Red, your last paragraph speaks volumes about you and your local. Your local would not even start negotiations until JULY......why not start months stated there's no you think thats respectful to UPS and the rest of the teamsters around the country???
You obviously have a real hard time reading english! We initiated the talks and started the talks early june on the 9th to be exact.
Respect for ups? They had a big hand in the outcome of this contract from day one and dragged their feet. If we wouldnt have walked out the night of the 30th as we did they might not have ever gotten serious without a strike.
...The answeris NO !!...Your local does not care about our customers because you pounded the war drums of a strike and we lost millions of dollars and a number of large customers, due to the advertising you guys orchestrated through the media throughout the midwest.
Typical management response, of course ups had nothing to do with the route that was taken. They didnt offer us outrageous proposals and threaten to take away our seniority and give us 15 cents every 6 months in raises. On call feeder language which 710 already has and we see how bad it is. You are aware that before dispatch calls in a 710 on call they will force a 705 feeder driver to do the run leaving this 710 guy at home with no work or pay and yet 710 will not file to stop this from happening. the 710 steward in my building has asked me to stop the 705 drivers from doing these routes because his agent has told him that a teamster is doing it. What about the guy at home on call?
There would have been no need for a strike vote if ups had bargained in good faith from day one like they did on the final day.
Yet local 710 negotiated quietly and got it done. You keep saying you got a fair contract,good, and so did 710.......without the B/S you and your local pulled.
Of course you wont but will you look to see what they had going in and how much was changed?
I am glad to say that i am not 710 and this is not a knock on my fellow 710ers but if management keeps tooting your horn like this, it is not good. If the company is giving pats on the back for a job well done thats a union that i dont want to be part of!
Lastly,filing 16,000 grievence over 4 years demonstrates you and your locals lack of commitement in working with and communicating with the management in stated that you have some good managers in your building, correct.?....yet you probably filed the same number of B/S grievences with them as you did with other management. I bet you don't even follow the grieevance procedure you?? just file at at a wim, don't you??....16, you guys are out of control.( I am sure some of the grievences were legit).
Lack of commitement from the local? lmao! your kidding right? Imagine how many grievances that ups could have had but got away with?
I had a pt sup that i caught working last night for the third straight night which i had giving warnings to for two straight nights. When i asked him to stop he told me to go friend### myself, he refused to give me his name, he was not wearing his id, and refused to get his ftime sup for me. Now this results in 4 grievance alone and he lost the respect of his work group when i put him in his place verbally in front of his employees.
Are these 4 grievance legit in your eyes? Could have a total of 5 still thinking about filing for impedding a stewards investigation!
The company and the employees did get a big win in negotitions now that an arbitrator has to be available if your panel deadlocks a case. I am certain this will force your local to stop deadlocking most cases and resolve them or your local will be forking over a heck of alot of money to an guys use to deadlock and make the poor employee wait indefinitely even when you knew the case was a loser and then drop the case right before it would go in front of the arbitrator. You would leave the employee out to you can't do that anymore!!......
This is a huge win for the union and the members because ups can no longer deadlock at panel, drag it out for 18 months and then offer you your job back as a time served suspension. Ups will save 100s of thousands of dollars in lost arbitration fees.
Of course you would like people to believe that the union is to blame for the dragged out arbitration process but everyone on here knows the truth.
oh and I see that if a driver gets D'qed in his probationary period the company is not obligated to bring them back for the entire life of the led me to believe that that not true.....but it have been sucessful to WORK IT OUT WITH MANAGEMENT TO GET SOME OF THEM BACK WITHIN A YEAR.....but management is not required to ablige.....correct???........if I'm wrong show me where its stated in your contract.