TDU Conference Call


Well-Known Member
Um, dude, you do know sandy was in RI last Saturday at a TDU meeting on the east side of providence? Did you know she said the economic proposal "looked great"? Now the 2 TDU flunkeys in our building agree that it's a decent contract. Don't let KP hear that.

Still doesn't sound like an "endorsement". Sounds like she thinks a part of the agreement that was put out by Hoffa hall as of last saturday seemed good. I wonder what she might have said about the huge change of health care for many. The actual weak language on harassment and sure post, etc. But once again, she has no UPS members in her local so what would an endorsement mean anyway.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
That was from this weekend even if I was a yes vote this last weekend until the details came out on the 7th. Once the details came out I switched to a no vote. I'm sure Sandy now feels the same way I do now that the details have come out.
Way to make use it TDU .org good job Stink.
But you're still wrong again.


Well-Known Member
Get the stick out of your ass Real! You can bring a great day into grumpy land. Stop taking yourself so serious. Did you read your supplement yet?

smart girl

Well-Known Member
I will be part of the call. Why? Because I have been at every union meeting for the last 30 yrs. I have lost an uncle to being shot as we played hopscotch at 11. It is about Labors' place in this new economy. I am disappointed in the 9 .5 language and the part timers shaft. I also am Disgusted at the fact that newbies have to wait 4 yrs to gain full pay scale. They do the same damn job. And retirees are now paying more for those years they need it the most. We are suppose to protect ALL. Shame on us.

UPS Preloader

Well-Known Member
I will be part of the call. Why? Because I have been at every union meeting for the last 30 yrs. I have lost an uncle to being shot as we played hopscotch at 11. It is about Labors' place in this new economy. I am disappointed in the 9 .5 language and the part timers shaft. I also am Disgusted at the fact that newbies have to wait 4 yrs to gain full pay scale. They do the same damn job. And retirees are now paying more for those years they need it the most. We are suppose to protect ALL. Shame on us.

I agree with you on everything but the call. I too go to every meeting and that is where I'll be discussing it... With my local union and my immediate brother's and sister's.


Well-Known Member
I will be part of the call. Why? Because I have been at every union meeting for the last 30 yrs. I have lost an uncle to being shot as we played hopscotch at 11. It is about Labors' place in this new economy. I am disappointed in the 9 .5 language and the part timers shaft. I also am Disgusted at the fact that newbies have to wait 4 yrs to gain full pay scale. They do the same damn job. And retirees are now paying more for those years they need it the most. We are suppose to protect ALL. Shame on us.

I agree with you on everything but the call. I too go to every meeting and that is where I'll be discussing it... With my local union and my immediate brother's and sister's.
Do you mean union as in people directly related with the contract and intent of language? ;)
More like loopy if you ask me.
You can take shots at me all you want but the posters see through your act. They see as I do that you have no balls and that all you can really do is bitch which in essence who you are. What local are you from I'm from local 407 and hall and many at ups in labor know who I am. Who are you son? Nevermind you don't have the balls and oh wait nobody really cares. Have a safe week and don't spend to much time worring about WHEN this contract passes because it will. Did I just cyber bully you like you said I do? Sure I'd love to meet you face to face but your no balls ass would never do it so its not really a reality. Goodnight Alice


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You can take shots at me all you want but the posters see through your act. They see as I do that you have no balls and that all you can really do is bitch which in essence who you are. What local are you from I'm from local 407 and hall and many at ups in labor know who I am. Who are you son? Nevermind you don't have the balls and oh wait nobody really cares. Have a safe week and don't spend to much time worring about WHEN this contract passes because it will. Did I just cyber bully you like you said I do? Sure I'd love to meet you face to face but your no balls ass would never do it so its not really a reality. Goodnight Alice
Wow, did you get help with this? Such a long post for someone with such little comprehension skills. You keep on trying and soon you might actually make a post that someone will want to read.


Well-Known Member
Don't you have a butt to kiss somewheres? I am sure Hoffa or Hall is expecting you about now. Run along a lick some boots.
You call us butt kissers but your the "TDU non member" that licks KP's scrote every chance you get. You call us old guard followers? KP has been the grand dragon for 37 years. How old is that guard?! Time for change? Who runs against him? Oops, I forgot his position isn't up for grabs because he is a hypocrite. Oh that's right, your crap "organization" is not a union. Just a place to house the misfits, turn coats, dissidents, freaks, crybabies and yellow bellies. Your TDU position is always the same,"Everyone is picking on me. Why am I not heard?" Maybe if you helped your REAL UNION instead of try to divide us as and weaken us with your fake pretend land of make believe uni- oops, "organization". TDU is like a new stepdad trying to play grab ass, he tells you it's only for fun but deep down he's trying to friend you. And Real, it seems as though you like it. 407 is a true Teamster who does his steward job extremely well. I am a proud Local 251Teamster steward who does his job to the best of my ability. You Alice (fitting how you live in Wonderland), are nothing but the Benedict Arnold of this Union.
Btw, did you even read your supplement yet and how it works with the MA? Is it a no vote for you on that too? Tell us what KP thinks.


Well-Known Member
You have No balls Alice.

