Is it just me or do you believe that the Teamster brass are part of the Obama administration? Hoffa and his crew are no better than politicians, do they care to take care of us(membership) or to advance themselves. What in the world does the Teamsters do with our dues? Allow me to take a shot at answering, our dues go directly to the democrate party. Am I the only one that takes great offense to this. The democrate party has nothing I or a whole lot of my union bros. believe in. I for one am totally ashamed that Teamster brass continues to go along with Obama and his left wing radical cronies that are trying to destroy America. They (Hoffa) say that health care is essential to America, then they ask for a waiver. Allowing political correctness to run our country and union, what a sham. The whole aspect of the union is a ponzi scheme. Seeing the public sector unions in Wisconsin scream bloody murder and want more of my tax money, so they can pay union dues which go right to Obama the community organiser. Our country needs right to work laws, this will give people who don't want to work in a union the RIGHT to say NO, instead of being forced to be in a union that we don't believe in politically speaking. I for one detest the teamsters for putting my union dues towards a political group I despise, which is the party of our fearless tail between the legs President, Obama. In closing I would like the Teamsters be de-certified as our union.
Hardly sir, I've worked here 28 years and have come to learn that the lemmings(progressive liberals) need and want to be lead. You are lead by the union because you can't seem to think for yourself. You need the union to tell you to vote for Obama, he has ruined our country and way of life. Yet the fat cat union bosses live in the lap of luxury, off our dues, and what do we get from the union in return? We have to work like hell to keep our jobs, do the union brass? Union brass is corrupt as the U.S. politician, do you honestly believe either one cares a rats bootie about us the folks who produce? These two are one and only care about how little they can do, how much power they can acquire, and how many bucks of ours they can shove in their pockets. Now if you say this is why you believe in the union and demarcate party i really think your about to follow the herd of lemmings off the cliff. However remember the politicals and union brass aren't man enough to go with you, so they will step aside at the last moment. If really need to be lead through life than go for the union and demacrates, me I'll do and think whats best for my family and me.
Let me guess: you think President Obama is a foreign-born Muslim antichrist.
The Unions need improvement. As members of our union, as Teamsters, it is our responsibility to hold our elected officials accountable, just like in government. But you have so little respect for the organization that has historically won big concessions for you you'd rather wallow around and whine than read the yearly expenditure report. My BA and local president are definitely not getting rich off of my dues, and every time I have asked for help they have obliged.
I for one agree with right-to-work legislature. I also believe that if you opt out of the union you should not benefit from union-won concessions, including higher wages. There is a possibility that our company will convert to a two-tiered pay system in 2013. As an independent worker you should be placed at that lower tier. In my area it will be a little over half what I make but you can still consider yourself well-paid as a laborer. Nobody in this country besides the Teamsters really believes we are worth what we are paid anyway. Without the union pay will eventually be a single tier again, the lower one.
Living in such a state now, I see that management can be fired for any reason, or for no reason. Declining union representation would mean the same for you and since seniority is agreed upon in the contract you better pucker up if you really h82looz.
Without the Teamsters this would not have become the great company that it is. Without the Teamsters our pay will be comparable to the rest of the sorely underpaid industry.
I'd bet a month's dues (mine are higher than yours) you weren't bashing them in 1997. After 28 years you have used them for all you can get, and now, much like over-indulgent wealthy conservatives would like to decrease government constraints, you don't care about who comes after you as long as you get what you believe you're entitled to.
Think again about who the lemming is. You haven't written anything that isn't typical tea bag rhetoric.
Good people of the Teamsters unite and help our president and his administration Organize America! The rest of you just stay on that backward-spinning merry-go-round. I am extremely proud to be a "progressive liberal." Y'all just keep your pride as regressive conservatives.
Btw we produce nothing. We move things others produce from point a to point b.