations, tributylamine is replaced by diisopropylcarbodiimide (DIC), allowing sarin to be stored in aluminium casings. In binary chemical weapons, the two precursors are stored separately in the same shell and mixed to form the agent immediately before or when the shell is in flight. This approach has the dual benefit of solving the stability issue and increasing the safety of sarin munitions."

Since Sarin needs such care just to preserve its viability, I remain skeptical a terrorist group would ever use it when other forms of terror weapons are more effective and less vulnerable. But there is one possible scenario where it does make sense and that is if a State entity gives a terrorist or terrorist group Sarin as a means to advance another agenda through the acts of said terrorists.