Well-Known Member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo
Obama's not my favorite (community organizer, wtf?), but he's got my vote, because I just really REALLY don't like Romney.
I live in MA and I went through 4 years of Romney as Governor.
He likes to say he didn't raise taxes in MA...literally true but a white lie nonetheless: he raised soooo many fees for so many things...basically the cost of being a citizen (licensing fees for professionals, registration and license fees for drivers, fees for lead poisoning tests (?), on and on and on).
He was basically running for President the whole time...this guy wants to be President so bad he's wetting himself.
He's a chameleon in terms of what he'll say in order to get votes in this current election.
What amuses me is all the 'right'-leaning members on this forum are rallying behind Romney, reiterating his talking points, when in fact Romney isn't ideological at all and is in reality more of a moderate...he moved MAD right to win the nomination, and now he's moving back to the center to try and win the election.
The truth is, if Romney gets elected, he'll be much like the Governor he was in MA. He's running a con-game on the Republican base about where his fervor lies. In fact, he's Pro-Choice, could care less about guns one way or another, likely won't repeal the Affordable Care Act, on and on and on.
He's selling the voters a bill of goods he has no ability to satisfy (sounds a lot like 'Hope and Change' to me).
Romney will say whatever it takes to whichever audience he's addressing if he thinks it will gain him votes, even if it means contradicting himself repeatedly...he's choosing to believe that most people go for style over substance, and that it's a shell-game that he can win if he just mollifies each and every constituency group, even if he says a different thing on Wednesday than he did on Tuesday.
I'm not that into Obama. I'm not sure he's quite qualified for the job. Obama's not a Reagan or a Clinton, he's just...Obama. If this is even possible, I think he's just too smart for the job. I think he's too calculating. There's absolutely no John Wayne in Obama, and I think every President needs to embrace a little John Wayne (p.s. how many of you know that JW's real name was Marion Mitchell Morrison?)
Point being: I REALLY DON'T LIKE MITT ROMNEY, so I'll vote for Obama.
Obama's not my favorite (community organizer, wtf?), but he's got my vote, because I just really REALLY don't like Romney.
I live in MA and I went through 4 years of Romney as Governor.
He likes to say he didn't raise taxes in MA...literally true but a white lie nonetheless: he raised soooo many fees for so many things...basically the cost of being a citizen (licensing fees for professionals, registration and license fees for drivers, fees for lead poisoning tests (?), on and on and on).
He was basically running for President the whole time...this guy wants to be President so bad he's wetting himself.
He's a chameleon in terms of what he'll say in order to get votes in this current election.
What amuses me is all the 'right'-leaning members on this forum are rallying behind Romney, reiterating his talking points, when in fact Romney isn't ideological at all and is in reality more of a moderate...he moved MAD right to win the nomination, and now he's moving back to the center to try and win the election.
The truth is, if Romney gets elected, he'll be much like the Governor he was in MA. He's running a con-game on the Republican base about where his fervor lies. In fact, he's Pro-Choice, could care less about guns one way or another, likely won't repeal the Affordable Care Act, on and on and on.
He's selling the voters a bill of goods he has no ability to satisfy (sounds a lot like 'Hope and Change' to me).
Romney will say whatever it takes to whichever audience he's addressing if he thinks it will gain him votes, even if it means contradicting himself repeatedly...he's choosing to believe that most people go for style over substance, and that it's a shell-game that he can win if he just mollifies each and every constituency group, even if he says a different thing on Wednesday than he did on Tuesday.
I'm not that into Obama. I'm not sure he's quite qualified for the job. Obama's not a Reagan or a Clinton, he's just...Obama. If this is even possible, I think he's just too smart for the job. I think he's too calculating. There's absolutely no John Wayne in Obama, and I think every President needs to embrace a little John Wayne (p.s. how many of you know that JW's real name was Marion Mitchell Morrison?)
Point being: I REALLY DON'T LIKE MITT ROMNEY, so I'll vote for Obama.