You can also use your end of year pay stub to do your taxes.
No, no, no, no, no!! I think you and I have this discussion every year but advising people to do their taxes based on their paystub is flat out wrong. Everyone's tax situation is different.
Your paystub shows your gross earnings. This may or may not be the same as the taxable earnings in the W-2. On mine, my YTD total on my paystub will not match my Box 1 Federal taxable wages and there will a completely different number in Box 3 & 5 FICA and Medicare taxable wages. This is because I have certain pre-tax items such as insurance premiums, HSA contributions, 401k contributions, etc.
You and I may be tax savvy enough to know what items to back out of gross wages to arrive at the proper taxable totals but not everyone is. Places like H&R Block, Liberty, Jackson Hewitt, etc will not file your tax return until you have the W-2. They may run a calculation based on the paystub but they will not press the button to actually file without all of the official documentation.