Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting for?


golden ticket member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

To all of you liberals that are are just oozing with jealousy because of Romney's 14% tax rate....get over it! I'll be the first to admit how terrible I am with math but last time I checked 14% of $30 million is a hell of a lot more than whatever percentage us drivers are paying. I currently pay around 12% but even if i was paying 30% its nowhere near the dollar amount Mitt pays. You cant just look at the percentages. He is paying out the ass and gave more money away last year than all of us combined will ever dish out. So he, as well as most rich people, indeed pay their fair share. And then some. And like Paull Ryan said....Congress could tax every rich person to death and its still not enough to cover their expenses. You liberals would know all of this if you weren't so blinded by jealousy. And being a teamster drone isn't helping you any either. I mean its not like you'll get any of this logic that I have just bestowed upon you in Teamster magazine.
People forget, he paid a tax when he earned it the first, he pays the lesser amount because most of his money is from dividends.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

People forget, he paid a tax when he earned it the first, he pays the lesser amount because most of his money is from dividends.

Doesn't matter. He is rich and that's all they care about. Pure jealousy. Never mind the fact that Obama and the rest of the neo-commies they elect are sitting pretty on top of the pay scale as well.


golden ticket member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

Romney is required by his church to give at leat 10% to remain "in good standing" plus other stuff. For him it's a ton of $$$$$$$$$$

Check cheapskate Biden's charitable.


Nine Lives
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

Check cheapskate Biden's charitable.

As with most liberals and Democrats, they are only charitable with other people's money.

This is a relationship I have noticed over the years.

I believe the fundamental reason is that they think the government should control who gets the "charity" rather than the individual deciding.

It's not that they don't care, it's the point of distribution ... therefore, they believe in higher taxes and redistribution to the least from the most by the authority of the National Government.

I don't happen to agree with them but I do believe in "charity".


Staff member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

So things like MedicAid and foodstamps can and should be paid out of charitable contributions? Or eliminated?


Well-Known Member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

So things like MedicAid and foodstamps can and should be paid out of charitable contributions? Or eliminated?

Whats wrong with making them sustainable?


Well-Known Member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

Son, I'm a Atheist, so God gives me no rights, and if you ask me, he gives you no rights either. So, according your brilliant analysis, a vote for Obama is a vote for dictatorship, is that, um, correct? OK, that sounds, um, reasonable, I guess, if science fiction is your reality. Uh, when did China become your reality, son? I don't want to give you advice, but my first statement, would be to turn off the zany talk radio. Yeah, our country is buried in welfare queens. No, we are not mired in war, in debt, not in a political quagmire, we are buried in a AM radio fantasy talk. Does your wife even talk to you?

Any President is elected....are our problems solved? Man, it's hard to jump start where your hallucinations start and where they end. But when a Democrat is in power, is sure is easy to aim the blame. Funny, when a Republican is in power, your aim gets fu-uh-uzzy....

If rights are an illusion of god, then one has to say that gov't is an equal illusion because western tradition is that gov't is of god.

If you are atheist, why do you still hold onto half of the religion illusion?


Nine Lives
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

So things like MedicAid and foodstamps can and should be paid out of charitable contributions? Or eliminated?

They are charity from taxpayers via the Government.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

- I don't want you visiting my doctors office so I have to wait in-line !

You already wait in line for the doctor...your a Canadian.

BS meter.jpg

BS meter.jpg


golden ticket member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

They are charity from taxpayers via the Government.

A long time ago....the various churches of various faiths took care of the area "poor" , not the government

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

i agree,i'm being a selfish prick. Thanx for your input. I'll vote in November for my 'Country' to strenghthen the one percenters hold on my country even more..................jeez the stuff the right wingers spout

Jeeesh...the crap the Loony Left spew...


Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

Any President is elected....are our problems solved? Man, it's hard to jump start where your hallucinations start and where they end. But when a Democrat is in power, is sure is easy to aim the blame. Funny, when a Republican is in power, your aim gets fu-uh-uzzy....



golden ticket member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

As far as the Teamster Magazine.....they own it and can put anything they want........however, regarding your vote.....You own it and can do whatever you want with it!!


no one considers UPS people."real" Teamsters.-BUG
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

the simple fact is that the elite caused the 2008 crash than hurt the entire world.

due to this they need to suffer greatly. because while everyone else went broke these guys walked away with 40 million dollar bonuses...

and you know the ring leaders who caused this, and you want another as president??? Romney's motto should be money over country


Well-Known Member
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo

Ronald Reagan said it best when he said "The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much."

Well, let's look at actual results so we can all enjoy how much Reagan cuts gov't spending and made the world all perfect again.

Total Federal Receipts $599 billion
Total Federal Outlays $678 billion

Total Federal Receipts $618 billion
Total Federal Outlays $746 billion

Total Federal Receipts $601 billion
Total Federal Outlays $808 billion

Total Federal Receipts $666 billion
Total Federal Outlays $852 billion

Total Federal Receipts $734 billion
Total Federal Outlays $946 billion

Total Federal Receipts $769 billion
Total Federal Outlays $990 billion

Total Federal Receipts $854 billion
Total Federal Outlays $1.0 trillion

Total Federal Receipts $909 billion
Total Federal Outlays $1.06 trillion

So government spending in the the 8 years of Reagan was cut by 63%? Smug and sarcasm are understatements.

Federal Receipts went up in the same period 65% so can we extrapolate that the 2% difference in receipts and outlays was the basis for the spending cuts claim? I mean no where else can one twist these numbers to mean a cut in spending ever took place.

If you use that logic, Jimmy Carter only raised spending by a whooping 1% and he's the measure of socialism upon whom all else are measured? We also can say that Reagan grew gov't as measured by spending 63% larger than what Carter did yet we rail Carter as socialist and Reagan as Captain America?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Re: Teamsters magazine cover "If Mitt Romney wins, we all lose" Who are you voting fo


Arithmetic is not the favorite weapon of the American Taliban.