Teamsters Endorse OBAMA


From the promised LAND
Hey Dannyboy,

You publicly spanked yourself on bad punctuation and verbage. Learn the English language before you claim someone got spanked! Your spell check wasn't working?

now aint that jist a jest. pinheads throwing stones while living in glass houses.

I guess that means you use spellcheck, and still got it wrong? it their, not there btw

and like all good libs, when they cant win on the issues, they are reduced to name calling and personal attacks.

so by default of your actions, you show how weak your arguement is for obama.



More trolls are coming out......
Hows it going skankman where have you been?

I didn't understand your post. Why would sortaisle asking you to calm down elicit a troll and skankman response?


I don't recall the economy being in the total mess that Bush has left! If we get a Republican in office rest assure there will be more and more layoffs.

republicans tend to lessen tax rates to spur the growth of business which in turn creates jobs. why should I therefore rest assured that the opposite will happen?

Well, unless you are in the military. A draft for all the unemployed is what will be needed! Here we come Iran!

you think Osama would stay out of Iran if he believe they were generating nuclear weapons?

Sarah knows how to take down a moose and she will be testing her skills!

Brace yourself for World War numeral III!

If you're somehow trying to make a correlation to world war II then you are in fact endorsing the republican candidate. Osama will try to turn us isolationist. Isolationism and pacifism of hitler is what allowed germany to return as a military superpower. Osama will definitely be the guy to turn the other cheek and allow the next germany to run rampant.

Paid I've noticed that you never respond in detail to posts that challenge your lines of democratic propaganda. I'm wondering if you might be able to indulge us at some future time or if we can expect more of the broad paint brush displayed here.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Hoaxter has left the building. Is he getting an overdue haircut and shave?

Go for the shower too!:happy2:

What does this have to do with anything we are discussing? Why have you taken the low road to personally attack Hoaxster??

Have you had one too many while posting today?

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Livin the cardboard dream
Ok, I wanted to get a definition of what a "troll" is before I responded to this: "More trolls are coming out......"
Here is the definition of a troll that I found on Ubuntu
The definitive guide to Trolls.

In response to this thread I decided it was time to sit down and compile a clear definition of a troll followed by some examples, links and ways to deal with them. Please feel free to add your thoughts. I am not the original author of much of this material, in fact most of it is blatently borrowed from the sites linked at the bottom. I am merely the one who compiled the information for this thread.


An "Internet troll" or "Forum Troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Trolls delight in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war.

A classic troll tries to make us believe that he is a skeptic. He is divisive and argumentative with need-to-be-right attitude, "searching for the truth", flaming discussion, and sometimes insulting people or provoking people to insult him. A troll is usually an expert in reusing the same words of its opponents and in turning it against them.

While he tries to present himself as a skeptic looking for truth ... his messages usually sound as if it is the responsibility of other forum members to provide evidence that what forum is all about is legitimate.

He (and in at least 90% of cases it is he) tries to start arguments and upset people."

I don't see where I fit into this.


Well-Known Member
The worst trolls, don't know they're trolls. Hence, why paidslave called you one, not knowing he and mike are the ones trolling around.
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Nine Lives
Ok, I wanted to get a definition of what a "troll" is

An "Internet troll" or "Forum Troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Trolls delight in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war.

A classic troll tries to make us believe that he is a skeptic. He is divisive and argumentative with need-to-be-right attitude, "searching for the truth", flaming discussion, and sometimes insulting people or provoking people to insult him. A troll is usually an expert in reusing the same words of its opponents and in turning it against them.

While he tries to present himself as a skeptic looking for truth ... his messages usually sound as if it is the responsibility of other forum members to provide evidence that what forum is all about is legitimate.

He (and in at least 90% of cases it is he) tries to start arguments and upset people."

I don't see where I fit into this.

