Tentative agreement


Well-Known Member
The wording is confusing. Does the start rate actually go up every year meaning that if someone starts in 2022 they will start at $15.50? Or are those yearly raises for currents and the start rate stays $13 for the contract.


We need people that know what we go thru everyday working at UPS negotiating our contracts, not this idiots that negotiate our contract along side UPS Freight.


Well-Known Member
Lol i dont think it would. Most pters at least where im at could care less about driving, dont know anything about the contract, dont grieve.

Do your part timers realize they are part of the CBA? Are you even aware of it?

Dangle $15 an hour starting pay, with catchup raises and a $1000 bonus, I guarantee you they vote. Did you notice nothing I said had anything to do with drivers?

Frankie's Friend

$4.15 over 5 years
They set up the pt timers to vote for it (like the company balked at giving up an extra $3 per hr when all along they knew they needed it to retain employees) and have now dragged it out to the very end to offer this?!


Bring those guys to the building to sell their propped up junk.

Frankie's Friend

Isn't it funny how most of the full-timers blame the part-timers' lack of representation on the fact that they don't vote, and then when the company makes a proposal that at least a decent amount of part-timers would jump on (22.4 jobs) and are offered a bonus (assuming that'll actually happen) it's called "selling out" when full-timers have been selling out the part-timers for years on end by passing through :censored2:ty contracts without a second thought to how it affects their part-time brothers and sisters? Seriously ridiculous.
Shut up.
See you on the other side of the strike line.
Shirt troll .