
Well-Known Member
1. JoJo loses the election he tried to rig.

2. JoJo claims the challengers had inside knowledge of a 1 on 1 conversation he had with the legal department in DC. (lulz)

3.JoJo's buddies down at the JC10 realize he's bat:censored2: crazy and rule against him.

4. JoJo appeals to the International after throwing them under the bus at the JC10 hearing.

5. International ignores a pan handler at a stop sign.

6. JoJo appeals to the department of labor. Investigation is ongoing...

7. I would imagine the next step is a letter to Obama, and if that doesnt work, a petition to the English Parlement perhaps? Maybe get the UN involved?

You dont think people know this JoJo? You dont think that people form their own opinions? Your reputation is garbage now JoJo. You should have lost with some grace and tried again in three years. But you are too stupid to realize that. Jackass.

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I expect nothing less from you. What else ya got? Your saying the DOL is investigating? Why?

Sent using the conscience of Local 251


You know me...
I expect nothing less from you. What else ya got? Your saying the DOL is investigating? Why?

Sent using the conscience of Local 251
Aren't they? Or did they already deny him? My info is about a week behind. (Seriously, I'm not who you think I am)

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hartford ogs

Well-Known Member
Is there gonna be a re election? I need to find out so I can figure out whos ASS I am gonna kiss. Stinky are you gonna run on membership slate again or Stand on your own 2 feet? You might be better off on your own

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Well-Known Member
So supporting the labor movement is not one of their duties as officers of the local?

Go ahead and look up the oath they took during the January meeting. I'll wait...

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I found it.

I, ______________, do sincerely promise, upon my honor as a trade unionist and a Teamster, that I will faithfully use all of my energies and abilities to perform the duties of my office, for the ensuing term, as prescribed by the Constitution and Bylaws of this Union. As an officer of this great Union, I will, at all times, act solely in the interests of our members, devote the resources of our Union to furthering their needs and goals, work to maintain a Union that is free of corruption, to preserve and strengthen democratic principles in our Union, and to protect the members’ interests in all dealings with employers. I will never forget that it is the members who put me here, and it is the members whom I will serve. I further promise that I will faithfully comply with and enforce the Constitution and laws of the International Union and Bylaws of this Union, that I will, at all times, by example, promote harmony and preserve the dignity of this Union. I also promise that at the close of my official term, I will promptly deliver any money or property of this Union in my possession to my successor in office.

What I didn't see was:
I, , do sincerely promise, upon my honor as a trade unionist and a Teamster, that I will faithfully use all of my energies and abilities to perform the duties of other unions before my own. I will use all financial resources to undermine the membership. Alienate other members and bring reproach on my union. I will empower the abilities of retired unionists of the past that embarrassed the local and fleeced members money for the good of his addictions. I will mask my inexperience to the best of our inabilities. I will promptly deliver any monies to TDU every month.

Sent using the conscience of Local 251


Well-Known Member
Soooo your saying driving up and down the east coast burning diesel to inflate your own ego and promote your TDU agenda is not in the bylaws? Odd.


Well-Known Member
Why dont we get some of these stewards and other members from DPW to come to the meeting and show their support for the new administration. that should surley show us where their loyalty is.

smells like godzilla

Well-Known Member
Being a "trade unionist and Teamster" means solidarity with other unions and workers against the greed of the employers, for the benefit of workers as a collective group.
It doesn't mean a narrow vision of unions as a means to cut secret deals with employers, for the benefit of the few.

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Well-Known Member
Well brother , heres a news flash for ya... a lot of our very own "collective groups" are not seeing the benifits you promised them during your bogus bs infested campaign. and they aint happy about being lied to.


Well-Known Member
Being a "trade unionist and Teamster" means solidarity with other unions and workers against the greed of the employers, for the benefit of workers as a collective group.
It doesn't mean a narrow vision of unions as a means to cut secret deals with employers, for the benefit of the few.

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So stop doing the latter.

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Well-Known Member
No one is being lied to. The self selected few who previously benefited from secret deals with employers are the ones who are unhappy.

