

Inordinately Right
You blast Trump all day long but if I say anything about Obama I'm obsessed. We're still dealing with the fallout of his lack of leadership. Stop trying to cover for him.
I blast Trump all day long?
Not really man, I love the guy, he's hilarious.
Oh and also, he's the President, not Obama. Move on.

It's quite telling that you're incapable of defending Trump without bringing up Obama. Pathetic.


Well-Known Member
I blast Trump all day long?
Not really man, I love the guy, he's hilarious.
Oh and also, he's the President, not Obama. Move on.

It's quite telling that you're incapable of defending Trump without bringing up Obama. Pathetic.
How can you not bring up the previous president no matter who it is? You're obsessed with tamping down any criticism of your favorite Democrat.


Well-Known Member
a summary of america war of terror:

"War opens a Pandora’s box of evils that once unleashed are beyond anyone’s control. The invasion of Afghanistan set out to defeat al-Qaida, and nearly 16 years later, we are embroiled in a losing fight with the Taliban. We believed we could invade Iraq and create a Western-style democracy and weaken Iran’s power in the region. The fragmentation of Iraq among warring factions has left Iran the dominant Muslim nation in the Middle East and Iraq destroyed as a unified nation. We set out to topple President Bashar Assad in Syria but then began to bomb the Islamic insurgents trying to overthrow him. We spread the “war on terror” to Yemen, Libya and Syria in a desperate effort to crush regional resistance. Instead, we created new failed states and lawless enclaves where vacuums were filled by the jihadist forces we sought to defeat. We have wasted a staggering $4.79 trillion on death, destruction and folly as our nation is increasingly impoverished and climate change threatens us with extinction. The arms manufacturers, who have a vested interest in perpetuating these debacles, will work to make a few trillion more before this act of collective imperial suicide comes to a humiliating end." - chris hedges


Well-Known Member
i saw a julian assange tweet last night and the FBI and CIA were arming / funding these groups that were fighting each other LOL


Staff member
No it isn't, but when dealing with a bunch of libs who constantly slam Trump it's valid to bring up their guy's flaws. And I'll keep doing so....bwahhahahaha!!!
So van, what has changed? If Assad uses CW again, will the president again let the Kremlin know he's going after a worthless airstrip? What if national TV shows the mangled bodies of babies ripped apart by barrel bombs? Does the president find that somehow more acceptable? Trump took action, Obama did not and we find ourselves exactly where we've been all along.


Well-Known Member
WOW! How fast we forget. Before we throw Obama under the bus for inaction in Syria, we might do well to revisit some history about 4 years ago. First off, at the time Obama wanted to go into Syria but it was public outcry that stopped him from doing so. The fact this outcry stopped Obama was lauded as the anti-war movement having found a voice on both sides of the political isle and had finally achieved victory.

Even today, I still think the voices against intervention were the right one and I applaud Obama for listening even if it was holding a finger in the air to feel the direction of the wind ahead of the 2014' midterms.

Circa Sept. 2013' Opposition to Syrian Airstrikes Surges


Well-Known Member
WOW! How fast we forget. Before we throw Obama under the bus for inaction in Syria, we might do well to revisit some history about 4 years ago. First off, at the time Obama wanted to go into Syria but it was public outcry that stopped him from doing so. The fact this outcry stopped Obama was lauded as the anti-war movement having found a voice on both sides of the political isle and had finally achieved victory.

Even today, I still think the voices against intervention were the right one and I applaud Obama for listening even if it was holding a finger in the air to feel the direction of the wind ahead of the 2014' midterms.

Circa Sept. 2013' Opposition to Syrian Airstrikes Surges
Obama didn't go in because we were war weary and then you have the anti-war contingent that doesn't care what the reason is. Trump made a decision and is derided by the Left here for both doing anything and not doing enough. Guess they wanted him to level Damascus so they could label him a war criminal.


Well-Known Member
So van, what has changed? If Assad uses CW again, will the president again let the Kremlin know he's going after a worthless airstrip? What if national TV shows the mangled bodies of babies ripped apart by barrel bombs? Does the president find that somehow more acceptable? Trump took action, Obama did not and we find ourselves exactly where we've been all along.
War is hell and we can't interject ourselves into every one that comes along. However there are international laws against usage of certain kinds of weapons. We have to uphold those laws or watch a horribly bad situation get worse. As Churchill once said, paraphrased, evil will triumph if good men do nothing.


Well-Known Member
Obama didn't go in because we were war weary and then you have the anti-war contingent that doesn't care what the reason is. Trump made a decision and is derided by the Left here for both doing anything and not doing enough. Guess they wanted him to level Damascus so they could label him a war criminal.

If that's true, then on some level you might argue he took the bait!

But then IMO for much of the 20th century and into the 21st, every President has been a war criminal on some level. Goes with the very nature of the job.


Nine Lives
War is hell and we can't interject ourselves into every one that comes along. However there are international laws against usage of certain kinds of weapons. We have to uphold those laws or watch a horribly bad situation get worse. As Churchill once said, paraphrased, evil will triumph if good men do nothing.
Why do we have to do it?
Makes no sense to me.
What the hell is the UN doing?


Staff member
War is hell and we can't interject ourselves into every one that comes along. However there are international laws against usage of certain kinds of weapons. We have to uphold those laws or watch a horribly bad situation get worse. As Churchill once said, paraphrased, evil will triumph if good men do nothing.
Yes. There are international laws.
Barrel bomb - Wikipedia

Shall we enforce some or all? Why?


Well-Known Member
Yes. There are international laws.
Barrel bomb - Wikipedia

Shall we enforce some or all? Why?
You have a resolution in 2014 specifically to the Syrian conflict. Bush went into Iraq with Hussein in direct violation of 17 U.N. resolutions and was raked over the coals for doing so. Nerve agents have been illegal under international treaties since WWI. What it comes down to is do we ever enforce anything or do we turn our heads and ignore it? It was thought Hitler could be appeased, look what that got us. The Middle East respects strength and it's time they understand we're willing to demonstrate our superior strength to get them to comply with international law. And if that includes attacking over barrel bombs good. What I don't get is attacking Trump over barrel bombs when that's been going on for some time. Is it just looking for something to attack him over or do you wish the previous administration had done something about it?