Books are open to Teamsters who choose to join. TDU is a not some foreign entity. It's an organization OF Teamsters, By Teamsters and FOR Teamsters!! But we are Teamsters who stand up and ask questions of our leaders. Teamsters who are sick and tired of Old Guard "leaders" who forget where they come from and have lost touch with their members.
You Old Guard "leaders" are, naturally, threatened by TDU because it holds leaders feet to the fire. It exposes their bloated salaries. It trains future leaders who will represent the rank and file and not sell out. TDU, of course, "BUG"s you because they wake up the rank and file to educate and agitate and instigate. In case you are so out of touch yourself, that is EXACTLY what unions are supposed to do!! That is why we need to clean house next year!!