Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting for?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
George Bush set us back at least 20 years and you guys expect Obama to have it all fixed in 4 years. Keep smoking those blunts. Why you are at it pour some out for your dead republican homies.

So the fact that Mr UHHHHH has spent more money than any president before him combined has nothing to do with the situation we are in? So if Bush set us back 20 years how many years did BO put us back?

Mr uhhh I like it my wife watched the debate and knows nothing about either man. First thing she said was wow he says uhhhh a ton.


Well-Known Member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

Yeah they already did an UH count from the other night and I think it was over 200 Uh's lol


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

Who cares u want him to pay more because he was either smarter or worker harder than you to make more money. Let me guess when you were a kid and u went trick or treating with your brothers and even though you quit after an hour and they kept going all night your mommy made them give u an equal share because they could afford to lose more. A flat tax is fair anything else is punishing high income earners.

Yeah, trick or treating, that explains the world economy in a nutshell. Glad you straightened me out, Go Romney! Yeah, the world is fixed!!


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

You go right ahead and vote for someone that wants to take any and every God given right that you have away. Lets just vote for a dictator. Thats seems to be what everybody in this country wants. Lets have someone tell you what you are going to be when you get out of school, who you are going to marry, how many children you are allowed to have, and how much food you are allowed for the week. To many people are to freakin lazy to get off their own DUFFS and go out and make decisions for themselves....Remember the night Obama was elected. There was some black woman they interviewed on one of the news channels. "OH IM SO HAPPY HE GOT INTO OFFICE ALL OUR PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED. WE NO LONGER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT MONEY." Uneducated idiots that dont know anything about anything other than sitting around doing nothing and finding the next loophole to exploit to somehow get a free handout.

Son, I'm a Atheist, so God gives me no rights, and if you ask me, he gives you no rights either. So, according your brilliant analysis, a vote for Obama is a vote for dictatorship, is that, um, correct? OK, that sounds, um, reasonable, I guess, if science fiction is your reality. Uh, when did China become your reality, son? I don't want to give you advice, but my first statement, would be to turn off the zany talk radio. Yeah, our country is buried in welfare queens. No, we are not mired in war, in debt, not in a political quagmire, we are buried in a AM radio fantasy talk. Does your wife even talk to you?

Any President is elected....are our problems solved? Man, it's hard to jump start where your hallucinations start and where they end. But when a Democrat is in power, is sure is easy to aim the blame. Funny, when a Republican is in power, your aim gets fu-uh-uzzy....


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

I understand the peoples views who are in unions but here is some thoughts. I agree Bush wasnt worth a crap but heres the thing. All of you people who think that OBAMA is somehow going to strengthen the union you are living a pipe dream. How is losing jobs EVER going to strengthen a union? A union is ONLY as strong as the members it has. You cut jobs guess what you your unions get weaker, along with the economy. You lose jobs- WE lose shippers, we lose shippers we lose MONEY bottom line. Under the taxes that BO has put into effect look at how many small business have folded in the last 4 years. We CANT keep losing jobs, and small businesses at the rate we are and remain the country we want to be. Im not saying Romney is the ticket, but I AM saying this country will not be able to tolerate another 4 years of what this clown and his goons have done in office.

Please, sir, name five businesses that folded in the last four years, that wouldn't have folded because of the Bush policies...Please speak up, sir.....

Here is your reality: if John McCain and Caribou Barbie would have been elected, the Republican party would have been set back 50 years. Why? Because the results would have been no different from Obama's policies. Only difference? The disaster would have nothing to do with the blame master, Obama. It would be a Republican problem, check, mate and squared.

And everything bad now, would have a GOP daddy.

And all of these tough guys would have nothing to say about the way the country is RIGHT NOW. Because nothing would be different right now, then it would be if a Republican administration was in power, right now,

Those are the facts, poppa.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

I find it rather strange that we as UPS drivers, people who bust our ANUS' "for lack of a better word" are OK with the thought of redistribution of wealth. I work to provde for myself, my family and our well being! I DO NOT work to pay for some lazy bum who lives in the slum and refuses to do anything but sell drugs...just making a comparison with that statement. For someone in office to sit there and talk about sharing wealth REGARDLESS of their policitcal party, and REGARDLESS that I am in a union,,,I have to say that person is a socialistic maroon and I want nothing to do with them.

Take peoples money, tax them out the wazoo, try to take their guns, raise the prices on FUEL, raise the prices on food and GUESS WHAT! All of those things I just spoke of means YOU have NO power! Thats what it ALL boils down to. People in this country are so OK with wanting larger, bigger government and I say SCREW THAT!