I normally try to stay on topic however....anonymous.... I like your avatar.. Charles Ramsey... national hero from Cleveland. Almost 4,000,000 hits on youtube.. That man is 100% passion, real, and speaks from the heart..... I loved watching him on CNN being interviewed by Anderson Cooper. I would like to think he has many good things in store for him... One thing for sure...he'll have a lifetime supply of anything he wants from McD's..... I would love to see this guy as a Union Steward..... Mr. UPS Charles Ramsey... ..

P.S. I think both Stink and yourself can now relax about TDU..... as BUG mentioned, they obviously agree with the contract.. I have not seen any significant negative comments on their website. I personally would like to see some unity come back between all of us UPS Teamsters. I believe we should respect everyone's opinion without name calling etc.. I try not to lower myself to "fighting in the mud"....regardless of how much I want to sometimes... Passion is a positive attribute......mud slinging can detract from the points one is trying to make..... although.... my new motto may be.. instead of WWJD... (what would Jesus do)... my new motto may be WWCRD.. (what would charles ramsey do)...


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You call us butt kissers but your the "TDU non member" that licks KP's scrote every chance you get. You call us old guard followers? KP has been the grand dragon for 37 years. How old is that guard?! Time for change? Who runs against him? Oops, I forgot his position isn't up for grabs because he is a hypocrite. Oh that's right, your crap "organization" is not a union. Just a place to house the misfits, turn coats, dissidents, freaks, crybabies and yellow bellies. Your TDU position is always the same,"Everyone is picking on me. Why am I not heard?" Maybe if you helped your REAL UNION instead of try to divide us as and weaken us with your fake pretend land of make believe uni- oops, "organization". TDU is like a new stepdad trying to play grab ass, he tells you it's only for fun but deep down he's trying to friend you. And Real, it seems as though you like it. 407 is a true Teamster who does his steward job extremely well. I am a proud Local 251Teamster steward who does his job to the best of my ability. You Alice (fitting how you live in Wonderland), are nothing but the Benedict Arnold of this Union.
Btw, did you even read your supplement yet and how it works with the MA? Is it a no vote for you on that too? Tell us what KP thinks.
I have never met Ken P and unlike you have never tried to meet him.
407 is a limited comprehension OG follower. If not for me, he would be right with you here bullying and piling on when you guys slam someone for daring to challenge what Hoffa and Hall are doing.
And as for my supplement, yes I've read it. Haven't made up my mind on whether it is a yes or no vote yet. There is 407 now. Wow, when you don't have anything to say, it really shows. All he has is that "No Balls" crap. You guys need to help him. It's not his fault he wasn't born with a better brain. Unless he destroyed so many brain cells drinking over the years.


Well-Known Member
You know, after reading dozens of post here on BC, I've come to the conclusion that a few specific posters that are so obsessed with bashing TDU are actually closet TDU'ers themselves. All of their bullying, name calling tactics are just a way for them to stand out in a crowd and be their (TDU) cheerleader. We have all been taugh more in the last few weeks about TDU than we cared to know. I myself don't support nor denouce the TDU propaganda. It's just another tool to get information. Being an educated adult, I can filter the truth and the spin that both TDU and the IBT provides.


New Member
Received this from local 150:
Here is the latest (5/7/13) update on the Contract Negotiations from your UPS Business Agents, Lealon Raley, Alan Daurie and Perry Hogan.

Please continue to go to the IBT web site at International Brotherhood of Teamsters | International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) and to the Teamsters Local 150 web site at Teamsters Local 150 for updated and accurate information.

Here are the highlights of the changes found in the Tentative Agreement for the National Master UPS Agreement that you will be voting on.

Meetings will be scheduled in the near future to discuss these changes with Local 150 members. Ballots are tentatively scheduled to be mailed out on May 24th to May 28th, 2013 and tentatively due to be counted on June 20th, 2013 by an independent election service. It is expected to take approximately 2-3 days for the election service to complete the counting of the ballots.

At the Two Person Meeting in Washington DC where the Business Agents reviewed the Contract with our Negotiating Team there was a lot of discussion on the people entering a Teamster health plan. Approximately 140,000 people who are currently in a Company plan for their health care will be moving into a Teamster Health Plan that is comparable to the level of benefits they currently receive and is not the gutted out Company health plan first proposed by UPS and those stripped down Company health plans were the ones that UPS had planned to have our Teamster members pay premiums for out of their own pocket every week. The new Teamster Health Plan is tentatively called TEAMCARE and will not cost Teamster members out of their pocket premiums. One big advantage for Teamsters being in a Teamster plan versus a Company run plan is that in a Company plan the company can change the plan without much recourse and being in this TEAMCARE plan with other employers and other Teamsters the Company could not just change the plan design around on a whim. Before the Two Person Meeting took place there were already rumors being circulated that this new plan would bankrupt the Teamster members using it. Given that, at the meeting the IBT handed out real examples of Maternity Costs versus what the member would pay for it as well as Outpatient Baby Visits, Open Heart Surgery and Cardiac Rehabilitation Follow-Up. The total cost of those services would cost $204,200 and the member share would only be $1,050 However, Teamsters Local 150 members are not in a Company plan and so this would not apply to you. You would continue to have the same plan offered to you now and you would not have to pay any monthly premiums as the Company had originally proposed that you do.



Congratulatons to Local 177 Hillside NJ for getting its members a $400./mo. pension increase even as letters were arriving to Teamster homes indicating that the pension was in a critical status (underfunded).