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Stop insulting us as members!! Don't ever tell me that you are not lying to us. People know it. People see it. And people know it.

Sent using the conscience of Local 251


You know me...
I found it.

I, ______________, do sincerely promise, upon my honor as a trade unionist and a Teamster, that I will faithfully use all of my energies and abilities to perform the duties of my office, for the ensuing term, as prescribed by the Constitution and Bylaws of this Union. As an officer of this great Union, I will, at all times, act solely in the interests of our members, devote the resources of our Union to furthering their needs and goals, work to maintain a Union that is free of corruption, to preserve and strengthen democratic principles in our Union, and to protect the members’ interests in all dealings with employers. I will never forget that it is the members who put me here, and it is the members whom I will serve. I further promise that I will faithfully comply with and enforce the Constitution and laws of the International Union and Bylaws of this Union, that I will, at all times, by example, promote harmony and preserve the dignity of this Union. I also promise that at the close of my official term, I will promptly deliver any money or property of this Union in my possession to my successor in office.

What I didn't see was:
I, , do sincerely promise, upon my honor as a trade unionist and a Teamster, that I will faithfully use all of my energies and abilities to perform the duties of other unions before my own. I will use all financial resources to undermine the membership. Alienate other members and bring reproach on my union. I will empower the abilities of retired unionists of the past that embarrassed the local and fleeced members money for the good of his addictions. I will mask my inexperience to the best of our inabilities. I will promptly deliver any monies to TDU every month.

Sent using the conscience of Local 251

Ignoring the sarcasm and continuing your education, please note this specific part of the Oath: "I further promise that I will faithfully comply with and enforce the Constitution and laws of the International Union "

Now, Stinky, I'd like you to go ahead and grab your pocket constitution (that you have CLEARLY never read) and open it up to Article 1 Section 2. (It's right after the oath you copied and pasted) The title of the article is called OBJECTS. About half way down you will notice this sentence:
; to provide financial and moral assistance to other labor organizations or other bodies having purposes and objectives in whole or in part similar or related to those of this organization;

Please give me YOUR unique interpretation of that part of the constitution...because the way I read it, it is EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING. It is also EXACTLY what JOJO refused to do. (This is the part where you either learn something, or lie your a55 off.)


Well-Known Member
So supporting the labor movement is not one of their duties as officers of the local?

Go ahead and look up the oath they took during the January meeting. I'll wait...

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First you say "the oath they took". Now you want to change the statement and quote any and all parts of the constitution to fit you agenda? Come on bud.

Sent using the conscience of Local 251


You know me...
First you say "the oath they took". Now you want to change the statement and quote any and all parts of the constitution to fit you agenda? Come on bud.

Sent using the conscience of Local 251

The oath they took was to uphold the constitution...I find that to be particularly relevant to the discussion as well as my point. Guess you're not going with the "learn something" route...

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Well-Known Member
Well it only took 3 months for the new administration to spew the TDU jizz all over the faces of our membership. Camarata? It's one thing to talk about the man as a teamster in his death, but when it turns into a TDU education seminar is when I have an issue. So when that "3 months in the local" appointed contract coordinator who ruined his own local asks to show him some respect when everybody left, why don't you show us a little respect without giving your dissertation of TDU. When is the basket going to be handed out next?
And if he is looking for respect, I gave it to him by politely and quietly leaving instead of throwing up on the floor of the union hall.
Btw, did I win the car?
And Popes check obviously didn't clear cuz she never showed.

Sent using the conscience of Local 251


You know me...
Q: How do you get JB and his twelve goons to leave a union meeting?

A: Education.

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Well-Known Member
TDU should not take up my monthly meeting with bull and nonsense.
"Motion was passed unanimously" to kick a member out of a meeting? And just and FYI, UPS a district wide initiative that lowered SPC to a range opposed to a specific number and is putting more drivers on based on volume increases from Surepost and Amazon, this in conjunction with the end of UPS's highering freeze between 2008 to 2013. So contrary to your belief, it has zero to do with you.
Still didn't hit the mark on your salary reduction goal yet did ya.

Sent using the conscience of Local 251