Teaching the new drivers about the real UPS


Well-Known Member
Again it’s not in my job description to teach only to drive and deliver packages union related issues are Stewart’s and business agents job if that’s not a good enough answer for you better go back to school I think you missed some grades and classes. Better check out common sense 101 and I’m pretty sure your just a troll anyways so go have a mediocre existence while it lasts hope u find something better to do with your life.

I will answer what is a very simple question that you are for whatever reason unable to either understand or answer:

Yes, it is the job of every senior employee to "teach" the newbies about any aspect of the job with which they may be unfamiliar.


If it’s brown, it’s going down
I will answer what is a very simple question that you are for whatever reason unable to either understand or answer:

Yes, it is the job of every senior employee to "teach" the newbies about any aspect of the job with which they may be unfamiliar.
Wrong again show me in my job description where it states that then I will agree until then go troll someone else thanks


If it’s brown, it’s going down
Wrong again show me in my job description where it states that then I will agree until then go troll someone else thanks
That is supervisors job to teach not other employees that’s why we have management and union Stewart’s sorry to ruin whatever argument you thought you had.

What The Hawk?

I have been with UPS for over 11 Years and driving for over 5 years. Today I was talking to a newer driver who didn’t understand the 9.5 list and how it works. As I explained to the best of my ability what it was and how it worked it then dawned on me, he knows nothing of the union handbook that we have to protect us. When I first came in I was the same until I got in on conversations of what and how to protect myself from UPS. My point is these new guys need to be taught the book front to back to ensure that we are all in the know so management can’t pull any crap even on the new guys. I know it’s not my job to teach them but it makes me feel good that I can help someone that will eventually need the information and I think all of us would be better off if they did. So take the time to help them answer any questions they have it will pay divends in the long haul.
It really depends to be honest. I have two shop stewards (I'm a loader), one who gave me the union book and the other who I believe is a snitch for the company. I think the single best thing you or anyone can do whether new or a veteran employee of UPS is to document every single day you work and what happens/conversations you have. I can't believe that the union books were not given to every employee anyway. If I'm paying a union due I should be aware of what I'm paying the union to do! Also encourage people to go to the union meetings, especially these next months because the contract is almost up..we need to be on top of it.

What The Hawk?

That is supervisors job to teach not other employees that’s why we have management and union Stewart’s sorry to ruin whatever argument you thought you had.
Never ever depend on management for anything! They are non union company goons.


Well-Known Member
I would say it's defiantly not any senior drivers job to teach newbies things, but it certainly is a good idea. I was grateful alot of older drivers took to liking me and answer any questions i have and little by little i learn more and more. I look up to them when i've got questions about whether or not i'm being screwed and so on. I also do my best to help out drivers newer than me. Gotta keep passing the knowledge on if you want everyone to stick together and stand up for themselves when needed. I'll also search the contract too when i'm wondering about something.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
That sounds a little melodramatic.

Not in our neck of the woods. The Union caters to you big city boys. Extended centers are ignored.

Please.... we have made constant gains.

We lost more under Carey.

Really? Wow! I just see concessions and lost days. More hours forced (70). Carey contract was a success. Reports said the union won. Every Hoffa contract. A loss to union members.

Trying to infuse cash into your pension, "is for no reason" ?

For who? I may never see it anyways. My hard work went to a retired guy whose company either stopped ma
3 done 3 to go said: ↑
Since Hoffa got in we have lost almost everything
3 done 3 to go said: ↑
Since Hoffa got in we have lost almost everythingking payments to the union or went belly up. But hey, they got their pension. The union forgot about the giant ponzi scheme they were playing.

$5500 a month for 30 years of service, was not sustainable.

Older retirees got my hard work. I got a cut. Because of the Democratic party and the unions backing Obama's omnibus bill to cut pensions. But we keep giving them millions each yr. We got conned by both. Don't be delusional. I know your better than that. Hoffa won. We lose. UPS will force a contract that he can't refuse. Then in the interest of the union. It will pass

Even @UpstateNYUPSer has been realistic about this.


Heavy Package

Well-Known Member
In progression here at $24.22 / hr and made just shy of $70k this year.

To the Op: The new drivers know that this is a Union company. It's a 2-way street. The shop "stewart" and BA should introduce themselves to the newbies and the new guys need to take the time to read the contract and ask questions to sr. drivers or "stewart".

My guess is there is apathy on both sides of this equation.


Well-Known Member
In progression here at $24.22 / hr and made just shy of $70k this year.

To the Op: The new drivers know that this is a Union company. It's a 2-way street. The shop "stewart" and BA should introduce themselves to the newbies and the new guys need to take the time to read the contract and ask questions to sr. drivers or "stewart".

My guess is there is apathy on both sides of this equation.

When I was hired off the street in 1989 I had no idea that UPS was a union company.


Well-Known Member
@joseph B I hate to agree with Upstate but you are wrong.

It is not the job of a Union steward or a business agent to teach every single Union employee the contract. The fact that you think that makes you part of the problem.

The union is only as strong as its members. If we are not willing to teach each other and help each other learn then we will all suffer the consequences. YOU are the union so yes it is part of your job description.

I'm not trying to troll you but you came on here saying you learned from conversations of other members. Then you turn around and say it's not your job. If you are going to come on here and demand change then maybe it should start with you. I am not a Union steward but I always make sure to help any member I know learn the contract especially new members.


Well-Known Member
If someone asks me but I'd never approach a junior driver and tell them to file a grievance for over 9.5 - maybe they want the hours. If they're griping constantly i might tell them to file or shut up.

The only time i ever gave unsolicited advice was when I knew a driver who took a 22-3 was being paid incorrectly.

IDK UPS isn't big brothers/big sisters and they'll figure it out.