TDU Conference Call


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I was on the conference call today. Good stuff. Talked about it being the weakest TA that has ever made it to a vote. Not all of it bad. Some parts of the country actually get improvements all around, while others are getting the shaft. It looks like central states is benefiting from the Western Conference. website TA highlights don't always match the wording and meaning in the TA.
To this day, the only information I have recieved (except highlights) has come from TDU. Ballots are suppose to be mailed out later this month (May) and so far zero info from international and local. Local meeting soon though.


Well-Known Member
Do you need TDU to tell you when your mortgage payment is due also. How many contracts have you been through? TDU said this is the worst TA? Christ! Lmao! Good night Real. Kisses XOXOXO


Well-Known Member
Do you need TDU to tell you when your mortgage payment is due also. How many contracts have you been through? TDU said this is the worst TA? Christ! Lmao! Good night Real. Kisses XOXOXO
No, it was desribed by some as the good, the bad and the ugly. They went over the improvements. Some of the weak language. How the part timers get screwed AGAINHow the raises are less than the last contract. How we needed $5.50 towards our H/W and pension and got only $5.00. But mostly members talked about the changes in their health care. They do not want to go from a "cadillac" plan to a lesser plan with higher copays,etc. But overall the tone was not of bashing hoffa hall but more of just spelling out what actually was in it. Some spoke of a NO campaign in their buildings. I think hoffa-hall overestimated the rank and file's complacency. NO ONE in my building is voting yes on this version of the contract. Their mindset is more like : nice first offer,, try again.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Not going away. I like it here.
I do not agree with the POS TA. I will be voting NO on it. That is why I am not a blind cheerleading nazi like you. If TDU does something I don't like, I call them on it and make up my own damn mind. Unlike you. A blind follower.

I normally try to stay on topic however....anonymous.... I like your avatar.. Charles Ramsey... national hero from Cleveland. Almost 4,000,000 hits on youtube.. That man is 100% passion, real, and speaks from the heart..... I loved watching him on CNN being interviewed by Anderson Cooper. I would like to think he has many good things in store for him... One thing for sure...he'll have a lifetime supply of anything he wants from McD's..... I would love to see this guy as a Union Steward..... Mr. UPS Charles Ramsey... ..

P.S. I think both Stink and yourself can now relax about TDU..... as BUG mentioned, they obviously agree with the contract.. I have not seen any significant negative comments on their website. I personally would like to see some unity come back between all of us UPS Teamsters. I believe we should respect everyone's opinion without name calling etc.. I try not to lower myself to "fighting in the mud"....regardless of how much I want to sometimes... Passion is a positive attribute......mud slinging can detract from the points one is trying to make..... although.... my new motto may be.. instead of WWJD... (what would Jesus do)... my new motto may be WWCRD.. (what would charles ramsey do)...

No, it was desribed by some as the good, the bad and the ugly. They went over the improvements. Some of the weak language. How the part timers get screwed AGAINHow the raises are less than the last contract. How we needed $5.50 towards our H/W and pension and got only $5.00. But mostly members talked about the changes in their health care. They do not want to go from a "cadillac" plan to a lesser plan with higher copays,etc. But overall the tone was not of bashing hoffa hall but more of just spelling out what actually was in it. Some spoke of a NO campaign in their buildings. I think hoffa-hall overestimated the rank and file's complacency. NO ONE in my building is voting yes on this version of the contract. Their mindset is more like : nice first offer,, try again.

One can only hope. Send them back. Embarrass them. NO


Well-Known Member
Received this from local 150:
Here is the latest (5/7/13) update on the Contract Negotiations from your UPS Business Agents, Lealon Raley, Alan Daurie and Perry Hogan.

Please continue to go to the IBT web site at International Brotherhood of Teamsters | International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) and to the Teamsters Local 150 web site at Teamsters Local 150 for updated and accurate information.

Here are the highlights of the changes found in the Tentative Agreement for the National Master UPS Agreement that you will be voting on.

Meetings will be scheduled in the near future to discuss these changes with Local 150 members. Ballots are tentatively scheduled to be mailed out on May 24th to May 28th, 2013 and tentatively due to be counted on June 20th, 2013 by an independent election service. It is expected to take approximately 2-3 days for the election service to complete the counting of the ballots.

At the Two Person Meeting in Washington DC where the Business Agents reviewed the Contract with our Negotiating Team there was a lot of discussion on the people entering a Teamster health plan. Approximately 140,000 people who are currently in a Company plan for their health care will be moving into a Teamster Health Plan that is comparable to the level of benefits they currently receive and is not the gutted out Company health plan first proposed by UPS and those stripped down Company health plans were the ones that UPS had planned to have our Teamster members pay premiums for out of their own pocket every week. The new Teamster Health Plan is tentatively called TEAMCARE and will not cost Teamster members out of their pocket premiums. One big advantage for Teamsters being in a Teamster plan versus a Company run plan is that in a Company plan the company can change the plan without much recourse and being in this TEAMCARE plan with other employers and other Teamsters the Company could not just change the plan design around on a whim. Before the Two Person Meeting took place there were already rumors being circulated that this new plan would bankrupt the Teamster members using it. Given that, at the meeting the IBT handed out real examples of Maternity Costs versus what the member would pay for it as well as Outpatient Baby Visits, Open Heart Surgery and Cardiac Rehabilitation Follow-Up. The total cost of those services would cost $204,200 and the member share would only be $1,050 However, Teamsters Local 150 members are not in a Company plan and so this would not apply to you. You would continue to have the same plan offered to you now and you would not have to pay any monthly premiums as the Company had originally proposed that you do.



Well-Known Member
Do you need TDU to tell you when your mortgage payment is due also. How many contracts have you been through? TDU said this is the worst TA? Christ! Lmao! Good night Real. Kisses XOXOXO

Why are you so against people coming together and talking about the language of the contract?
Hell we still have grievances on what the contract 5 years ago means.

You want people to BLINDLY just vote for something the Union says is good? LOL

You sound like a plant for the Company.


Well-Known Member
What have I lied about? And you are correct about one thing, the bees did die. I used to have a street named after me, but it was changed by the DOT because nobody crosses Stink219! Good night Realbrown, sweet dreams, I love you.
Was it gay street?


Well-Known Member
What have I lied about? And you are correct about one thing, the bees did die. I used to have a street named after me, but it was changed by the DOT because nobody crosses Stink219! Good night Realbrown, sweet dreams, I love you.
Was it gay street?
Not idiot. It implies the street was Stink219! I'm tired of holding your hand. And what's your issue with gay people?