Hehe. Pretty much the only argument for staying at UPS that I’ve seen is, ‘But the $/benefits though.’
Problem is the $ hasn’t kept up with the COL and as this has happened the way new guys are treated has gotten worse. So until/if you get to RPCD you have years of

to deal with AND then who knows what the future holds. If you’re a RPCD right now, sweet. Ride it out if you can. I was getting shafted and told legit issues were mine to deal with.
I make the same $ working 4 days a week at less per hour now than I did as a PT driver for UPS effectively 6 days a week. I also don’t have to call the dumbasses in charge to see if I have work that day or risk showing up and being told to go home. I don’t do the preload’s job on my truck. I don’t do anything I’m not paid to do, and I don’t deliver anything over 50lbs in an air conditioned modern truck that I’m encouraged to drive slowly.
You guys are delusional, and you’re going to have your asses handed to you by bottom of the barrel non-dot people who can pass a drug test and 3 days of formality “training”.
Enjoy the gravy train while it lasts.