Taken out of service for not knowing safety dribble?


Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

You sure bring up the arrogance word quite a bit - well, maybe it takes one to know one? Who says it's arrogance that makes him not want to join? Maybe he does not want to reveal his email address. Maybe he does not have an email address. Maybe he doesn't have a computer. How do you know his reasoning for not joining this site?

This debate has really not been about his reasoning. I call him a scab because he does not join. His reasoning is really irrelevant. He either joins or he is a scab who often uses this site without joining.

You ladies tried to actually defend him by arguing with the scab term when the similarities are undeniable.

Hey lets invite Jon to join us when we load up the chat room tommorrow. Oh thats right we can't because he stuck his scab nose up at our little community.

Mike Hawk

Well-Known Member
Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

You sure bring up the arrogance word quite a bit - well, maybe it takes one to know one? Who says it's arrogance that makes him not want to join? Maybe he does not want to reveal his email address. Maybe he does not have an email address. Maybe he doesn't have a computer. How do you know his reasoning for not joining this site?

This debate has really not been about his reasoning. I call him a scab because he does not join. His reasoning is really irrelevant. He either joins or he is a scab who often uses this site without joining.

You ladies tried to actually defend him by arguing with the scab term when the similarities are undeniable.

Hey lets invite Jon to join us when we load up the chat room tommorrow. Oh thats right we can't because he stuck his scab nose up at our little community.
You don't get it Tie, his contribution to the forum is his posting, just like everyone else. Please provide proof of a tangible benefit the site receives because he registers, instead of posting without registering. Please also provide proof of his arrogance, tangible proof not just your opinion. You really don't know why he decided not to join, you just assumed it is arrogance.

What’s with this sexist lady comment? Trying to use being a female as an insult speaks a lot about who you are.

If you really hate scabs so much why do you only go after Jon? Some users contribute almost nothing or even negatively to the forum but you say nothing. Admit it you just have an axe to grind with JonFrum.

New Englander

Well-Known Member
Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

You don't get it Tie, his contribution to the forum is his posting, just like everyone else. Please provide proof of a tangible benefit the site receives because he registers, instead of posting without registering. Please also provide proof of his arrogance, tangible proof not just your opinion. You really don't know why he decided not to join, you just assumed it is arrogance.

What’s with this sexist lady comment? Trying to use being a female as an insult speaks a lot about who you are.

If you really hate scabs so much why do you only go after Jon? Some users contribute almost nothing or even negatively to the forum but you say nothing. Admit it you just have an axe to grind with JonFrum.

Absolutely true.

New Englander

Well-Known Member
Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

Ah lets see. A person works for ups and does not join the union. Whats he paying for?

Is this all you have? Shouldn't you defend the Cheryl and all her hard work instead of the guy who uses it and does not show proper reverence for her work by joining the community?

Why would you defend the arrogance of someone who thinks he is too good to join?

Tie, in case you have not noticed. This is not UPS. This is a free site with NO membership rules. Cheryl has decided to set it up that way herself.

He has joined the community, he is a regular contributer here.

I was trying to help you out here so I tried every slang and urban dictionary on the web I could find. Do you have some other weird definition of scab that the masses do not follow?


Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

tieguy;360544[COLOR=blue said:
Still a scab if he does not join. The drivers you call scabs for not joining the union are often intelligent and often put a lot of thought and effort into their jobs. But according to you union guys they are still scabs.[/COLOR]
By definition yes.
Definitions of 'scab'

The American Heritage® Dictionary- (7 definitions)

[Middle English, from Old Norse skabb.]

  1. A crust discharged from and covering a healing wound.
  2. Scabies or mange in domestic animals or livestock, especially sheep.
    • Any of various plant diseases caused by fungi or bacteria and resulting in crustlike spots on fruit, leaves, or roots.
    • The spots caused by such a disease.
  3. Slang A person regarded as contemptible.
    • A worker who refuses membership in a labor union.
    • An employee who works while others are on strike; a strikebreaker.
    • A person hired to replace a striking worker.


Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

tieguy;360987 [COLOR=#0000ff said:
You ladies tried to actually defend him by arguing with the scab term when the similarities are undeniable.[/COLOR]
You need to watch how you phrase some of your posts.


