Teamsters to STRIKE UPS coming soon.


Well-Known Member
No, they are all guaranteed 40 hours. The double time is going to curb the over 60 hour weeks during peak. the 22.4 will get people under 9.5. You are just to ignorant to see it.

You wish. We only have 3 new-hires doing their 30 in-building days before they're qualified to do their 30-45 days on-road to wualify as a driver. There's huge staff issues because the PT workers see how drivers are treated and the dispatch loads.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
You wish. We only have 3 new-hires doing their 30 in-building days before they're qualified to do their 30-45 days on-road to wualify as a driver. There's huge staff issues because the PT workers see how drivers are treated and the dispatch loads.
There is your problem. I don't know of anywhere in the country who has a 45 day qualifying period. You obviously have a very weak local. Call the IBT if that stuff is going on.

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
The questionnaire was the contract proposal meeting that you were supposed to go to. You obviously missed it, as you had more important stuff to do in July.
I personally spoke with the President of our local, as did many other drivers. We all asked him why we did not receive the contract questionnaire. His reply was “you didn’t?” He never said anything about a meeting at the union hall, and he had the chance to say that to our face. Maybe that’s what they did in your local, but it didn’t go down like that here.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
I personally spoke with the President of our local, as did many other drivers. We all asked him why we did not receive the contract questionnaire. His reply was “you didn’t?” He never said anything about a meeting at the union hall, and he had the chance to say that to our face. Maybe that’s what they did in your local, but it didn’t go down like that here.
Call the IBT and tell them there was no Proposal meeting. That is unacceptable.


Well-Known Member
No, I got you a lot of money. It wasn't good enough, so lets strike them and see what they come up with when we shut them down.

Then try me. Vote No

1) Money is not the answer to everything. If it were, there would be no such thing as the 9.5 list, nor would people be complaining about so much OT or 70 hour work weeks during Christmas. There are many other issues at hand in the language of this contract.

2) As much as you seem to know, or tell us that you do, you clearly are missing the point from most people and over-reacting. We don't want a strike any more than the company does. What we want is the language to be better than what the currently proposed contract states.

Furthermore, as I am quite sure you are well aware of, it is a multi-step process to even get to walking the line. The first step is for the membership to vote NO and ask for better language in more then a few areas of the contract.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
1) Money is not the answer to everything. If it were, there would be no such thing as the 9.5 list, nor would people be complaining about so much OT or 70 hour work weeks during Christmas. There are many other issues at hand in the language of this contract.

2) As much as you seem to know, or tell us that you do, you clearly are missing the point from most people and over-reacting. We don't want a strike any more than the company does. What we want is the language to be better than what the currently proposed contract states.

Furthermore, as I am quite sure you are well aware of, it is a multi-step process to even get to walking the line. The first step is for the membership to vote NO and ask for better language in more then a few areas of the contract.
Actually its a lot easier than that. You authorized a strike and if you vote this one down and the Company says this is their last best and final offer you are in strike mode. It's actually just that easy.


Inordinately Right
Actually its a lot easier than that. You authorized a strike and if you vote this one down and the Company says this is their last best and final offer you are in strike mode. It's actually just that easy.
They are slaves to the shareholders.
This isn't 1997.
They can not afford a strike.
We hold the cards.
That's why they're so :censored2:ing terrified with these teleconference phone calls and contract impact garbage.

Tony Q

Well-Known Member
They are slaves to the shareholders.
This isn't 1997.
They can not afford a strike.
We hold the cards.
That's why they're so :censored2:ing terrified with these teleconference phone calls and contract impact garbage.
Whatever you think. They want the general public to blame you and Unions in general. This will be their last best and final offer.
Whatever you think. They want the general public to blame you and Unions in general. This will be their last best and final offer.

That’s old news. They wanted the public to blame us last contact if it didn’t pass. IMO it is worth it for us to stand up to them and BBQ or have the 9.5 auto paid due to this new second class driver. On a side note the company does not care about paying triple time what makes you think they will care about double time after 60? You should have just said we are not working more than 60 hours a week.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
I cant wait till you are wrong. They will let the stuff pile up. You will look like such a dick to your customers when it hits the media what you make. Its coming. Have fun expecting your customers to help you out. They will be like 37 an hour and you get a pension and don't pay for healthcare, do it yourself.
You sound exactly like my boss! Wow!


Well-Known Member
You are right. They should all make time and a half on Saturday and double time on Sunday. Vote no unless its Time and a half and double time. Vote it down. Ready to strike, like tomorrow.
I didnt say anything about time and half or double time for weekends. I'm saying pay them a regular full time driver's rate.


File! File! File!
No, I got you a lot of money. It wasn't good enough, so lets strike them and see what they come up with when we shut them down.
I live in an area that is a lower cost of living so im not gonna argue that thiers a lot of money there for a guy like me, but thats all i see. In my opinion the old contract has a lot of money in it for me.
My no vote at this time is based on preload wages.
Weak article 37 language.
Possibly weak 9.5 language for hubs not implementing 22.4 "mostly supplemental"
All tech discipline is a big problem
And I feel like the 22.4 language is to vague and could easily be abused

These seem to me like they could easily be improved without having to strike.

The central could have done some work with these but they didnt.


Turd Polishing Expert
I thought pension increases, wage increases, Healthcare increases, and Double time after 60 hours on a Dot law was good. I though a way to make RCPD's to get off earlier while GRANDFATHERING 65,000 package car jobs with a red circle and 5,000 more 22.3 and 22.4 jobs with 3,000 new Feeder sleeper teams as well as a whole host of other things was a good contract. I was wrong so now I want to go on strike over it. You wouldn't know a good contract if it hit you in the eye. Now its time to vote it down an inevitably go on STRIKE. I'm in, are you?
Yep, I'm in.


Turd Polishing Expert
Drivers being the only ones with protection from technology is a no go and the "when work is available" clause is another definite no go. That wording has to be removed.