Tentative agreement



Well-Known Member
Oh I understand, But you think your average college kids cares? Free beer money, they could careless if they are selling us out. All UPS needs is to get PT to vote and us Full-Timers are totally screwed.
Isn't it funny how most of the full-timers blame the part-timers' lack of representation on the fact that they don't vote, and then when the company makes a proposal that at least a decent amount of part-timers would jump on (22.4 jobs) and are offered a bonus (assuming that'll actually happen) it's called "selling out" when full-timers have been selling out the part-timers for years on end by passing through :censored2:ty contracts without a second thought to how it affects their part-time brothers and sisters? Seriously ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
$4.15 over 5 years is reason alone to vote it down. We need around $5.50 just to keep up with inflation. We're losing ground here. Union trades all pay around $50/hr here. Take sub inflation raises long enough, and someday we'll all be making minimum wage. When's the last time we got a raise? A real raise?


Utter BS. Time to clean house and put people in office that put our interest first. Slap in the face for making record profits. VOTE NO


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You’ll have to grieve for every cent. But do t worry, your FT driving will be eleminated soon.
We seriously have to come together and vote this down big time.

Their answer to excessive OT and weekend work was create a second class of driver that gets paid LESS!!!!

Seriously how disconnected is the IBT from its membership.