Man of Great Wisdom
Well I wonder how it got that way? By not accepting crap contracts..I think if other regions would of not caved in yrs ago all of you would be in better shape. There is no reason now to throw in the towel and settle for less. You have to fight for your hard earned benefits that were in better shape when you started than they are now. Earned by the retirees who paved the way yrs earlier. If not for them I would think things would be alot worse. Everyone forgets that all retirees busted their tails and dealt with the same if not more crap before NDA came into the picture back in 82..I owe them for the benefits I had when I started and what I retired with. I don't think todays workers give a crap about retirees.. Their morale over the yrs has been so battered that they just think about themselves.. We had a touch of morale years ago when we had picnics and stuff, now it is golf outings for United Way so they can present a ck to the public..It is sad today that just on this forum you can see the distance between members. You have the ones who kiss butt and those who don't.. Would be nice if the Teamsters would get their act together. Union memebership is falling, out here in Arizona it is aright to work state. We had friend/T Customer Counter and am and pm clerks, out here no friend/T clerks, woman said she had over 20 yrs p/t at the counter. Profits for Ups indeed..Unions should bring people together to become a strong block of individuals who stand hand in hand to protect their jobs and benefits earned by them. Ups must love the division they have put between the members who are playing right into their greedy hands
No doubt the old timers paid their dues. They also went for breakfast before their first stop, had no time pressure, signed for people's packages, could hide, didn't have to answer phones or DIAD text messages. The new guys have to gun it right out of the shoot while being followed in person, on the computer, by camera etc. it's a whole new world.