Well-Known Member
Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

You sure bring up the arrogance word quite a bit - well, maybe it takes one to know one? Who says it's arrogance that makes him not want to join? Maybe he does not want to reveal his email address. Maybe he does not have an email address. Maybe he doesn't have a computer. How do you know his reasoning for not joining this site?

This debate has really not been about his reasoning. I call him a scab because he does not join. His reasoning is really irrelevant. He either joins or he is a scab who often uses this site without joining.

You ladies tried to actually defend him by arguing with the scab term when the similarities are undeniable.

Hey lets invite Jon to join us when we load up the chat room tommorrow. Oh thats right we can't because he stuck his scab nose up at our little community.

Dude, and yes I refer to you as dude, step back from the computer and take a deep breath man. This is only a message board! This is not a secret society or a country club. He doesn't have to join if he doesn't want to. Besides you, who cares anyway?
The fact that you get so uptight about who is a member and who isn't really indicates you may need a BC vacation. Get out into the sun. Enjoy the nice weather. BC will still be here and after a much needed break you may see things from a different perspective.


Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

Dude, and yes I refer to you as dude, step back from the computer and take a deep breath man. This is only a message board! This is not a secret society or a country club. He doesn't have to join if he doesn't want to. Besides you, who cares anyway?

So what you're telling me is you support his right to scab this board but you don't support my right to object?

As you said its a message board that means I have the right to post my opinions here too.

If stepping back and letting others do what they want is your point then why did you jump into this discussion in the first place? perhaps you should have demonstrated you belief by staying out of it?

Sounds like you need to jump back from the computer and take the deep breath.


Well-Known Member
Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

it may sound like elementary school but all my employees recite the 5 keys 8 steps and 6 swms everyday, starting this week i get to add the 10pt commentary and 5 seeing habits to it. They know id have their arse if we failed an audit bc of them not reciting it....Just remember repetition is the mother of all success, if you do something enough times whether its reciting "dribble" loading containers or open heart surgery youre ahve it down pat

What's the forum? Is it on the clock? What do you do if a certain employee has difficulty with any or all of the elements? What do you do if an employee demonstrates ability in memorizing the elements but has difficulty in taking an oral test?

Apologies for not following the thread?


Well-Known Member
Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

Is UPS going to set aside TIME and a way for us to CODE it for us to study? Do you think us using a stupid workbook for 3 minutes every day is going to translate into us learning this crap verbatim?

People learn at different paces, it wasn't a requirement when we were hired so were not going to get fired for not being able to recite all of UPS's rules on safety.

UPS doesn't make any REAL effort in getting us to learn this stuff. When they actually decide to help the drivers learn it verbatim in an honest to goodness way......screw them. I'll retain what ever I can in the 3 minutes it takes to finish the page in my book every day. My home time is my home time, not UPS's.

New Englander has made A WHOLE BUNCH OF GOOD POINTS; ones which I have never heard addressed.

The training that we have received in trying to learn these are elements are an absolute embarrassment. On one hand, we have Tieguy telling us how important knowing all this stuff is, on the other hand we have management trying to impart this knowledge on us......................
1) with a fear and intimidation attitude
2) at PCMs before a difficult day on the road
3) with absolutely no conceptuality of material
4) with no mnemonics (other then "all good kids love milk")
5) in a learning environment that is noisy, distracting, and to a lesser extent, intimidating.

I have read some posts where there has been at least an attempt to provide an "in service" before work to try to get to know these elements. If knowing this stuff is soooooooo important, why not institute this at all centers?


Browncafe Steward
Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

The only reason the great tieguy has for jon to join is so he can pm him and beg in private to stop spanking him here on a regular basis. Since only registered users have access to private messaging.


Telling it like it is
Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

A company that made a business decision to save $30 by deleting a 3 point seat belt can instead trot out a book of acronyms and get that warm fuzzy feeling of safety.

The answer I got on 3pt seat belts and high backed seats when I asked a higher authority was, "If it was not original manufacturer safety equipment or officially added/modified later by the manufacturer, the company will not modify the vehicle because it shifts liability from the manufacturer to UPS."


Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

The only reason the great tieguy has for jon to join is so he can pm him and beg in private to stop spanking him here on a regular basis. Since only registered users have access to private messaging.

Actually its a little more then that. One thing I enjoy pointing out with these debates is the inconsistencies of the union goon. Here again its highlighted. A person who does not join a union is called a scab by you folks. Yet when I apply the same exact principles in calling one who does not join this message board a scab you folks whine like a bunch of little girls.

for tough union folks you sure do whine a lot.

I believe the very least we can do to support Cheryls hard work here is to join the site. I think anyone who regularly uses it and does not support her by joining is a scab. I refuse to apologize for supporting this site no matter how twisted you guys get over it.


Well-Known Member
Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

Actually its a little more then that. One thing I enjoy pointing out with these debates is the inconsistencies of the union goon. Here again its highlighted. A person who does not join a union is called a scab by you folks. Yet when I apply the same exact principles in calling one who does not join this message board a scab you folks whine like a bunch of little girls.

for tough union folks you sure do whine a lot.

I believe the very least we can do to support Cheryls hard work here is to join the site. I think anyone who regularly uses it and does not support her by joining is a scab. I refuse to apologize for supporting this site no matter how twisted you guys get over it.
Since most of the posters in this forum are men here shouldn't this read "whine like a bunch of little boys" I find this post disrepectful to the hardworking women at UPS:happy2:


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

The answer I got on 3pt seat belts and high backed seats when I asked a higher authority was, "If it was not original manufacturer safety equipment or officially added/modified later by the manufacturer, the company will not modify the vehicle because it shifts liability from the manufacturer to UPS."
Which has been my point all along. The safety of the driver is NOT a priority....protecting UPS from additional expense and liability is the ONLY purpose for the safety committee. The rest is just window dressing.


Browncafe Steward
Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

Actually its a little more then that. One thing I enjoy pointing out with these debates is the inconsistencies of the union goon. Here again its highlighted. A person who does not join a union is called a scab by you folks. Yet when I apply the same exact principles in calling one who does not join this message board a scab you folks whine like a bunch of little girls.

for tough union folks you sure do whine a lot.

I believe the very least we can do to support Cheryls hard work here is to join the site. I think anyone who regularly uses it and does not support her by joining is a scab. I refuse to apologize for supporting this site no matter how twisted you guys get over it.

Tie you dont call the shots here! We are not at work right now! I believe if cheryl had an issue with this she would have changed it, like other sites were you must be registered to post. Cheryl runs this site as she sees fit and once again your not happy about it. So what do you do? You harass, belittle and instigate like you have been trained to do in your every day management position. Guess what? Its not working at work and its not working here!


Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

Tie you dont call the shots here! We are not at work right now! I believe if cheryl had an issue with this she would have changed it, like other sites were you must be registered to post. Cheryl runs this site as she sees fit and once again your not happy about it. So what do you do? You harass, belittle and instigate like you have been trained to do in your every day management position. Guess what? Its not working at work and its not working here!

Ok then the great red has now succumbed to stating the obvious.

Ok red real slow now pay attention:


I never said I called the shots here

Got it?

I did say I think someone that does not support Cheryls site by joining is a a scab.

Got it?

New Englander

Well-Known Member
Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

Ok then the great red has now succumbed to stating the obvious.

Ok red real slow now pay attention:


I never said I called the shots here

Got it?

I did say I think someone that does not support Cheryls site by joining is a a scab.

Got it?

If it bothers you that much. Wouldn't your effort be better served talking her into changing the format for posting here?


Re: Taken out of service for not knowing saftey dribble?

If it bothers you that much. Wouldn't your effort be better served talking her into changing the format for posting here?

Another Einstien asking brain numbing questions.

It does not bother me at all if you remember. I originally did not answer his question because he was not a registered user of the site.

if no one else jumps into the discussion the thread ends there.

But you in your effort to glorify your position here against the mangement poster then repeated the question for the scab and you tried to defend the scab.

Thus this thread continues where it would have died a quick death if not for you and others here who think I don't have a right to an opinion.