TDU Conference Call


Well-Known Member
Your crap TDU failing locals endorsed this contract. So I guess you just chucked them the bird. I've read it from cover to cover. Your supposed to hate the contract because Ken P needs you to help "talk up" fear for the next election. The only negative is that they changed the cocaine metabolites from 300 ng/ml to 150. That does suck. Termite, your time has come and gone. Now go away before your stepped on....again.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Your crap TDU failing locals endorsed this contract. So I guess you just chucked them the bird. I've read it from cover to cover. Your supposed to hate the contract because Ken P needs you to help "talk up" fear for the next election. The only negative is that they changed the cocaine metabolites from 300 ng/ml to 150. That does suck. Termite, your time has come and gone. Now go away before your stepped on....again.
That's why I am not a blind follower like you. I can disagree with those that I choose to ally with. And disagree I do. I am voting NO on this POS.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Your crap TDU failing locals endorsed this contract. So I guess you just chucked them the bird. I've read it from cover to cover. Your supposed to hate the contract because Ken P needs you to help "talk up" fear for the next election. The only negative is that they changed the cocaine metabolites from 300 ng/ml to 150. That does suck. Termite, your time has come and gone. Now go away before your stepped on....again.

Not going away. I like it here.
I do not agree with the POS TA. I will be voting NO on it. That is why I am not a blind cheerleading nazi like you. If TDU does something I don't like, I call them on it and make up my own damn mind. Unlike you. A blind follower.


Well-Known Member
What's the matter honey? Did I out your plot? I'm an optimist and it has worked well in my life. TDU= pessimism. Let's scare everyone into thinking the world is ending that way we can take over the union!!! Sound familiar? That's your ass pirate buddy Ken P. Sandy Pope endorsed this contract. I'm not trying to change your mind. Your blinded by hatred. Do you like your supplement?


Well-Known Member
That's the pot calling the kettle black.
I never told anyone what to vote. They should read it. I can only speak for myself and I look to how the contract is worded. If you like it vote yes, if not vote no. I had one guy today that had no intention of reading it at all. He said he was not even going to vote. Wtf?

UPS Preloader

Well-Known Member
I have a copy of the proposed contract in hand, I have everyone in my building, I have my local union, and I have everyone here on BC. Why would I need a TDU conference call?


Well-Known Member
What's the matter honey? Did I out your plot? I'm an optimist and it has worked well in my life. TDU= pessimism. Let's scare everyone into thinking the world is ending that way we can take over the union!!! Sound familiar? That's your ass pirate buddy Ken P. Sandy Pope endorsed this contract. I'm not trying to change your mind. Your blinded by hatred. Do you like your supplement?
Wait. Sandy Pope's local does not cover ANY ups members. How could she have "endorsed" anything??


Well-Known Member
It's so they can 1. Sell their propaganda. 2. Get a contact list to recruit new Termites. And 3. Once again, not adhere to the same rules that they fight the union to promote.
I can't believe that people fall for it. When is there going to be a change in the OLD GAURD at TDU. Talk about megalomaniacal, PAFF is it!!


Well-Known Member
Also, tdu members generally are more optimistic than most. Most non -tdu members are very skeptical if not actually cynical of all union leaders.Most are kind of clueless to the actual workings of the union. Most dont vote and most dont show up at union meetings. You go to any tdu meeting and close to 100% of tdu members show up. You go to a tdu convention and probably 80% of members attend. Why?? Because they are committed union people willing to go far and above just showing up at a local union meeting.
As for scare tactics, lol, you must be kidding me. It is the Old Guard who uses scare tactics about that confounded TDU, They are afraid of losing their well paid positions in the old guard hierarchy-the multiple salaries, the cars, etc. TDU activists are just that: well intentioned activists who think things need to be fixed. And for that they are called names and at times beat up by old guard thugs who fear democracy and outside the box thinking.
And no one is trying to "take over the union". TDU works to empower members to THINK FOR THEMSELVES. Yes we have a point of view: it is basically very progressive in its politics and are true believers in the power of real democracy in our union and the faith in the power and views of the RANK AND FILE not the lazy, worn out old guard who push weak contracts and stifle decent!!


Well-Known Member
Um, dude, you do know sandy was in RI last Saturday at a TDU meeting on the east side of providence? Did you know she said the economic proposal "looked great"? Now the 2 TDU flunkeys in our building agree that it's a decent contract. Don't let KP hear that.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Um, dude, you do know sandy was in RI last Saturday at a TDU meeting on the east side of providence? Did you know she said the economic proposal "looked great"? Now the 2 TDU flunkeys in our building agree that it's a decent contract. Don't let KP hear that.

Care to prove that statement?