Well-Known Member
It's past your bedtime old man.You management? Or should you have said, "There are Express drivers that make more than that."
It's past your bedtime old man.You management? Or should you have said, "There are Express drivers that make more than that."
Not if I can piss you off. Happy New Year, wish you the best.It's past your bedtime old man.
You can't, so go to bed Tom.Not if I can piss you off. Happy New Year, wish you the best.
Uncle to you. I like you too, thanks for the concern.You can't, so go to bed Tom.
Sorry, but no Toms in my family tree.Uncle to you. I like you too, thanks for the concern.
Again it’s not in my job description to teach only to drive and deliver packages union related issues are Stewart’s and business agents job if that’s not a good enough answer for you better go back to school I think you missed some grades and classes. Better check out common sense 101 and I’m pretty sure your just a troll anyways so go have a mediocre existence while it lasts hope u find something better to do with your life.
@joseph B I hate to agree with Upstate but you are wrong.
It is not the job of a Union steward or a business agent to teach every single Union employee the contract. The fact that you think that makes you part of the problem.
The union is only as strong as its members. If we are not willing to teach each other and help each other learn then we will all suffer the consequences. YOU are the union so yes it is part of your job description.
I'm not trying to troll you but you came on here saying you learned from conversations of other members. Then you turn around and say it's not your job. If you are going to come on here and demand change then maybe it should start with you. I am not a Union steward but I always make sure to help any member I know learn the contract especially new members.
Again it’s not job to teach anything to anybody. I’m not a teacher or a sup I’m a driver, my original post states that I helped a fellow driver out and that I do it because I do care about my fellow coworkers. Upstate wanted to tell me that it was my job and I was correcting him if you want to follow him and make the conversation about that it is my job to teach newbies the book then show me where it states that in my job description. And it is the responsibility of the union to hand out contract books to news union employees. Again I said we should help teach the new guys just not going to admit it’s my job to teach anything about the union handbook to newbies I do it to help them when they have questions.@joseph B I hate to agree with Upstate but you are wrong.
It is not the job of a Union steward or a business agent to teach every single Union employee the contract. The fact that you think that makes you part of the problem.
The union is only as strong as its members. If we are not willing to teach each other and help each other learn then we will all suffer the consequences. YOU are the union so yes it is part of your job description.
I'm not trying to troll you but you came on here saying you learned from conversations of other members. Then you turn around and say it's not your job. If you are going to come on here and demand change then maybe it should start with you. I am not a Union steward but I always make sure to help any member I know learn the contract especially new members.
You must be the grammar police, there I used a comma just for you. Sorry my sup didn’t direct me to use proper writing skills you will have to grievance him for not teaching me lol.Terrific job using run-on-sentences buddy. Break down your thoughts a bit with some commas or periods when it calls for it.
It's probably best you don't teach the newbie anything, as if you hack up your job just as much as you do crafting a post he'll definitely be in trouble.
What a clown!!
Sorry auto correct must have put in the wrong spelling in I will take ownership for my mistake.Is there a reason why everyone is spelling Shop Stewards (Stewart) wrong.
It should be the job of fellow brothers to advise and teach the newer union employees the union contract, not management, they are non union. We need as many union brothers to understand the union book and contract so we can stand together to fight when UPS tries to just take and not give.
We lose part of our annual raise to help pay for our carve out healthcare(we are not central states plan) and are around 34 and change an hour. I made around $92,000
Is there a reason why everyone is spelling Shop Stewards (Stewart) wrong.
It should be the job of fellow brothers to advise and teach the newer union employees the union contract, not management, they are non union. We need as many union brothers to understand the union book and contract so we can stand together to fight when UPS tries to just take and not give.
We lose part of our annual raise to help pay for our carve out healthcare(we are not central states plan) and are around 34 and change an hour. I made around $92,000
What Are the Duties of Shop Steward? responsibilities of the union steward to new employees and union members. I think everyone should read this before they say its not the union stewards job to teach the newbies about are contract or supplement. It’s laid out pretty clearly there are there to answer any questions about the union handbook. But like I stated before, I am willing to help any new union member with any questions I can answer. Hopefully upstate and 542thruNthru get to see this article that way they can be informed. Wait did I just help the newbies out here??? Or should I say uneducated oldies out.
Says the person that just got proven wrong. Who is better the person that worked there entire life and thought he knew everything. Or the person who worked very little and knew more then person worked there entire life at the same job. Sorry upstate better retire early while you think you as smart as you think you are. Maybe you can take 542thruNthru with u, you guys can decide who is the smartest dumb person in the room. News flash you both won.I have forgotten more about this job than you will ever know.
Personally it’s funny that I started this thread to say we should help the newbies. Then you took one sentence out of the thread and tired to start crap with me. I hate to say it but, the old dog bit off more then he could chew. I hope you realize the mistakes you have made and will change. If not then good luck being a troll the rest of your life.Says the person that just got proven wrong. Who is better the person that worked there entire life and thought he knew everything. Or the person who worked very little and knew more then person worked there entire life at the same job. Sorry upstate better retire early while you think you as smart as you think you are. Maybe you can take 542thruNthru with u, you guys can decide who is the smartest dumb person in the room. News flash you both won.
I have nothing else to worry about than some new punk who just started working. You pay union dues , either learn about what your paying for or shut it.[/