So let's get this straight, Obama raised the prices on fuel and groceries, took your money and stole your guns? Did I miss something? I still have my guns. Groceries are still about the same prices as they've always been, gas prices jump up, they jump down, and I don't see Obama's pictures on the prices when I shop in COSTCO.

Am I missing something that your paranoia picked up on?

Let me know, Mel Gibson....


golden ticket member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

So let's get this straight, Obama raised the prices on fuel and groceries, took your money and stole your guns? Did I miss something? I still have my guns. Groceries are still about the same prices as they've always been, gas prices jump up, they jump down, and I don't see Obama's pictures on the prices when I shop in COSTCO.

Am I missing something that your paranoia picked up on?

Let me know, Mel Gibson....

You apparently are not the grocery shopper. Prices have skyrocketed for groceries..........dreaming? I'm there daily!!
Gas prices are over $4 here.....I remember under $2 before........dreaming? Paranoid?

I have guns, but havent added to them.....with all this paranoia, I probably should.

Not everybody likes's best only if you like 4 lb. bags of M&Ms. Must be, becauseI used to pay for the privelege of walking in there and always coming home with stuff I didn't need!!!


Strength through joy
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

BrownArmy ,
So Romney raised fees in Massachusetts.
Big deal.
Have any of the other Ma governors since Romney cut those same fees ?


Strength through joy
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

Mitt Romney scams the system with his tax breaks. Mother friend*er paid 14% taxes out of 30 million I paid 30%. WTF

Blame the tax system , not the man .
Income rates & investment rates are taxed differently .


Well-Known Member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

Have any of the other MA governors since Romney cut those same fees ?

User fees and taxes, while similar, are not the same. I prefer the former over the latter, which is why I am a huge fan of the Fair Tax. You don't want to pay a 23% sales tax don't buy that new car. (Can you imagine paying $4,600 just in tax on a $20K car??) Give me my full paycheck and let me decide how to spend it.


Well-Known Member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

Blame the tax system , not the man .
Income rates & investment rates are taxed differently .

My effective tax rate was about 15%---does this mean that I scam the system or could it be that I am playing by their rules?


Strength through joy
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

George Bush set us back at least 20 years and you guys expect Obama to have it all fixed in 4 years. Keep smoking those blunts. Why you are at it pour some out for your dead republican homies.

bhos spends more time traveling , playing golf & raising the debt limit than any other holder of his current office.
Oh, don't forget this country's bond rating was dropped under his watch , another first.
And you have BDS .


Strength through joy
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

User fees and taxes, while similar, are not the same. I prefer the former over the latter, which is why I am a huge fan of the Fair Tax. You don't want to pay a 23% sales tax don't buy that new car. (Can you imagine paying $4,600 just in tax on a $20K car??) Give me my full paycheck and let me decide how to spend it.

Try Brazil , 100% tax on new vehicles.


Well-Known Member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

User fees and taxes, while similar, are not the same. I prefer the former over the latter, which is why I am a huge fan of the Fair Tax. You don't want to pay a 23% sales tax don't buy that new car. (Can you imagine paying $4,600 just in tax on a $20K car??) Give me my full paycheck and let me decide how to spend it.

Actually, according to the Fair Tax theory, that $4600 in taxes is already there and if the FT worked as planned, it would strip out those taxes from the price you pay now. It essentially would make the hidden taxation buried in the price of goods and services transparent so that you see it at the point of purchase. This also would allow each of us to truly understand the actual cost burden that gov't is and then whether that cost burden is worth it or that we get our money's worth out of it.

The idea is great. From the POV of transparency, what's not to like so to speak. But with the FT there are other issues both pro and con which have been debated here so no need to rehash.


Strength through joy
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

News flash....
France imposes 75% income tax.
Billionaires flee country taking their money with them.

want to retire

Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

Son, I'm a Atheist, so God gives me no rights, and if you ask me, he gives you no rights either. So, according your brilliant analysis, a vote for Obama is a vote for dictatorship, is that, um, correct? OK, that sounds, um, reasonable, I guess, if science fiction is your reality. Uh, when did China become your reality, son? I don't want to give you advice, but my first statement, would be to turn off the zany talk radio. Yeah, our country is buried in welfare queens. No, we are not mired in war, in debt, not in a political quagmire, we are buried in a AM radio fantasy talk. Does your wife even talk to you?

Any President is elected....are our problems solved? Man, it's hard to jump start where your hallucinations start and where they end. But when a Democrat is in power, is sure is easy to aim the blame. Funny, when a Republican is in power, your aim gets fu-uh-uzzy....