I find it hard to believe you did not make this up. This was obviously written to describe the behavior of Paidslave and Mikestrek.
You should be ashamed of this obvious attempt at "reverse Plagerism." :wink2:

--- Remember, ignoring them is an option. ---


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
First of all Teamsters endorsing Obama.
First word puts it in Labor, 2nd Obama puts it in current events.
While UPS discussions is the most read, it may be because people simply dont want to read about Labor Or current events. That is why they are separated. It is not a conspiracy to keep you from getting out your truth.
I sure hope Mike didnt leave because he thinks we buried his post.(s)
It was simply an organizational thing and I would have done it had not someone (Scratch) beat me to it as he is the most diligent.
It is very easy to get to any other subject, simply click on it.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
A classic troll tries to make us believe that he is a skeptic. He is divisive and argumentative with need-to-be-right attitude, "searching for the truth", flaming discussion, and sometimes insulting people or provoking people to insult him. A troll is usually an expert in reusing the same words of its opponents and in turning it against them.

While he tries to present himself as a skeptic looking for truth ... his messages usually sound as if it is the responsibility of other forum members to provide evidence that what forum is all about is legitimate.

He (and in at least 90% of cases it is he) tries to start arguments and upset people."

I don't see where I fit into this.

You dont.


Well-Known Member
If you're somehow trying to make a correlation to world war II then you are in fact endorsing the republican candidate. Osama will try to turn us isolationist. Isolationism and pacifism of hitler is what allowed germany to return as a military superpower. Osama will definitely be the guy to turn the other cheek and allow the next germany to run rampant.

Paid I've noticed that you never respond in detail to posts that challenge your lines of democratic propaganda. I'm wondering if you might be able to indulge us at some future time or if we can expect more of the broad paint brush displayed here.

Yes! Australia never had a problem. Let Europe worry about themselves! We cannot be policeman of the world without constant trouble!


Yes! Australia never had a problem. Let Europe worry about themselves! We cannot be policeman of the world without constant trouble!

Australia fought on our side during WWII? Following your advice got us pearl harbor. Declaring war on the Japanease after Pearly Harbor then resulted in Germany declaring war on us. Forgive me but I'm not following your logic here. Please elaborate.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Yes! Australia never had a problem. Let Europe worry about themselves! We cannot be policeman of the world without constant trouble!

I agree with you that we need to get others involved with defense systems to protect allied countries. We cannot do it alone. However, the first two statements are very ignorant.

We have entered a time when world trade and finance are so interconnected that a blip on the screen ripples around the world. American corporations are multi-national and heavily entrenched into countries with views other than our own, such as China.

We have strategic positions throughout the world that affect America in many ways, none more important then the security of our country.

You embody the naivete of the Obama supporters. The young voters will put this country into a tail spin we may not recover from.

We can best improve our position and become a stronger influence both home and abroad, by becoming energy independent and reducing ties to foreign financial streams as much as possible. Foreign investment in our country is as big a threat as an other this country faces.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why this elementary namecalling, off topic debate goes off the the deepend. I guess part of it is egos and part of it is remaining steadfast behind what your party tells you how to think. Then it snowballs with labels, sterotypes and ignorance. Teamsters for Obama agrees with Barack's philosophy for middleclass resusciatation to trickle from the bottom up, so the middle class increases economic growth thru increased employment and spending and security. McCain's philosophy is simply that of the last eight years with given big business the benefits with de-regulation and hope it trickles down to the middleclass. You see where that got us today, complete total and utter failure. If thats not enough reason for all hourly's to take heed lets not forget the history and relationship the republican party has with unions compared to the relationship with big business. Fred S successfully lobbied Mccain as a key supporter of the Federal Aviation Authorization bill to insert without a vote, extraordinary law back into the Railway Labor Act, preventing facility by facility organizing under the Nat'l Labor Relations Act.
Now our supervisors, managers and ceo of UPS should raise an eyebrow as well, with the 20 year relationship John mcCain has with Fed Ex ceo Fred S. The longstanding ties could even have Mr Smith as a member of McCain's administration such as Sec Of Transportation for example. If your as proud and loyal to your company as you claim to be with your country, I would most certainly consider Fed Ex CEO Fred S a threat and a conflict of interest if given such power buy supporting McCain. If it came down to any binding issues effecting the transpotation industry, you can bet it will become advantage Fed Ex with Fred/John at the helm. Put aside the hatred for unions for a moment and say to yourself "Company and security first, or political affiliations first". I suggest you talk the talk if you want to walk the walk, or were all those pcm's, lead sales generations and meetings concerning our competion a farce.