I cannot change your mind or internet toughguy 407 steward. Yellowdog democrats. However, I encourage you to take a a little peek behind the curtain of your party. Take a thorough look at Obama. Look at at who he hangs out with. I won't go into it all. Forget all the AM radio stuff. YOU check it out. Look who caucus's with your party. If they are commie, socialist, far far left-wing....they're there. Just facts. As anti-American as they come. Anti-business, prosperity, commie, socialistic. Not AM radio stuff. It's all in plain sight. They don't hide it whatsoever. Without a better way to say it......anti-American. You? look in the mirror. Do you caucus Democrat? If you're one of em. Guilt by association? You bet. Have I said anything untrue? Look around. Who do you hang out with? Who do you vote for?


bella amicizia
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

I cannot change your mind or internet toughguy 407 steward. Yellowdog democrats. However, I encourage you to take a a little peek behind the curtain of your party. Take a thorough look at Obama. Look at at who he hangs out with. I won't go into it all. Forget all the AM radio stuff. YOU check it out. Look who caucus's with your party. If they are commie, socialist, far far left-wing....they're there. Just facts. As anti-American as they come. Anti-business, prosperity, commie, socialistic. Not AM radio stuff. It's all in plain sight. They don't hide it whatsoever. Without a better way to say it......anti-American. You? look in the mirror. Do you caucus Democrat? If you're one of em. Guilt by association? You bet. Have I said anything untrue? Look around. Who do you hang out with? Who do you vote for?
Most politicians have slimy connections somewhere. Cheney is vile and evil in his own right. Opening those curtains on both sides would be interesting, to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

Son, I'm a Atheist, so God gives me no rights, and if you ask me, he gives you no rights either. So, according your brilliant analysis, a vote for Obama is a vote for dictatorship, is that, um, correct? OK, that sounds, um, reasonable, I guess, if science fiction is your reality. Uh, when did China become your reality, son? I don't want to give you advice, but my first statement, would be to turn off the zany talk radio. Yeah, our country is buried in welfare queens. No, we are not mired in war, in debt, not in a political quagmire, we are buried in a AM radio fantasy talk. Does your wife even talk to you?

Any President is elected....are our problems solved? Man, it's hard to jump start where your hallucinations start and where they end. But when a Democrat is in power, is sure is easy to aim the blame. Funny, when a Republican is in power, your aim gets fu-uh-uzzy....

First thing is first-Im not your son. Secondly am I a Christian? Absolutely-and I say that proudly even if I stand alone in doing so. God gives me no rights? Im sorry but I disagree with you 110%. You are an athiest and you accuse me of having hallucinations? When did I say that McCain was the answer? I do however believe he was the less of the two evils. AM radio really? I cant stand AM radio, and I never listen to it. The media is mostly liberal and you can argue that all you want but it is what it is.

When did I say that electing a president is going to fix our problems? I based everything I said on the PEOPLE, maybe you should read just a little bit more before you start spewing sewage. When a Democrat is in power it sure is easy to blame? Funny when a Dem is in power its always the guys before fault. Obama is a joke plain and simple.

If you want to make this a faith debate thats fine with me. Tell me something, if you are an athiest, what do you really believe in then? How did we come into existence? You believe the whole big bang, rock water sewage that sprouted up life?

want to retire

Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

Most politicians have slimy connections somewhere. Cheney is vile and evil in his own right. Opening those curtains on both sides would be interesting, to say the least.

OK. You seem like a nice person. Interesting. But, you just called commie, socialist , liberals, Democrats slimy. Yet, Cheney is vile and evil. Interesting...yes? OK. Back to you....if you vote Democrat, you vote commie, socialist, liberal. Don't like those labels? Not you? If you vote Democrat....that's you(in effect). Are you really like that?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

To all of you liberals that are are just oozing with jealousy because of Romney's 14% tax rate....get over it! I'll be the first to admit how terrible I am with math but last time I checked 14% of $30 million is a hell of a lot more than whatever percentage us drivers are paying. I currently pay around 12% but even if i was paying 30% its nowhere near the dollar amount Mitt pays. You cant just look at the percentages. He is paying out the ass and gave more money away last year than all of us combined will ever dish out. So he, as well as most rich people, indeed pay their fair share. And then some. And like Paull Ryan said....Congress could tax every rich person to death and its still not enough to cover their expenses.

You liberals would know all of this if you weren't so blinded by jealousy. And being a teamster drone isn't helping you any either. I mean its not like you'll get any of this logic that I have just bestowed upon you in Teamster magazine. Rich people aren't the problem. Neither is their tax rates. Ronald Reagan said it best when he said "The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much."